Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – January, 2023

ENA Board Meeting
Jan 10, 2023
7:00 PM
1613 Union Ave SE

Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly, Karen Clemens

Approval of the minutes:

Cheryl & Sherry will make changes to the Dec. 14, 2022 minutes for the Board to review. Roger said the minutes included his idea for awarding holiday decoration prizes that didn’t happen. It was agreed this is something we should plan to do later this year.

Treasurer Report:

Checking $749.40
Savings $963.62
Neighborhood Signs $1307.39
Legion Way Trees $153.48
Community Beautification $410.21
Total $3584.25
Jim S. suggested donating extension cords to New Bridge Church to replace some of what they lost. A motion to approve spending up to $50 was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

Address List – mailing:

Jim R. has a map for checking Eastside addresses. The areas remaining (7, 8, 9, 10) will be checked soon. Cheryl would like to have a large map showing addresses.

Land Use & Environment Committee Report:

Jim S. briefed the Board on draft 2023 work plans for the Land Use & Environment Committee and Planning Commission. Both work plans include the Neighborhood Centers project. The Planning Commission’s work plan did not include sidewalks. This project has been assigned to the Public Works Transportation section but they have not yet developed a scope of work. Based on discussion during the Commission’s January 9 meeting, this will likely be corrected. The Planning Commission’s work plan does include staff time for subarea planning, if one of the RNAs chooses to use it.

RNA Grant ideas:

  • Purchase ENA window clings for cars.
  • Conduct another mailing.
  • Annual picnic; pay for live entertainment.
  • Purchase a barbeque grill.
  • Purchase an apple press.
  • Build kiosks.
  • Technical support for a centralized CNA website which would support every RNA (Lydia already said we could do this).

Should we change our status to 501c3?

We’re currently a political organization. If we want to change this it needs to happen by about March or April.

What should we be working on?

  • RNA annual report to the City.
  • Block parties.
  • Talent show at the Armory.
  • Annual picnic, including live music or other entertainment.
  • Better ways to connect with neighbors (we listed upcoming events in the 2022 newsletter which was very effective).
  • A 2023 events calendar.
  • Outreach to previous Board members.
  • Recruiting new Board members to help with events.
  • Website dues paying system (Some have complained about having to create an account to get on the email list).

Should we plan a celebration for the opening of the Spray ground?

Roger will contact Sylvana Niehuser.

CNA Report:

Karen briefed the Board on the January 9 CNA meeting:

  • Dontae Payne reported the Council will be looking at sidewalk funding in 2023.
  • The City is looking to improve its way-finding signage.
  • Lacey is purchasing a hotel to accommodate campers who are being removed from rights-of-way.
  • A final ‘Olympia Strong’ report is due in May.
  • There is a need for more housing for ‘ALICE’ (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families, especially in Olympia.
  • The CNA is working to update its bylaws and MOU.

Also: Jim R. attended a January meeting about the Regional Fire Authority. Tumwater has a property tax cost calculator on its website. Abigail and Cheryl will determine a time and place to get together to talk about an events calendar and let the rest of us know.