Neighbors on Central Street will be receiving information from Public Works: after the public meeting in April, the city decided to put in four speed “cushions” on Central between 11th and Legion. These are designed to help slow traffic and make it safer for pedestrians. Download a newsletter (PDF) and map of the locations (PDF). Central Street residents will get more details in their mail, and we’ll post anything we find out here.
We’re making some changes this year that we want you to know about.
The monthly potlucks that started this spring will be replacing our prior schedule of general meetings. The potlucks are held on the third Thursday of every month at 6pm at the Light & Life Church, except in August (and possibly December). All are invited, please bring enough to share. Board elections will be held at the February meeting.
The newsletter schedule is also changing. We’re still working on a complete annual schedule, but for sure there will be a newsletter coming out in early August.
The 2010 picnic will be held on Saturday, August 21 at Lions Park. We are looking for volunteers to organize and to assist on the day of the event.
The ENA Board meetings are moving to the second Tuesday of the month. They will probably be held at the fire station on Eastside.
We are changing how our email lists are organized. This list (“ena-announce”) will be used solely for announcements of ENA events and activities, and for official city announcements that are specific to the neighborhood. These items will also be posted to the ENA website. The ena-discuss list will be open for posting by all members – we invite you to join and post your own events and other notices that may be of interest to your neighbors.
Update your list memberships:
- Announcements list:
- Discussion list:
Thanks for your involvement with the ENA!
Download the plan at — print copies also available for review at the Library, the Olympia Center, and the Evergreen library.
Note that Lions Park and Madison Scenic Park improvements are described as “Tier 1” projects and are scheduled for the 2010-2011 timeframe. (pgs 68 & 104. See also pp 91-94, “New Approach to Play” and pp 79-80, “Community Gardens”) The ENA anticipates involvement in this process.
If you have particular concerns at this time, please attend the March 24 meeting or send your comments to Jonathon Turlove (jt****** before March 26.