ENA Board Meeting

May 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

1613 Union Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly

1) Approval of the minutes

The April 10th minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

CHECKING – $636.25

SAVINGS – $965.39




TOTAL – $3,876.53

3) Rod N Reel Extravaganza! – Saturday June 8th noon to 4PM

Sherry wrote advertising copy for publishing on the ENA website and distribution.   

4) Beerwerks Meet-up – Friday May 10th 3-6PM

We will post a sandwich board sign in front of Beerwerks prior to the event. The Board agreed to promote “Oly Camp Kitties” by distributing flyers at the event.

5) Roosevelt Elementary School Plant Sale – Sunday May 19th  

The school is asking for donations.

6) CNA Report 

Karen reported on recent issues including neighborhood police and the ongoing Neighborhood Centers study.

Jim added an update on the April 25th LUEC meeting. Councilpersons mentioned the Swantown Inn coffee shop during discussions. The Planning Commission will be holding a digital open house on May 16.

7) Mural

Laurel Henn may be interested andSherry will attend her reception on May 17th to discuss painting the mural.

8) ENA Banners

Abigail presented several design concepts. The Board discussed how to design a banner which will be welcoming to all, and whether to order more than one. We can use savings if the grant money doesn’t cover the entire cost. The estimate for two banners is about $250.

9) Block Parties – Saturday July 13th

Sherry will soon begin an outreach to potential hosts.

10) Sidewalk app

The Board discussed the usefulness of the Survey 123 phone app and the survey data in general. It was suggested we attempt to grid the entire neighborhood and enter as much information on the condition of our sidewalks as possible. Jim said he will work up a map showing blocks that haven’t yet been surveyed.

11) Event Speaker

It was suggested we invite Chris Hyde (the ‘Soup Man’ from the northeast neighborhood) to speak at an ENA event such as the fall festival. You can reach him in the following ways:

[email protected]

Or message directly on FB:


12) Comprehensive Plan Utilities Chapter

Sherry reported on the Utility chapter update. Next steps will include referral to the Equity and Justice Committee and talking to LOTT.

13) Strong Towns

Jim talked about the recent Strong Towns event at Well 80, and an upcoming ‘Congress for the New Urbanism’ conference in Cincinnati that Councilperson Vanderpool will be attending.

Jim also connected with the statewide local conversation Strong WA.

14) Armory

Jim described the April 30th City Council meeting during which they introduced the Armory Creative Partner organizations.

15) B&B Apartments rebuild

The City reviewed a plan to rebuild the apartments at 2104 State Avenue. The ENA previously indicated it would like to be involved in the review process when it goes to the Design Review Board.

The meeting adjourned at 8PM.