Sub-Area Planning Survey #1 – Neighborhood Density and Character

Dear Eastside Neighborhood Residents, Workers, Business Owners, etc.,

The Eastside Neighborhood Association has been working on a Subarea Plan for our neighborhood since August 2017. The purpose of our Plan is to come up with recommendations that will improve the quality of life for all people who live or work in the neighborhood.

The Subarea Planning Team is developing the following four Plan Segments, based on input received from neighborhood town halls, surveys, and events:
1) Neighborhood Density and Character
2) Public Works/Infrastructure
3) Crime and Safety
4) Community Connections

Drafts of Segments 1 and 2 are ready for review by neighborhood members. We intend to prepare Segments 3 and 4 for your review in the next few months. We will present all four Segments to the ENA Board for their review and approval by the end of June. After it’s approved by the Board, we will send it to the City Council for their review and approval.

Thanks in advance for providing your feedback and ideas on each of the four Segment drafts. We will distribute each Segment over the next four months.

Survey #1 – Neighborhood Density and Character

This is Survey #1. It includes draft recommendations from Segment #1 –
Neighborhood Density and Character. If you do the survey, please look at the recommendations and indicate whether you think they should be included as they are, included with modifications, or left out of the Plan. And please comment on possible changes. Do as much of the survey as you’d like. Please submit this Segment survey by Sunday March 10th.


The survey for the next segment will follow soon after this survey closes.


Any questions? E-mail us at: pr*******@ea**************.org

Plum Street Village – Donation Wish List

At the Annual general Meeting we had John Brown, the site manager, and Jo, the Case Manager, for the Village.

It was asked if the donation list could be supplied, so here it is!

Food or meal donations/support

In order to ensure our residents are properly fed, we prioritize support with providing food. The village will accept breakfast and lunch to feed up to 45 people. Please contact village staff to schedule a date to provide a meal. Non-perishable food items are also appreciated

● Toiletries (shampoo, bar soap, tampons, deodorant, etc.)

● Laundry detergent pods

● Cat and dog food

● New blankets, sheets, and pillows

● Kitchen towels, bath towels, and washcloths

● Adult socks, hats, and gloves

● Laundry baskets and storage bins

● Doormats

Hand sanitizer

● 13 Gallon plastic bags

All donations can be dropped off starting January 22nd, at:

Plum Street Village, 830 Union Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501

If you have any questions, please email John Brown, the Special Projects Manager, at jo********@li**.org or call the Plum Street Village Phone – 206-471- 8891 Huge thanks to our amazing community for your support for the village!

For more information visit:

Laundry detergent pods ● Cat and dog food ● New blankets, sheets, and pillows ● Kitchen towels, bath towels, and washcloths ● Adult socks, hats, and gloves ● Laundry baskets and storage bins ● Doormats ● 13 Gallon plastic bags ● Hand sanitizer All donations can be dropped off starting January 22nd, at: Plum Street Village – 830 Union Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501 If you have any questions, please email John Brown, the Special Projects Manager, at jo********@li**.org or call the Plum Street Village Phone – 206-471- 8891 Huge thanks to our amazing community for your support for the village! For more information visit:

Plum Street Village Community Open House

Please join Plum Street Village staff, Olympia city officials, and your fellow neighbors on Thursday, Jan. 31, for a neighborhood open house of Plum Street Village, a tiny house village for people experiencing homelessness.

The Open House will be a chance to meet the Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) staff who will be managing the site, to learn more about the village, and to take a tour. A brief speaking program will begin at 4:30 pm.

About the Village:
Plum Street Village will provide shelter, community, and safety for 40 people currently experiencing homelessness, including couples, single individuals, and people with pets. It will include 29 tiny houses with electricity, heat, insulation, windows and a lockable door, a security office, communal kitchen, bathrooms, showers, laundry, resource space, and a case management office. Low Income Housing Institute Case Managers will work with residents to help them obtain permanent housing, employment, health care, treatment, education, and other services. LIHI is partnering with SideWalk to obtain referrals. The City of Olympia is supporting village operations and case management.

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, January 31
Time: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Address: 830 Union Ave SE,
Olympia, WA 98501

Parking is limited. Please avoid parking in the alleyway, Justice Center lot, or Olympia Veterinary Specialists lot.