May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

May 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

1613 Union Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly

1) Approval of the minutes

The April 10th minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

CHECKING – $636.25

SAVINGS – $965.39




TOTAL – $3,876.53

3) Rod N Reel Extravaganza! – Saturday June 8th noon to 4PM

Sherry wrote advertising copy for publishing on the ENA website and distribution.   

4) Beerwerks Meet-up – Friday May 10th 3-6PM

We will post a sandwich board sign in front of Beerwerks prior to the event. The Board agreed to promote “Oly Camp Kitties” by distributing flyers at the event.

5) Roosevelt Elementary School Plant Sale – Sunday May 19th  

The school is asking for donations.

6) CNA Report 

Karen reported on recent issues including neighborhood police and the ongoing Neighborhood Centers study.

Jim added an update on the April 25th LUEC meeting. Councilpersons mentioned the Swantown Inn coffee shop during discussions. The Planning Commission will be holding a digital open house on May 16.

7) Mural

Laurel Henn may be interested andSherry will attend her reception on May 17th to discuss painting the mural.

8) ENA Banners

Abigail presented several design concepts. The Board discussed how to design a banner which will be welcoming to all, and whether to order more than one. We can use savings if the grant money doesn’t cover the entire cost. The estimate for two banners is about $250.

9) Block Parties – Saturday July 13th

Sherry will soon begin an outreach to potential hosts.

10) Sidewalk app

The Board discussed the usefulness of the Survey 123 phone app and the survey data in general. It was suggested we attempt to grid the entire neighborhood and enter as much information on the condition of our sidewalks as possible. Jim said he will work up a map showing blocks that haven’t yet been surveyed.

11) Event Speaker

It was suggested we invite Chris Hyde (the ‘Soup Man’ from the northeast neighborhood) to speak at an ENA event such as the fall festival. You can reach him in the following ways:

[email protected]

Or message directly on FB:

12) Comprehensive Plan Utilities Chapter

Sherry reported on the Utility chapter update. Next steps will include referral to the Equity and Justice Committee and talking to LOTT.

13) Strong Towns

Jim talked about the recent Strong Towns event at Well 80, and an upcoming ‘Congress for the New Urbanism’ conference in Cincinnati that Councilperson Vanderpool will be attending.

Jim also connected with the statewide local conversation Strong WA.

14) Armory

Jim described the April 30th City Council meeting during which they introduced the Armory Creative Partner organizations.

15) B&B Apartments rebuild

The City reviewed a plan to rebuild the apartments at 2104 State Avenue. The ENA previously indicated it would like to be involved in the review process when it goes to the Design Review Board.

The meeting adjourned at 8PM.

April 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

April 10, 2024, 7:00 PM

1613 Union Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Cheryl Bayle


Larry Dzieza, Mike Ruth

1) Sidewalk Survey app

Larry and Mike described why Olympia is hiring a consultant for a $100K sidewalk study. The City is paying large sums every year to settle sidewalk injury claims. The Planning Commission looked at the ways neighboring Cities deal with sidewalks. The new direction recommended by the CNA is to budget $3 million for sidewalks annually, compared to $13,000 last year.

Mike walked us through loading the app (version 1.02) on our phones and we spent some time outdoors learning how to use it. With a little practice, we were able to easily photograph, categorize and document sidewalk problems. The surveys will provide the data necessary to inform the consultants and Public Works engineers about the walking routes which are most important and where the problems are. Survey information will be used to create interactive GIS maps showing the problem areas on “heat maps,” and local knowledge will help identify the highest priority projects in each neighborhood.

2) Approval of the minutes

Approved as submitted.

3) Treasurer Report

CHECKING – $636.25
SAVINGS – $965.26
TOTAL – $3,876.10

4) Long term calendar 

Annual Picnic and Kid’s Day – The date has been changed to SaturdayAugust 10th, from 4 to 7 PM.

Beerwerks event – Abigail emailed that the event could take place either on Thursday April 18th or Wednesday the 24th. The Board’s consensus was that either date would be acceptable.

Garden Tour Event – The Board agreed that May is probably too early for a garden tour and agreed to revisit this idea in the future.

Lions Club Rods and Reels EventJune 8th noon to 4 PM. Sherry reported on a meeting with Lions Club people planning this event. The ENA will grill hot dogs. We need people to bring extra tables.

5) CNA Report 

Karen reported on the following topics from the April 8th meeting.

RNAs are allowed to use the City’s copier, but you will need to bring your own paper.

South Capital sent a mailer to all neighborhood residents and was successful in reaching many renters.

The Council approved the Planning Commission’s 2024 Work Plan on April 9th. The Work Plan includes a Neighborhood Centers Strategy.

The Council accepted the Urban Farms Feasibility Study and decided an urban farm is not feasible at this time. The associated survey indicated people are interested in neighborhood-oriented community gardens.

The next major housing project will be to accommodate people relocated from the Jungle. Later, multi-family low income housing will be constructed on the Frnaz Anderson Road site.

The Planning Commission will be briefed on the Comp Plan Natural Environment chapter, which includes Urban Forestry, on June 17th.

The Council approved additional amendments to the rental housing ordinances.

6) Mural Update and Art Crossing Project

Sherry received an email from Laurel and will be working on the details with Hank and Abigail. Olympia’s Poet Laureate will be offering a stanza for the mural.

The Martin Way/Pacific Avenue Art Crossing dedication is scheduled for May 1st.

7) School Closures

Based on the Court decision OSD cannot move to close schools at this time.

8) Other

Sherry would like to do a fruit tree pruning seminar next winter.

Madison Scenic Park is having a Volunteer Work Party on Saturday April 13 from 10 AM to 1 PM.

Abigail is looking for an update on the events banner. Sherry said Nathan has used VistaPrint for banners in the past. The dimensions of the Lions Park shelter are 15 feet and 26 feet, so the banners should be no more than those lengths.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

March 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

March 12, 2024, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle, Nathan Allan

1) Approval of the Minutes

The February 13 minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

$ 636.25 – MONEY MOVER
$ 965.13 – SAVINGS – MAIN
$3,875.66 – Total Available

3) 2024 RNA Grant Status; Banner and Mural discussion

Sherry would like us to consider working with Olympia’s Poet Laureate.

It looks like the ENA’s RNA grant request will be approved. The mural is still in the works. Also, $1000 is available for designing and printing two large reusable banners. Abigail has offered to help with the design.

4) Madison Closure discussion

Jim & Karen attended the Court hearing. April 25th is the new deadline but more work remains to be done to avoid school closures.

5) Clothing Swap Debriefing

Several Board members helped out at the event. The timing prior to the church rummage sale was good. The next time we will need to promote it more.

6) CNA Report 

Karen reported on issues discussed at the March 11th CNA meeting.

Karen Messmer spoke in opposition to new drive-through restaurants on Plum Street.

There is a meeting on the rental registry ordinance tomorrow.

The Capital Mall Triangle plan is still in progress. Comments on the Draft EIS are closed. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on April 1st and deliberate on April 15th.

Staff described improvements to the City’s development tracking map. Jim R. offered to walk us through a tutorial on a convenient Saturday.

Larry Dzieza previously offered to do a tutorial on the sidewalk app for the ENA. Karen said she will ask him.

Olympia’s Site Plan Review Committee heard a proposal for a 12-cottage housing project at 1937 7th Avenue on February 28th. We would like to invite Paul Horton and the property owners to an informal meeting to talk about the sidewalks on this part of 7th Avenue. “JOLT” published an article about the proposal on February 29. Here’s a link:,14746?

7) Lions Club Event Rods and Reels Moved to June 8th

Sherry reserved the shelter. We will do hamburgers and hot dogs.

8) Lions Club presentation

Jim S. did a PowerPoint presentation for the Lions Club on March 5th. President Brad Archibald said the Lions are interested in working with the ENA on future projects such as ‘Rods and Reels.’ Several Lions indicated they are anxious to share information on the history of Lions Park and the Eastside.

9) Proposed Calendar of Activities Dates for block parties and Picnic

The block parties will be on July 13th from 4 to 7:00.

The annual picnic will be held on August 11th. This year we will plan to combine the picnic with a kid’s day. Jim R. will check to see if the shelter is available.

Abigale emailed that she had posted preliminary dates for 2024 events on the website’s calendar page. Roger said he could consider moving the talent show to September.

10) Digital Photo Archive

Nathan indicated the only account we have is for president@ and the President could share a folder which we would be able to add photos to. Another option would be to upload photos to the ENA website.

11) New Bridge offer of financial support.

Nathan reached out to Pastor John Cardona about putting up holiday snowflakes on Central Street. If it works out we could include funding for this in our next grant proposal. Sherry said she will contact them and offer to help if no one else wants to.

12) Other items of interest

Jim S. reported that the Olympia will receive a $117,800 grant to develop an Urban Forest Management Plan.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.

February 13, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

February 13, 2024, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Nathan Allan, Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle

Guest: Sara Finkle

Sherry passed around a “neighborhood welcome letter” drafted by Mark Fouch. Sara suggested adding information such as where to go and what to do on the Eastside. Nathan agreed to do a Google Maps mock-up.

1) Approval of the Minutes

The January 9th minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

$ 636.25 – CHECKING

$ 965.01 – SAVINGS




$3,875.24 – Total Available

It was proposed to add Jim Rioux to all ENA bank accounts and remove Brian Brannies. The Board agreed unanimously.

3) 2024 RNA Grant Status

Karen reported on the RNA grants currently being reviewed by the City, and passed around a list of 2024 neighborhood grant requests.

There was a general discussion about an Eastside Street mural, including ideas for potential artists and sidewalk safety.

4) Madison Closure

Nathan talked about the February 12th OSD Work Session, ‘OSD For All,’ $10 million budget surplus, and OSD Administration’s share of the budget.

A lot depends on the school levee.

Sara described an ‘OSD For All’ initiative asking people to go door to door and talk to their neighbors.

5) Clothing Swap

Sara passed out flyers; suggested locations include Ralphs, Madison school, Lions park and the Eastside Coop. Sandwich boards should be out a week ahead of time. The information will be posted on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Buy Nothing.’

Volunteers agreed to begin setting up at 10 AM, or to be available until 2 PM.

Sherry will let people know they can drop off donated clothing on her porch.

The Board discussed how best to thank FUMCO, such as a thank you card or a donation. Sara & Abigail will be meeting at the church tomorrow.

6) CNA Report 

Robert Vanderpool attended as the City Council representative.

Tim Smith talked about the condo project on the lot behind Olympia Supply, and a 162-unit project on Devoe Street.

Karen talked about the Nottingham Community Association’s ‘Harvest Heritage’ event.

The CNA is working on ‘value’ & ‘vision’ statements for the MOU.

They are also working to set up quarterly forums with the Council.

Larry Dzieza offered to come to come to a monthly meeting and walk us through the sidewalk condition app.

Sherry described the new rental unit inspection process.

Sara asked if it would be possible to coordinate sidewalk repairs with the City.

Karen asked if anyone is interested in reviewing Comprehensive Plan chapters. Sherry said she reviewed the Utilities chapter.

7) Lions Club Event May 11th or 18th

The Board had several questions about this event such as what would be expected of the ENA. Sherry said she will follow up with her contact.

8) Free Board training through the Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA)

Sherry indicated she will be attending this workshop on February 27th.

9) Proposed Calendar of Activities

There was a general discussion of upcoming events, all of which are very tentative. Possible events are a ‘Pollinator training event,’ a ‘Garden tour’ and another ‘Meet up’ at Beerwerks. We talked about how to get the word out concerning events and ideas on how to update the events calendar on the ENA website.

10) By-law rewriting

Sherry explained the need to bring the ENA By-laws into compliance with the Washington Handbook for Nonprofits:

We will be able to get into the by-laws after the NAWA training.

11) New Bridge offer of financial support

The Board discussed the possibility of a financial collaboration with New Bridge. At this time, we do not have any specific ideas, but we talked generally about projects which are beyond the ENA’s financial capacity. A couple of examples are the northeast neighborhood tree lights and a “snowflake” project which could also be a fund raiser.

Nathan suggested a project to improve a piece of City-owned land across from the Inn on Central Street which could be used for block parties. It was suggested someone talk to Paul Simmons at Olympia Parks.

Other topics

Jim S. talked about the January 12 meeting of the Armory Partner selection committee. The committee reviewed statements of qualifications submitted by eight nonprofit organizations and agreed all eight were qualified. The next step involves negotiating leases with each organization in order to determine their specific space needs, including shared spaces.

Background information on each of the nonprofits is described in a January 24 Olympian article:

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.

January 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

January 9, 2024, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Members Present

Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Nathan Allan, Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle

Sherry Chilcutt (President) – absent due to accident


Stephanie Goedecke, Sara Finkle, Sara’s friend.

1) Approval of the minutes

The December 13, 2023 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

$ 767.58 Checking

$ 964.88 Savings

$1,308.95 Neighborhood Signs

$ 553.86 Trees

$ 410.86 Neighborhood Beautification

$4,006.13 Total

3) 2024 RNA Grant – Final thoughts

These are the three items the Board agreed to include in our 2024 grant application:

  1. Food in support of block parties.
  2. One or two reusable banners
  3. Eastside Street mural

A suggestion was made that we have a contributions jar for events.

Jim R. will contact Sherry about helping with the grant application.

4) Madison Closure discussion

Karen reported on the December 14 School Board meeting when they made the recommendation to close schools following a 90-day review period.

Also discussed were inadequate special education funding, faulty regionalization and the levy cap.

Jim R. suggested contacting ‘OSD for all’ and offering to help.

There is a community meeting scheduled at Madison School on February 26 at 6:00 PM, and the School Board is having work sessions and regular meetings at Knox Administration Center on January 29 and February 12.

5) Upcoming Board work day

We previously scheduled a work day on January 20. Due to conflicts, we will need to reschedule, probably sometime in February.

6) CNA Report – JOLT Article

Karen talked about a letter she wrote describing the City’s neighborhoods and the CNA. It was published in JOLT on January 2.,13466?

Tim Smith met with Jay Burney and two Council members concerning diversity language in the MOU.

The CNA continues to try and arrange quarterly meetings with the Council.

A $10K increase in RNA grant funding is in the works. This is on top of the current $13K.

The SE annexation is still on hold.

There was some discussion about the City encouraging drive-through businesses on Plum Street and downtown.

The sidewalk survey app is intended to help the City determine how best to spend the additional funds.

7) Frederick Street stormwater

Jim R. wrote an email letter about the need to improve stormwater drainage near Frederick & 9th.

Stephanie said after talking to Public Works she bought gravel to fill in the holes.

Fixing the problem may require rebuilding the street, including rain gardens or other design solutions.

8) Neighborhood Watch program

Stephanie described on-going problems with juveniles and minor crimes. She asked about a neighborhood watch program to look out for neighboring properties.

Nathan described his experience with Neighborhood Watch, getting neighbors to sign up, electing a captain etc.

Stephanie would like to see a campaign to reach out to kids and teach them not to do crimes such as breaking into houses and pranking.

Suggested ideas included Boy Scouts, block parties, art programs, a ‘good neighbor day,’ and friendly reminder signs with positive messages from your neighborhood association.

The Police Department’s Block Watch program recommends scheduling an initial informational meeting with our Community Programs Officer, Rebekah Ziesemer. More information and Rebekah’s contact information can be found at:

9) Support hosting students/pages for legislative session

Cheryl said they have hosted pages in the past.

Jim S. said he would check into the requirements. The discussion was deferred until the February meeting.

10) Proposed Calendar of Activities

Abigail wants to mix up our 2024 events a little so, for example, people have more opportunities to talk to each other.

It was suggested we make the annual picnic a “kids day in the park” or an “ENA fun day” with an ice cream truck, bouncy house, etc.

Sara suggested a clothing swap, possibly in February, where people would bring clothes they don’t want, and volunteers would sort and give them away for a few hours. We would need volunteers to publicize, provide refreshments, and handle donations. We could also leverage the ‘Buy Nothing’ group. Sara agreed to reach out to John, the pastor at New Bridge, to see if they are interested, and email the Board. We would need to have flyers by the February 13 Board meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45.