Emergency Preparedness – Eastside Neighborhood Association https://eastside-olympia.org Representing the Eastside Neighborhood of Olympia, Washington Wed, 10 May 2023 23:08:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/eastside-olympia.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/cropped-ENAicon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Emergency Preparedness – Eastside Neighborhood Association https://eastside-olympia.org 32 32 186885332 Emergency Preparedness https://eastside-olympia.org/emergency-preparedness/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:50:19 +0000 https://eastside-olympia.org/?p=2756 THe ENA hosted an Emergency Preparedeness Discussion with help from Thurston County. If you missed it here is the presentation as a PDF.

Emergency Preparedness Discussion https://eastside-olympia.org/emergency-preparedness-discussion/ Mon, 13 Mar 2023 01:02:50 +0000 https://eastside-olympia.org/?p=2726 (more...)]]> Note: If you missed the meeting, Cherie (the presenter) was kind enough to share the presentation. You can find it by clicking here.

Join us at the ENA Community Clubhouse at the Swantown Inn on Monday March 27 for a discussion about Emergency Preparedness. Cherie Carey, Thurston County Emergency Management Coordinator will join us and lead a discussion about what you can do to get your home and family ready should our area experience an event that disrupts normal community services.

When? Monday March 27, 6:30 pm

Where? ENA Community Clubhouse at Swantown Inn located at 1431 11th Ave. SE Olympia WA.
