January 14, 2025 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting
PM January 14, 2025

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Ave SE, Olympia

Members Present

Jim Rioux (Treasurer), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Nathan Allan, Abigail Twombly, Cheryl Bayle, Therese Vogel

1) Approval of the Minutes

The December 11, 2024 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

Checking $1,969.87

Savings $2,943.25

Total $4,913.12

Jim Rioux reported he received and deposited a Neighborhood Grant check for $1,840.40. He also deposited $90 in cash and checks received at our Annual Meeting. We still owe Laurel $1,200 and Sherry $369.32.
He received a bill for the Post Office box that is due at the end of the month; 12 months for $256. The Board agreed to renew for 6 months and Jim said he would look into less expensive alternatives.

3) January 7th Annual Meeting

Everyone agreed the annual meeting was a success. The table arrangement allowed people to socialize and connect with their neighbors. Jim Rioux did a nice job with the introductions. The guest speakers were interesting and engaging. Many thanks to Nathan and Casey for hosting and providing the excellent food.

4) Election of Officers

All current officers have agreed to continue. Karen agreed to fill the vacant Vice President position and continue as the CNA representative.

5) CNA Report
Karen reported there was no council member present.

Tim Smith reported the City currently has about 60 projects in permit review, including West Bay Yards, SPSCC dormitories, Briggs Village and Henderson apartments. Abigail described a new bank building proposed near 4th and Water, on the site formerly occupied by Procession of the Species.

Fire Chief Matt Morris talked about CERT – Community Emergency Response Team training (see link below). He also described OFD’s Community Assistance Referral and Education Services program.

Larry Dzieza continues to try and open an on-going dialog with the Planning Commission. This could include neighborhood association members commenting during meetings and being added to the Commission’s annual work plan.

6) RNA Grant Closeout

7) 2025 Work Plan & Events Calendar

Nathan projected the ENA website on the screen and the Board discussed what information should be prominent on the home page and in menus. It was agreed we need to update the 2025 events calendar regularly.

8) Other

The Board agreed to schedule time to work on the things that routinely fall through the cracks because we don’t have time for them during monthly meetings. Some examples are newsletters, email lists, the events calendar and website. It was decided to meet Sunday morning January 26 from 10:00 to 12 at Swantown.

Jim S. described a recent Strong Towns article about civic engagement; “How a Walk About Nothing Can Change Everything About Public Engagement” Here’s a link: https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2025/1/10/how-a-walk-about-nothing-can- change-everything-about-public- engagement?apcid=0060f5c4aeb5b5bba4851200&utm_campaign=25-1-14- digest&utm_content=25-1-14-digest&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ortto

Following are links to websites describing the CERT training Chief Morris talked about, and other emergency preparedness sites.

“What is CERT Training?”

https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/cert- trainings?language=en_US

“Community Emergency Response Team”

https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/individuals-communities/preparedness- activities-webinars/community-emergency-response-team

“Disaster Preparedness Training for Communities and Organizations

The next Board meeting will be February 11th.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Newsletter Archive

Just a note that to make it easier we created a Newsletter Archive. So from January of 2025 we should have an easier way to access the new curated newsletters. Older ones are kept in the blog area as a legacy archive (there is nothing like history!).

Thurston County Food Project

This is a food bank project that I believe some of our neighbors participate in. We have a new coordinator! Let us share her request:

Hi neighbors, my name is Jonnita Thompson and I’m a new Lead Neighborhood Coordinator for the Thurston County Food Project. There was a lot of energy at our recent ENA Annual Meeting when we heard from Chris Hyde, Souper Sunday and The Food Source Network founder and Berenice from the Thurston County Food Bank. The theme of addressing food insecurity of our neighbors and friends.

Bag of Food

I’d like to invite you to support the Thurston County Food Project. It’s a really easy way to donate to the food bank. I drop off a green bag, you fill it and put it on your porch the second Saturday of even months and I stop by and pick it up. It really couldn’t be easier to make a small but meaningful gesture to support our community. You can sign up to be a donor here;


The next pickup is scheduled for Saturday, February 8 and I’d love to add you to the route!