All residents of the Eastside Neighborhood are automatically members of the Eastside Neighborhood Association. The ENA is a nonprofit organization that is sustained by member dues and other small streams of revenue. Here is how you can support the ENA!


Although membership dues are not compulsory, the annual membership dues support a variety of activities and initiatives in the neighborhood. Visit our About page to learn more about the organization.

To better manage our communications with the neighborhood, we ask that you at least sign up as a member. For those who are able to, we appreciate paid memberships as well.


Level 1- Member: Free

Identifies Member as an interested member of our neighborhood. Members will receive notices about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Level 2 – Supporter: $20

Identifies Support as an interested member of our neighborhood willing to help the ENA. Supporters will receive notices about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Level 3 – Neighborhood Champion: $50

Identifies Neighborhood Champion as an interested member of our neighborhood willing to provide significant support for the ENA. Neighborhood Champions will receive notices about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Level 4 – Business Partner: $100

Identifies business and an active member of the neighborhood willing to provide significant support for the ENA. Business members will receive notices about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities

Business name and logo will be featured on our website and in newsletters. Businesses will be acknowledged for their support at ENA events.


Level Price  



$20.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Neighborhood Champion

$50.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

Business Partner

$100.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Year.


By Mail:
Send a dues form along with a check to:
Eastside Neighborhood AssociationPO Box 7666
Olympia, WA 98506-7666

At an ENA Meeting:
Bring cash or check to an ENA monthly board meeting or quarterly general membership Meeting.

Shop at Ralph’s or Bayview Thriftway

A great way to show support is by using your Thrift-e Card at Ralph’s and Bayview Thriftways. The ENA receives 1% of your total purchase amount as a donation. You must designate the ENA as your community rebate recipient on your Thrift-e Card application (there is no cost to you).

Already have a Thrift-e Card?
Contact Terri at Stormans to have your existing card linked to the ENA.

Need a Thrift-e Card?
Pick up an application and card at Ralph’s or Bayview Thriftway, and be sure to indicate on your application that you want the community rebate portion to go to the ENA.

Talk to Your Neighbors

Tell your neighbors about the ENA and let them know how they can connect with the organization and each other.

Participate in Events

The ENA holds a number of events each year, including quarterly General Membership Meetings, the Annual Picnic each August, and a Neighborhood Garage Sale in July. Volunteers make these events happen!

Join the ENA Nextdoor Online Community

Nextdoor is a private online community for members of the neighborhood. It is important to note that there is no official tie between Nextdoor and the ENA, with the ENA simply using it as another form of Social Media to promote events and the like. Moderators on Nextdoor are chosen by Nextdoor and are not officially affiliated with ENA.

Click here to sign up or send us an email.