We’ve had a bunch of stuff piling up in the ENA inboxes, so here’s a few items of note, including a picnic reminder:

1) The Picnic is coming!

The annual Eastside Picnic is scheduled for Saturday August 22, 11 am – 2 pm at Lions Park. The neighborhood association will be providing burgers, hot dogs & veggie burgers, plus beverages. Artesian water will be provided by H2Olympia. Bring a blanket to sit on, a side dish to share, and a non-perishable food donation for the food bank. Look for posters coming soon!

We’re looking for volunteers, especially musical performers. Also, if you are involved with a community group, we’ll have spots available for you to share information about your group. Contact se*******@ea**************.org to get involved.

2) Stay Cool, Stay Safe

Just a friendly reminder from your neighborhood association to be sure to keep as cool as possible over the next few days. As I’m sure you know, temps are at record levels this week. We got the following notice from the city this morning:

Keep cool Wednesday and Thursday from Noon to 4:00 p.m. at Yauger Park. Olympia Parks will set up a huge agriculture sprinkler for kids of all ages to get wet, while watering ballfields at the same time!

More public locations for keeping cool are listed at http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/em/ – the Olympia Timberland Library will be open tonight until 7 pm, and the Olympia Center downtown is open until 9:30 pm.

3) Camp Quiote at First United Methodist

An announcement from Kerry & Dale Smith  O & E Committee Chairpersons:

I would like to invite you to an informative meeting at the First United Methodist Church on August the 12th at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.  We will be informing the neighborhood and our congregation concerning the return of Camp Quiote to FUMCO for the months of Sept, Oct, Nov. They were here a couple years ago, so I can’t forsee any problems with
the move this time. If you would like to attend, I look forward to seeing you there.

4) Planning Commission meeting, August 3

The Olympia Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 2009, in the City Council Chambers at the Olympia City Hall, 900 Plum Street SE, Olympia, Washington, to consider proposed amendments of the City’s land use zoning standards governing maximum review periods for certain types of development proposals. For more information contact Todd Stamm, Planning Manager, Olympia Community Planning and Development Department, P.O. Box 1967, Olympia, WA 98507, e-mail ts****@ci.us, or by phone at (360) 753-8597, TTY 753-8270.