Annual Garage Sale – Eastside Neighborhood Association Representing the Eastside Neighborhood of Olympia, Washington Thu, 19 May 2016 18:16:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Annual Garage Sale – Eastside Neighborhood Association 32 32 186885332 May 2016 Board Meeting Minutes Thu, 19 May 2016 18:16:24 +0000 (more...)]]> Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th A15ve SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016, 7:00PM – 9:15PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Brian Brannies,  Nathan Allan, Rita Sammons, , Susan Herring, Jim Sweeny, Sam Green, Sherry Cillicut.

Absent : Sheena Pietzold, Charlotte Claybrook, Melissa Bluestein


  • Neighborhood Garage Sale to be held week after Lakefair, Susan Herring taking charge of organizing. Date possibly July 23rd.
  • Crime and Safety
    • There is continued displeasure within the neighborhood about the Duplex on Central.
    • There was a spirited discussion on causes and frustration of a lack of perceived feedback from City Council and OPD.
    • A motion was  made by Jim to write a letter to city council regarding problem properties with possible actions, and for that letter to be presented at next Tuesday’s Council meeting by Brian. The motion was seconded by Sherry and unanimously passed.
    • Also tlak of helping neighbors formally with light
  • CNA Update from Sam Green
    • Discussion on Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Plans at a neighborhood level.
    • Discussion on pathways and alleys being better lit
    • Discussion on Ne Neighborhood and their role in piloting subarea planning. The city has dragged its feet on this process and locked out other neighborhoods.
    • Push to covert septics to LOTT sewer. Very expensive and not many residences are doing it, cost is $30K+ per property. Run off from farms and landscaping causes huge nitrate problem in Henderson Inlet.
    • Arts Commission doing study on new Welcome Signs/Art for Olympia
    • Neighborhood Grants process, drawn out and inequitable.
  • Treasurers Report
    • Checking  $451.97
    • Savings  $1061.22
    • Signs $1298.30
    • Trees $151.59
    • Beautification  $506.01

Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan, Joint ENA Secretary

August 2015 Board Meeting Minutes Fri, 21 Aug 2015 19:31:28 +0000 (more...)]]> Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015, 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Nathan Allan, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Rita Sammons, Sherry Cillicut


  • June/July Minutes approved.
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • We heard from several people saying it didn’t go very well this year. Coordination was not great, so we should work on improving it next year.
    • We have a possible volunteer to help coordinate next year.
  • Annual Picnic Planning
    • Insurance ended up costing $101.
    • Reservation of Pavilion was $25.
    • OPD and OFD sending officers and Fire truck during the event.
    • Recycling and Organics to be provided (Nathan will pick-up).
    • Food and Drink: Burgers being provided completely byEastside Big Tom.
    • The Eastside Co-op donated $100 and Ralph’s donated $50 gift cards. Brian and Rita will shop and bring side dishes, deserts, etc. from these stores.
    • ENA will purchase hot dogs, buns, and beverages. Nathan will pick-up.
    • Entertainment: Live music confirmed. Donated by Brian Brannies and Sheena Pietzold
  • Treasurers Report
    • $367.15 in Checking
    • $1360.47 in Savings
    • $1297.53 in Neighborhood Signs fund
  • New business
    • Update on matching grant: working on finalizing agreements to be able to move forward. The City will be paying for general liability insurance to protect the neighborhood association in the event of a lawsuit. All volunteers will need to sign an agreement with the City to protect the ENA. The City will provide appropriate safety equipment necessary (with the main foreseeable hazard being traffic). The City is also working on provisions to allow us to carry the funds over to 2016 since this process has taken so long.
    • Medela rezone update: the city hearings examiner recommended to the city council to upzone the area. Next steps: city council will vote on whether to upzone. Doug Deforest (representing TTOD) would like to come to the September board meeting to talk about TTOD and their ideas for the future of the area.
    • Nathan met with Lt. Holmes from OPD about a house in the neighborhood that the neighbors have been complaining about. There are proposed changes to city ordinances to make it easier for OPD and code enforcement to take care of these kinds of issues. Until then, we should try talking with our neighbors and telling them our concerns.
  • Minutes submitted by Sheena Pietzold, Joint ENA Secretary
May 2015 Board Meeting Minutes Fri, 05 Jun 2015 04:24:52 +0000 (more...)]]> Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, May 20th, 2015, 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Nathan Allan, Melissa Bluestein, Rita Sammons, Sheena Pietzold
Board Members Absent: Brian Brannies, Susan Herring, Ira Silberlicht, Sherry Cillicut, Ted Baird (had volunteered at Annual meeting but did not show up), Mitch Dennis (we are confirming if he is continuing on as a board member)
Neighbors in Attendance: Joe Hanna, Teresa Goen-Burgman, and Kathleen Burgman – Concerned Eastside Neighbors (Medela Rezone)


  • Approval of April Minutes
    • Tabled until next month
  • Dog waste stations update
    • All installed with one spare. Thanks to Patricia Campbell for the assistance! Last two were 7th and Edison and 7th and the laneway. Hosted by Ira and Kirsten.
    • Would be great to have a location above Lions Park.
    • We are nearly out of bags. Approximately 4,000 bags lasted nearly a year. Sheena made a motion to approve $136.30 to purchase 4000 more bags. Rita seconded the motion. Board will vote via email to involve more board members.
  • Neighborhood Match Grant Update
    • The City made a list of its top picks for the grants. Our proposal for the Annual Picnic did not make the list of top projects. Our proposal for improvements to traffic calming devices did, for a total of $500.
    • City Council will make final decisions made in May.
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • More signage? We tabled this from the April Meeting to see how the Matching Grants played out. Signs would serve dual purpose with Annual Picnic promotion and general meetings.
    • Sheena made a motion to approve $182.57 to purchase 10 more signs and 15 more stands (as they break). Melissa seconded the motion. Board will vote via email to involve more board members.
  • CNA – Nathan provided a report from the neighborhood representative attending CNA meetings.
  • Treasurers Report
    • As of 4-30-15:
      Checking $689.40
      Savings $1360.20 (combined CD and savings acct)
      Neighborhood Signs $1297.27
      Legion Way Trees $151.35
      Community Beautification $505.14
  • New business
    • Open house at Madison Elementary on May 27th at 6:30
    • The school has asked the ENA to host a table with information. Nathan and Brian will attend with signs showing the dates for the annual garage sale and picnic. They will also bring a laptop to show visitors the ENA website and help them sign up for the email list.
    • Concerned Eastside Neighbors – update on proposed rezone of area behind Forest Cemetery, off 9th and Boulevard (to the east)
    • Joe, Teresa, and Kathleen attended a City Council meeting to comment on the rezone. The City attorney advised the council not hear comments on the rezone based on its relationship to the proposed new development and a rule against hearing comments on development proposals within certain time periods. They felt like they were being silenced.
    • At that City Council meeting, the council also discussed a comprehensive plan amendment that would upgrade 9th east of Boulevard. There will likely be a hearing of some kind between now and September or October when comprehensive plan amendments are voted on.
    • Joe, Teresa, and Kathleen, as well as Brian Brannies attended a public meeting on April 23rd related to the proposed development to voice their concerns to the planning commission.
    • Concerned Eastside Neighbors put signs up at 9th and Boulevard to show their concerns.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:40
  • Minutes submitted by Sheena Pietzold, Joint ENA Secretary