Present: Nathan, Ann, Jenni, Elaine, Chad, Jessica, Tim, Heather, Josh, Kate, and guest Casey Caronna
- Approve last meeting minutes (can be read here:
Minutes from February & January approved. Moved Chad, Jenni second. - Newsletter (deadline is April)
Meeting on 5/21, To Jessica on 5/1, Articles to Elaine & Chad 4/24.
Income/costs. Ask Do’ops for discount in return for ad? Discussion of whether to pay for folding. Work party? Will have work party to fold & count. Tim, Jenni, Elaine, Chad all willing to volunteer.
Topics agreed, will post shortly. amended 3/28: see below.
Organize advertising information! Talk to Nova School about advertising: we changed our minds about taking ads from outside the neighborhood. “Reserve the right to refuse service.” Encourage local businesses to come to the picnic. - Discussion around how much we should be involved with community re: public safety. Put information out? Reminders. Get to know your neighbors.
- Signs for meetings (Nathan can present example)
Nathan showed a sign sample from VistaPrint, $14.99, double-sided. Get with logo, and sleeve for meeting date/location. Enough for all the board members, and post in the yards. Nathan will do design, get pricing & sample. Want color background, possibly a color from the website. - Sex Offender Notices
Do we want to send them through the Google Group emails? Discussion. Add resources page. Everyone will send Elaine suggestions to post on the website. (Also, Nathan will add Kate & Josh to the board email group.) - Phone
Discussion about whether to get the ENA its own phone. VOIP device vs prepaid cell vs Vonage vs Skype. Nathan will look into online options. Elaine will find notes about prepaid phones. - Mail
Jenni has some materials from Dept of Ecology re: eastbay project. Survey from Homes First! seeking feedback on affordable housing needs in the neighborhood. Will return to this topic. Good general meeting speaker? - Neighborhood Coalition
Nathan went to the Coalition of Neighborhood Associations meeting and talked about his experience at the meeting. Different levels of membership; Luke was on the Steering Committee. Asked for someone else to attend. Invite CNA people to our picnic. Josh might be able to go to the next meeting along with Nathan. - Community Garden?
Might be in the comprehensive plan? Also quick discussion of garden walk dates, possibly mid to late May, to be announced in the newsletter. Discussion of timing, connections with the city. Also vacant lots? Nathan will call David Hanna. - Treasurer’s Reports: we have some memberships coming in, plus 2 Stormans’ checks ($35-$50?). We still have some cards, Jenni is taking them. amended 3/28: there are available Storman’s Thriftway 1% community rebate cards held by Jenni.
- New Business
Casey: will have a project at the end of his Master’s (education) program 2 years from now.
More discussion about community garden, projects for the future.
Discussion of the Homes First! survey. Feeling that we don’t know enough to complete it, but we might want to have them submit an article and/or speak at May general meeting. Jenni will contact. (note: we need to set up se*******@ea**************.org.)
More about Stormans cards, Jenni will contact to have more at the general meeting.
Proposed topics for May newsletter:
- meeting agenda/pres message
- outreach for new pres
- treasurer’s report
- meet your neighbor
- garden walk: mid/late-May?
- new board members
- picnic planning
- google group promo
- ads
- membership form
- slow walking signs (also add to website)
- parks update
- homes first