Draft minutes for the June Board meeting, taken by Elaine Nelson
- discussion of minutes and Google Groups lists. may look into setting up an open discussion group, with someone other than Luke moderating. Approved.
- Isthmus rezone. Luke has been receiving emails from various groups around town: some asking us to share info, some asking for an ENA position. in particular, one from several former planning commission members, sending a letter, wanting our endorsement. (anti the rezone) discussion of particular impacts, including fountain park, images available from the city. does the ENA want to take a position? discussion of whether it’s outside of our group’s scope. Sam suggested maybe having an article in the newsletter. for that venue, will be too late for any decision-making. consensus: “it’s not letterhead material.”
- garden project. Stuart: not anything to report, still hasn’t heard back from David Hanna after making some calls, sending some letters; still trying to figure out what the city’s POV is. Stuart will send copies of the letters to Luke (whole board?) and Luke will follow up. Stuart will not have the same time availability, has not been able to get ahold of anyone at GRUB. also, the developer has no plans to develop the 13th Ave property in the near future, so that group doesn’t have the urgency that they did a year ago. Chad said that Michael Kelly at Terra Commons is interested in helping. Nathan thinks that the next step should be to talk to GRUB about their park project, and get the 13th Ave group going, otherwise: no point in doing it? Chad thought there was enough interest, put up a fence & sign, and Terra Commons really wants a project. Difference between enough people who would use it and enough people to make it happen. Tim knows Blue (?) at GRUB, thinks that this is an important need for the community. Stuart talked a bit with someone at GRUB about the Sunrise garden, but didn’t talk about the aspects addressed in the letter from the city. Tim will talk to Blue about the history & process. Chad will talk to Michael, feel out what they want, experience working with the city. Some discussion of relationship with the city, that they want our willingness to participate in the formal planning process.
- picnic. August 9. Will New Bridge be involved to the same extent? Haven’t heard as much from them. Last year we bought beverages, burgers, dogs & buns. Eddie had inflatable toy; Carol’s son did activities. People broughts sides & desserts. Had too much food, couldn’t give it all away. We’re doing well financially, can do the same again. Higher quality meat? Cost is a serious factor. Quality salads? How many people? 40 or 50 would be a reasonable number. Tim would be willing to help with games & activities, if he doesn’t have his kid by then. Fire department will show up with fun stuff for kids. Luke has been talking to the police; apparently we have a neighborhood beat cop, will see if we can have someone come to the picnic or a general meeting. Sam can bring iced coffee & iced tea. Stuart would like to sign up for prep for making our own food. Can we go more sustainable or better quality? Chad will check whether Stewart’s Meats does premade patties. Will do same as last year, but look for better sources. Stuart will make the gardenburgers, about 2 dozen, will get reimbursed. Whitney will look into other meat options. Tim will ask SF Bakery people about buns (5-6 dozen). Will be asking for either donations or reduced cost.
- traffic. Luke has been talking to Randy W. about the crosswalk at Madison. Trying to find out what’s going on. Will bring back in July.
- sandwich board signs. southwest neighborhood got grant from city for something like that, but not reusable. nice professional sign about $300 ea. Luke is working on a homemade sign prototype, with a space for a notice under plexiglass. Sam has a vinyl-cutter at work, might be able to score a couple of things of our logo, probably cheap or free. Luke can send him a copy of the logo (Illustrator) and approximate size. Luke showed the image prototype. Elaine & Chad may have some hinges to help. Oly Salvage always has good inexpensive plywood, (other store) has cheap paint. May be organizing a work party in the future.
- we got STEPS grant again, Christine Watts is running it again. Probably continuing prior year projects. City is also talking about organizing “walking bus” with new employee coordinating pedestrian/bike transportation issues.
- newsletter. articles due July 7. picnic, meet your neighbor, Kerry at the city wants to write. ads: the usual, plus Elaine will see about TwinStar, possibly picnic donors. ithusmus article? no, blog post. how to sign up for the Google Group, make a big deal about it. Elaine mentioned typo. Focus on ads, Elaine will put info on the website about newsletter ads. Luke will write a “president’s column.” Chad asked about inviting cartoonists.
- Stuart brought up the PSE sale, utility commission recommended not selling, will there be local electric PUD?
- Tim mentioned a google group on local organic gardening, “help my broccoli is looking like this what do I do?” as a resource for the neighborhood, people going to each other gardens. Will write article? Random discussion of the city composting program.
- Luke: city police now have daily activity summary on their website. They also do vacation checks, come by to see if your house is okay.
- Tim: some local sources for hoses/nozzles are now safe, but many contain lead, for safer vegetable gardening.
Next meeting, July 17, Swantown Inn, 7 pm.