Help the Art Crossings Program get to know our neighborhood!

The goal of City of Olympia’s Art Crossings program is to place public art into Olympia’s neighborhoods, contribute to a sense of community identity, and introduce place making elements that help to define and bring together different areas of our community.  Having worked through the process to design approval on West Bay Drive, we are now starting the process for Eastside Street at the bridge over I-5. Arts Program Manager Stephanie Johnson was at the ENA Annual meeting on August 25 to set the foundation for the new project by asking 4 questions:

-What do you value about your neighborhood? 
-What do you want people to know about your neighborhood? 
-How is the neighborhood connected to Olympia? 
-What else should the artist know?

This was a great exercise to do with neighbors, but if you didn’t make the annual picnic, we’d still like to hear from you!  Please complete the survey – – by September 9.

More information is available at or by contacting at Stephanie at sj****** or 360.709.2678.

Plum Street Village – Community Advisory Committee – August Minutes

Another good meeting for the Plum Street Village , CAC. The biggest take away for me was the fact that the PSV needs internet. I have offered to donate equipment if the city gets Comcast to install Cable Internet service. The social workers currently use a mobile hot spot, and residents are limited to their cell phone plans, often going to McDonalds to use the free WiFi. Both could be solved with a small shift in the way internet is provided, maybe even being cheaper (if not donated) for the PSV.

The other take away was when villagers exit the village for more permanent housing they are often in need of items that go beyond the essentials. I pointed out that their local Buy Nothing group could be a great resource for them.

Here are the minutes.

Plum Street Village – Community Advisory Committee

By now you have probably heard about the Plum Street Village (PSV), a transitional housing site featuring 29 tiny houses. It is staffed and run by LIHI (Low Income Housing Institute) who provide case management and services to the residents.

After running for a couple of months a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was formed with the Eastside Neighborhood Association given a seat. The committee acts as information sharer and helps support the staff through the committee members experience and ties within the wider community.

If you ever have issue with the PSV or want to get involved, reach out to the ENA and we will direct you to the appropriate person.

The first set of minutes for the CAC are here.