Present: Nathan, Elaine, Bev, Casey A (& Lauren!), Ann, Eddy, Jenni
- Approve last meeting minutes
- General Meeting Update
- Distribute Yard signs for General Meeting.
- Newsletter Progress
- Garden Walk update new date May 24
- New business
Madison Park update from Nathan. Got a call from Dave Oakaland (sp?), asst to David Hanna at Parks, to arrange a meeting. (May 5?) Put story in the newsletter, something might actually happen. Very excited about the possibility. City has been interested in our help with the trail up the hill, might be a good exchange. Bev would be interested in seeing a musical program at the park. In conjunction with the fireworks display? (2010?)
Phone number. Nathan has researched cell phone, Vonage, and Skype. Skype would be $66/year to get a phone number, voicemail, etc. Determined that we can’t vote (no quorum), will email to the group for an email vote. If decision made before newsletter deadline, will include in newsletter.
Signs. We have 10 signs. Discussion of white stripes on the side, which was a mistake, but looks good anyway. Cost about $120/$130, discounted at VistaPrint. Discussion of plastic sleeves. Nathan is willing to make it a donation in barter for newsletter ads, complicated discussion. We’ll talk about this again, when final amounts are in, more people here.
Bank account. Complicated story with transfer of signatories. May need a debit card to pay for Skype, will discuss at next meeting.
Treasurer’s report. Jenni brought copies of 2008 report, current check register. 14 households have paid dues this year. Discussion of getting a discount from do’ops for newsletter. $500 in checking, $1500 in savings, $1200 in signs fund. Are all in-kind gifts accounted for? Discussion of whether it would be cost-effective to get our own printer/folding machine. Will ask Chad to research cost-comparison. (I need to check on advertising invoices, etc.!)
Meeting agenda: open mic, David Hanna if appropriate/available. Library? Treasurer’s report. Location? Discussion of fire station, school, churches. Will take up on email. Also need to vote on meeting place donations. Discussion of getting cards or postcards. [missed a chunk of conversation while plugging in laptop] Elaine will ask Cheryl from the library what she might like to talk about.
Newsletter. Discussion of topics and assignments.
Several discussions of membership issues: probably approx 50 paid memberships last year. That’s something we could focus on for improvement. How could we get people to want to join?
Garden Walk, May 24. Elaine would like some help re-contacting gardeners, possibly reaching out to new gardeners. Discussion of distance between gardens. Eddy may be able to offer a train for transportation, as a donation. (picture at party outfitters .com) Jenni might be able to help with contacting.
Jenni: Putting people on the email list? Elaine will add a checkbox to the membership form.
Bev is most interested in the membership issue and getting more members, more visibility. What is the advantage to being a paid member? Thank you cards or similar? A real campaign. Discussion of block parties: we could offer guide, maybe even use of a BBQ. Require coming to a meeting, probably security deposit.
[??] asked Eddy about parking issues at New Bridge, they’ve altered their service times to better balance the number of people in their lot, to avoid parking on the street. Also discussion of parking issues at St Mike’s.
House at 10th & Central is for sale for $175k. Is currently zoned multi-plex, but a neighbor is concerned that it might not be appropriate. Expense to get the building abated would be enormous.