ENA Board Meeting
7:00 PM February 11, 2025
Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Ave SE
Members Present
Jim Rioux (Treasurer), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Nathan Allan, Abigail Twombly, Cheryl Bayle, Therese Vogel, Dan Rydholm
1) Approval of the Minutes
The January meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
2) Treasurer Report
Checking $757.01
Savings $2,943.62
Total $3,700.63
Jim R. reported a reimbursement check to Sherry has not been cashed. There are two additional deposits through Stripe for $48.25 and $66.89 as well as a $1,840 deposit that included City RNA grant reimbursement, plus $80.00 in donations from the annual meeting.
He also mentioned that people have asked him if we could remind them to pay dues. The Board discussed including swag for various membership tiers. Dan and Cheryl volunteered to be on a swag subcommittee.
3) Workgroup Update
Jim S. reported that a work group has met twice to work on:
- The ENA Website – Dan made several upgrades to the website, including the calendar. He suggested we add a statement on the home page to the effect that the ENA welcomes all groups and individuals.
- Events Calendar – Nathan brought the website calendar up on the screen and Dan explained the free WordPress plug-in. We agreed to pick a date for every event when it’s entered on the calendar, with the understanding we may need to change it later.
- Newsletters – Nathan said newsletters will be sent out about a week after monthly Board meetings. He also created an archive on the website for newsletters. Dan said he can create a newsletter template using Mailchimp, and we can add a link to the newsletters on Facebook. Jim R. volunteered to draft a profile on Therese.
Board members expressed appreciation for all the work Nathan, Dan and others have invested in improving our communications abilities.
4) 2024 RNA Grant Closeout
Jim R. reported he has completed the submittal to close out the 2024 RNA grant.
5) 2025 RNA Grant Application approval
Nathan walked us through the online grant application. After a few minor changes, the Board agreed on projected volunteer hours, the grant request amount and other application details.
Nathan made a Motion to approve proposed RNA grant application and forward it to the City; Dan seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
6) CNA Report
Karen reported that the CNA discussed the following during its February 10meeting.
The South Capital RNA used Capital City Press to print and send their newsletter.
Councilmember Clark described the City’s position regarding news filtering down from the other Washington.
A proposal to build a new WA FED bank near 4th and Water Street. Abigail described discussions that have taken place at the Design Review Board.
Changes proposed for the commercial zoning in Briggs Village.
A housing project on Franz Anderson road.
The West Bay Yards project. For more information see:
Middle Housing. Joyce Phillips briefed the CNA on code changes being considered in response to recent legislation affecting residential zoning. She offered to come and talk to neighborhood associations. More information can be found here:
7) Other
- Jim S. described the CNA “Sounding Board” comments on the comp plan Land Use and Urban Design chapter. These comments have been forwarded to the project planner and the next step will be an in-person meeting.
- The City recently announced a project to reconfigure the intersection at State Avenue and Wilson Street. A public information session is scheduled in the City Council chambers Thursday February 20th from 5:30 to 7:00. More information can be found here: https://www.olympiawa.gov/info/construction_in_olympia/state_and_pacific_project.php
- Suggestions for guests we may want to invite to future meetings:
- Zeima Kassahun, Urban and Community Forestry Specialist, to talk about tree pruning.
- Brittany Gillia, Associate Planner, to talk about the City’s neighborhoods program and RNA grants.
The next Board meeting will be March 11th.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.