March 15, 2023 Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

March 15, 2023, 7-8:30 PM

1613 Union Ave SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Cheryl Bayle, Abigail Twombly, Nathan Allan, Jim Rioux


1) Approval of the minutes:

February 14, 2023 minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report:

Checking – $552.45

Savings – $963.82

Neighborhood Signs – $1307.63

Legion Way Trees – $153.52

Community Beautification $410.28

Total $3387.70

3) Emergency Management Meeting March 27th:

The meeting will be held at the Swantown Inn starting at 6:30 PM. The presentation should take about an hour. We expect 10 to 30 people. Nathan will provide coffee; Jim and Karen will bring cold drinks, and Sherry may bring brownies.

Jim R. said he would post a blurb on NextDoor and Nathan will post on Facebook. Signs should go up this weekend. Nathan will use a PDF version of the sign on his TV at the meeting.

Here is the presenter’s description:

Here is an overview of what I plan to cover:

Learning about hazards where you work, play, and live will help you, your household, workplace, and community get prepared.  Thurston County is at high risk for a major earthquake and flooding just to name a couple.  Knowing what could happen is important, depending on where you are in Thurston County

Having a disaster plan gives you peace of mind when an emergency happens.

You may be on your own for at least two weeks when a disaster happens. But, it is possible that a major earthquake could leave residents on their own for a month or more. The first step is to build a 2 weeks ready kit at home.  

Best regards, 

Cherie Carey

Emergency Management Coordinator

Thurston County, Washington

9521 Tilley Rd. S. – Olympia, WA  98512

Phone: 360-867-2827 | Cell: 360-239-1282

ch********** |

4) ENA Event Calendar and Talent Show timing:

Roger prefers to hold the talent show in October.

We may have to drop the educational event or family/cider event in September if there is too much happening around the same time.

Some of these events will require grant funding.

Nathan recalled previous garden tours were popular.

5) RNA Grant ideas; Fall harvest fest?

Sherry will prepare a grant application to support planned community events including purchasing a cider press, a portable barbeque, ice cream maker, pumpkins and carving tools, and hiring a band.

6) Discuss April Event Location and possible dates:

Abigail tried to contact Left Bank about an event in April but they were apparently not interested. However, Northwest Beerwerks said we could use either their tent or a small room. The Board agreed to aim for 3 to 6:00 PM on Wednesday April 19.

7) CNA Report:

Karen described a presentation by Jolt’s Danny Stusser about promoting neighborhood information. As a subscriber, we could contribute information, and the CNA could have its own space. The CNA is looking for people to help with communications, to explain for example, “what is the CNA?”

The League of Women Voters of Thurston County is holding a Regional Fire Authority Forum on March 29 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM prior to the April 25 special election. Registration is not required. Following is a link to an article on the Jolt website with more information about the meeting.

Voter Information Forum, Wednesday, March 29

Planning staff presented new parking requirements to the CNA. After discussing the CNA resolution in favor of delaying the public hearing to allow time for neighborhood engagement, the Board agreed to send a letter of support for the CNA resolution.

8) Sign Readability; Discuss Abigail examples:

After reviewing the draft signs, Board members said they were very pleased with the new format. Abigail will change “meeting” to “class,” have enough copies printed for 10 signs, and email us when they are ready.

9) Nail down/Reaffirm Dates of meetings:

The next Board meeting will be April 12 at 7:00 PM. This will return us to our regular time on the second Wednesday of the month.

Other items: 

School closures – Nathan attended a meeting at Madison School last night about school closures and other ideas to correct the budget shortfall. The school financing situation is a mess. People need to write letters to their representatives.

Nathan will update the ENA website with current Board members and post the tentative event calendar.

Emergency Preparedness Discussion

Note: If you missed the meeting, Cherie (the presenter) was kind enough to share the presentation. You can find it by clicking here.

Join us at the ENA Community Clubhouse at the Swantown Inn on Monday March 27 for a discussion about Emergency Preparedness. Cherie Carey, Thurston County Emergency Management Coordinator will join us and lead a discussion about what you can do to get your home and family ready should our area experience an event that disrupts normal community services.

When? Monday March 27, 6:30 pm

Where? ENA Community Clubhouse at Swantown Inn located at 1431 11th Ave. SE Olympia WA.