FREE> Rods ‘N Reels Event – June 8th Noon – 4 pm at Lions Park

Proudly co-sponsored by Rod n Reels, the Eastside Neighborhood Association, and the Olympia Lions Club, this event promises a reel good time for the whole family!

  • Exciting Fishing Demos
  •  Expert Tips and Techniques
  • Interactive Workshops
  • Free Rods and Reels
  •  And much, much more!
  • Including delicious refreshments, and FREE hotdogs! 

Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just dipping your toes into the world of fishing, this event is perfect for anglers of all ages and skill levels.

Mark your calendars and be sure to join us on June 8th at the Pavilion located in Lions Park  for an unforgettable afternoon! 

Free Rods N Reel Event June 8th noon to 4PM Lions Park

🎣🌟 Dive into the Ultimate Rod and Reel Extravaganza! 🌟🎣

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon of angling adventures at our Rod and Reel Event on June 8, 2024, from noon to 4 pm! Proudly co-sponsored by Rod n Reels, the Eastside Neighborhood Association, and the Olympia Lions Club, this event promises a reel good time for the whole family!

Cast your worries away and reel in the fun with:

🔹 Exciting Fishing Demos 🔹 Expert Tips and Techniques 🔹 Interactive Workshops 🔹 Free Rods and Reels 🔹 And much, much more!

Plus, treat your taste buds to delicious refreshments, including FREE hotdogs! 🌭

Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just dipping your toes into the world of fishing, this event is perfect for anglers of all ages and skill levels. Don’t miss your chance to hook onto the excitement and make a splash at the Rod and Reel Event of the year!

Mark your calendars and be sure to join us on June 8th at the Pavilion located in Lions Park  for an unforgettable afternoon! 🎣

See you there, tight lines! 🎣✨

April 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

April 10, 2024, 7:00 PM

1613 Union Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Cheryl Bayle


Larry Dzieza, Mike Ruth

1) Sidewalk Survey app

Larry and Mike described why Olympia is hiring a consultant for a $100K sidewalk study. The City is paying large sums every year to settle sidewalk injury claims. The Planning Commission looked at the ways neighboring Cities deal with sidewalks. The new direction recommended by the CNA is to budget $3 million for sidewalks annually, compared to $13,000 last year.

Mike walked us through loading the app (version 1.02) on our phones and we spent some time outdoors learning how to use it. With a little practice, we were able to easily photograph, categorize and document sidewalk problems. The surveys will provide the data necessary to inform the consultants and Public Works engineers about the walking routes which are most important and where the problems are. Survey information will be used to create interactive GIS maps showing the problem areas on “heat maps,” and local knowledge will help identify the highest priority projects in each neighborhood.

2) Approval of the minutes

Approved as submitted.

3) Treasurer Report

CHECKING – $636.25
SAVINGS – $965.26
TOTAL – $3,876.10

4) Long term calendar 

Annual Picnic and Kid’s Day – The date has been changed to SaturdayAugust 10th, from 4 to 7 PM.

Beerwerks event – Abigail emailed that the event could take place either on Thursday April 18th or Wednesday the 24th. The Board’s consensus was that either date would be acceptable.

Garden Tour Event – The Board agreed that May is probably too early for a garden tour and agreed to revisit this idea in the future.

Lions Club Rods and Reels EventJune 8th noon to 4 PM. Sherry reported on a meeting with Lions Club people planning this event. The ENA will grill hot dogs. We need people to bring extra tables.

5) CNA Report 

Karen reported on the following topics from the April 8th meeting.

RNAs are allowed to use the City’s copier, but you will need to bring your own paper.

South Capital sent a mailer to all neighborhood residents and was successful in reaching many renters.

The Council approved the Planning Commission’s 2024 Work Plan on April 9th. The Work Plan includes a Neighborhood Centers Strategy.

The Council accepted the Urban Farms Feasibility Study and decided an urban farm is not feasible at this time. The associated survey indicated people are interested in neighborhood-oriented community gardens.

The next major housing project will be to accommodate people relocated from the Jungle. Later, multi-family low income housing will be constructed on the Frnaz Anderson Road site.

The Planning Commission will be briefed on the Comp Plan Natural Environment chapter, which includes Urban Forestry, on June 17th.

The Council approved additional amendments to the rental housing ordinances.

6) Mural Update and Art Crossing Project

Sherry received an email from Laurel and will be working on the details with Hank and Abigail. Olympia’s Poet Laureate will be offering a stanza for the mural.

The Martin Way/Pacific Avenue Art Crossing dedication is scheduled for May 1st.

7) School Closures

Based on the Court decision OSD cannot move to close schools at this time.

8) Other

Sherry would like to do a fruit tree pruning seminar next winter.

Madison Scenic Park is having a Volunteer Work Party on Saturday April 13 from 10 AM to 1 PM.

Abigail is looking for an update on the events banner. Sherry said Nathan has used VistaPrint for banners in the past. The dimensions of the Lions Park shelter are 15 feet and 26 feet, so the banners should be no more than those lengths.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

March 12, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

March 12, 2024, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle, Nathan Allan

1) Approval of the Minutes

The February 13 minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

$ 636.25 – MONEY MOVER
$ 965.13 – SAVINGS – MAIN
$3,875.66 – Total Available

3) 2024 RNA Grant Status; Banner and Mural discussion

Sherry would like us to consider working with Olympia’s Poet Laureate.

It looks like the ENA’s RNA grant request will be approved. The mural is still in the works. Also, $1000 is available for designing and printing two large reusable banners. Abigail has offered to help with the design.

4) Madison Closure discussion

Jim & Karen attended the Court hearing. April 25th is the new deadline but more work remains to be done to avoid school closures.

5) Clothing Swap Debriefing

Several Board members helped out at the event. The timing prior to the church rummage sale was good. The next time we will need to promote it more.

6) CNA Report 

Karen reported on issues discussed at the March 11th CNA meeting.

Karen Messmer spoke in opposition to new drive-through restaurants on Plum Street.

There is a meeting on the rental registry ordinance tomorrow.

The Capital Mall Triangle plan is still in progress. Comments on the Draft EIS are closed. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on April 1st and deliberate on April 15th.

Staff described improvements to the City’s development tracking map. Jim R. offered to walk us through a tutorial on a convenient Saturday.

Larry Dzieza previously offered to do a tutorial on the sidewalk app for the ENA. Karen said she will ask him.

Olympia’s Site Plan Review Committee heard a proposal for a 12-cottage housing project at 1937 7th Avenue on February 28th. We would like to invite Paul Horton and the property owners to an informal meeting to talk about the sidewalks on this part of 7th Avenue. “JOLT” published an article about the proposal on February 29. Here’s a link:,14746?

7) Lions Club Event Rods and Reels Moved to June 8th

Sherry reserved the shelter. We will do hamburgers and hot dogs.

8) Lions Club presentation

Jim S. did a PowerPoint presentation for the Lions Club on March 5th. President Brad Archibald said the Lions are interested in working with the ENA on future projects such as ‘Rods and Reels.’ Several Lions indicated they are anxious to share information on the history of Lions Park and the Eastside.

9) Proposed Calendar of Activities Dates for block parties and Picnic

The block parties will be on July 13th from 4 to 7:00.

The annual picnic will be held on August 11th. This year we will plan to combine the picnic with a kid’s day. Jim R. will check to see if the shelter is available.

Abigale emailed that she had posted preliminary dates for 2024 events on the website’s calendar page. Roger said he could consider moving the talent show to September.

10) Digital Photo Archive

Nathan indicated the only account we have is for president@ and the President could share a folder which we would be able to add photos to. Another option would be to upload photos to the ENA website.

11) New Bridge offer of financial support.

Nathan reached out to Pastor John Cardona about putting up holiday snowflakes on Central Street. If it works out we could include funding for this in our next grant proposal. Sherry said she will contact them and offer to help if no one else wants to.

12) Other items of interest

Jim S. reported that the Olympia will receive a $117,800 grant to develop an Urban Forest Management Plan.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.