Have Your Voice Heard on Neighborhood Centers

The City of Olympia is in the process of re-evaluating how they promote Neighborhood Centers throughout the City. They have hired a consultant to review the City’s programs and that firm has released a draft report.

The ENA board heard from our members and included promotion of Neighborhood Centers in our 2020 Sub-Area Plan. The board also worked directly with City staff to get support for a neighborhood center in the Eastside Neighborhood. Unfortunately, City staff and their consultant have focused all of their efforts on 12 existing neighborhood center proposals. None of them in our neighborhood.

Why neighborhood centers?

Neighborhood centers are small walk, bike, and transit-friendly business clusters within residential neighborhoods that serve the day-to-day retail and service needs of local residents while fostering community interaction. Neighborhood centers are important to community-wide goals to increase walkability, reduce our carbon footprint, improve human health, and foster neighborhood resiliency.

One last chance to engage

Until August 12, you can still make your voice heard. The City has an on line survey on their Engage Olympia web page. Although that survey is primarily focused on the 12 proposed neighborhood centers, there are at least two questions where you can voice support for a Neighborhood Center within the Eastside Neighborhood. Please take time to visit the city’s website and or contact city staff directly and voice support for a Neighborhood Center in our neighborhood.

Visit the Engage Olympia web page to complete the survey.

Alert! Coyote Den in lower Eastside

If you have lived here any length of time, you would be aware that we have coyotes in the neighborhood.

We now have a very active pair with seven puppies located on Henry Street, which is just off 11th Avenue Southeast. The coyotes have been seen a lot more often during the day, not just in the green spaces but in driveways and other developed areas.

A neighbor has shared this album, along with the fact that they have killed a number of the neighbors cats. If you own a pet, we strongly advise you to keep it inside at night.

Department of Fish and Wildlife will not do anything. The coyotes were here long before it was as populated as it is now, just like the neighborhood deer.

Annual Picnic – August 6th, 4 to 7pm

The ENA Annual Picnic is scheduled to be held this Saturday at Lion’s Park, in the shelter.

Running from 4pm to 7pm, Eastside Big Tom’s has graciously donated the burgers, there will also be hotdogs. You are welcome to bring a side or dessert to share.