May 11, 7pm, Fire station meeting room (100 Eastside NE)
Present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Don LeMaster, Bev Kooi, Ruth Middlebrook
Call to order 7:11pm
Chad presented a map with all individual units. Examined map, discussed uses.
Discussed this schedule – moved that we continue 2nd Tuesday, 7pm. second, voted all ayes. All potlucks to be general meetings: moved, seconded, all ayes.
Treasurer’s report (Jenni) – savings: $525.62, signs fund: $1288.62, checking: $843.27, certificate: $1004.04. Discussion of how people know when their dues are up. Bev suggested tracking, and sending reminders when dues are up. Discussion of solicitation. (bookkeeping rules? privacy rules?) I will find examples of soliciting dues renewal.
Non profit update (Chad) – waiting for electronic IRS filing, greatly reduced fee. Chad will send info to Don. Set to discuss at next meeting. Jenni will call sec of state about articles of incorporation.
Discussion of email lists, other electronic communication (Elaine): ena-announcement (ENA-only events, city notices relevant to n’hood), ena-discussion (open to all for notices & conversation). Can pictures be posted to the email list? Going to let Facebook lie fallow.
Picnic: Decided on date of August 21.
Newsletter (Bev): July 9 is story deadline. Ruth will have for delivery on July 27. Delivery by August 8. Stories: Lions Park? Picnic. Potlucks (Ruth). Meet neighbors. Survey? (Send CutePDF info to Bev.) Madison article (Ruth will talk to Yvonne). Gardening. Discussion of ad pricing. Jenni will write a draft letter.
Adjourned 8:43pm
Next meeting: June 8
Tentative agenda: 501(c)3 filing; dues renewal process; rough version of newsletter, specifically survey