Present: Elaine Nelson, Nathan Allan, Doug Floyd (Operations Supervisor at Water Resources, Public Works), Jenni, Bev, Ann, Sam

Discussion of garden walk date: set for August 22. Someone will need to fill in for Ann’s route. Bev, Ann, all aye.

Doug: here to talk about the Fir St. water tower, some proposals, nothing in stone. A fence, but not one that limits access. Will be getting portable generator in approx Sept to help in disaster situation. Nathan asked whether they were discouraging people; not so much, but taking down skater stuff. Fireworks issues. They have to put out extra trash cans. Think it’s a good place to watch Lakefair fireworks, kids to learn how to ride bikes, etc. Might be good newsletter article to talk about what uses are good. 2 garbage cans there all the time. ENA agreed to help police/cleanup at meeting several years ago. They have summer help, but more difficult in winter. Generator will only run when power is out, to make sure that people can get water, main hub for telemetry for other parts of town. Showed ariel views. planning to fence behind bushes, around capcom generator, then around the west side. Will cut off one access to top of area. Considering putting stairs, but issues around railing. (skaters) Have security cameras, which has limited graffiti. At one time planned to be tennis parks, but no money. This is the only unfenced facility they have. Will be chainlink with barbed wire, but bushes on east are tall enough probably will hide fence. Would like to put short fence along north & east of north area. Won’t put in fence until stairs are up. We’d like a map/graphic, they will try to put in drawings of the changes. It will come on about once a month for a half-hour during the day for testing.

Last minutes, approved.

Picnic. Discussion of sidewalk issues in that area. Discussion of clean-up shared work/tool possibilities. Last newsletter: put article about safety & snow. Portable sign, watch for kids. Back to picnic: Llyod & Chad talked about a block party. Char, farm maps? Two grills, one more than last year. How many did we plan for? Not that much extra food last year. Need to get name of organic butcher from Luke & Whitney. Lions Club for a table, put them next to the parks people? OlySalvage? Cornholing game. Carol’s son’s project. Make invitation to all the churches? Invite all equally! First United is interested in being part of community garden. Flier all the churches, Bev will deliver once created. Elaine will look for her list of churches. Nathan will talk to Eddie about toys. Invite band again. Work party for burgers. Start with last year’s numbers.

Membership & recruitment. coming up with a database, Jenni is working on it. Level of membership: businesses. Discussion of what is in the neighborhood. Link on website, ads at discounted rate. Currently 41 paid memberships. Set a goal. If we get to X amount of members, what we can do. Include in every newsletter how many members we have. We do all this with only N members! discussion of other methods to improve membership. Footer on the newsletter.

mini treasurer report: 41 paid members, $325.12 in checking, $1,522.75 in savings, $1285.61 in sign fund. skype costs $60/year.  po box is $95/year.

goal for membership? aim for 10% of neighborhood. 10 business members? Discussion of discounting on advertising. Welcome to new business members in newsletters? Link on the website over the year. Member benefits. Database would be available to board members.

have signs out a week in advance of the party. (Aug 15) ask Jessie to ask distributors if they want to host signs.

discussion of issues around community gardens, nothing very serious.

have not given donations to church hosts this year. discussion of where to hold future meetings: being well-distributed vs being in a familiar spot, and how much — say thank you, but not break our budget! Motion to donate $25 to Light & Life, made by Jenni, seconded by Bev, all aye.

Jenni – postcards? issue with sending ralph’s cards. (oops, my bad!) get multifunctional postcard? generic that can be used for lots of stuff. Use that color. (signs)

presidents report, treasurers report, picnic announcement, water tower story, meet your neighbor, block party

how much to buy for picnic.

next meeting 7/16 at Bev’s.

adjourned 8:56pm