Comments on: August 2013 Special Board Meeting Minutes Representing the Eastside Neighborhood of Olympia, Washington Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:17:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Whitney Bowerman Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:17:39 +0000 Mark,

You did an excellent job of trying to explain things to these folks. They simply weren’t present to listen, only to be angry. It was a no-win situation for all involved. And as attacked I felt, there is purpose in stepping back and knowing this outburst wasn’t about me but rather about them being unhappy and lacking the appropriate skills to effectively talk or do something about where they are at and what they are feeling. Hopefully anyone concerned about the ENA has read the numerous recent posts that reflect the neutral stance the ENA has taken, and/or attended the Monday August 19 forum where I had the opportunity to clarify for attendees that the ENA has remained neutral on the issue of the shelter.

By: Mark Foutch Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:45:36 +0000 Thanks to Brad for stepping up. We’re very reassured to see in the minutes the very organized way the Board is responding to the current hot issue and Luke’s resignation.

Ref. newsletter distribution routes, this might not be an issue any more but “in my day” it was hard to deliver to individual units in apartment complexes. It’s really great to have NextDoorENA which can help to make up for that.

While I wish our last minute visitors at the picnic had been less obstreperous, at least they came and at least we know our communications are getting out. I also wish I’d been able to organize my thoughts better to try to respond but I did not recover quickly enough from their verbal assault. It’s clear they have had a lot of problems in their lives and are very angry. We did not do a good job of clarifying that ENA as an organization had taken no position on the low barrier shelter. They complained that “you don’t represent us,” assuming ENA had taken a position. If I saw them again I’d be better able to explain some things like how our neighborhood has helped with homeless issues over the years.

