Minutes from the ENA board meeting on Thurs April 21, 2006

Held at Jessica Archer’s house

Board members present

Margaret Frost
Katie Stoll
Ann Mataczynski
Nathan Allan
Jody Suhrbier
Casey Frazier
Carol Wilson
Terry Zander
Jessica Archer

Steve Lyons and Jean Keoning (not sure of the spelling) were also in attendance.

Special Guest speaker was Jerome Parker

The minutes from the last board meeting were read and approved with the correction of Jim’s Rioux last name. Jody made the motion and Margaret seconded it.

Jerome Parker told us about the proposed increased activity at the port of Olympia. Weyerhauser has proposed to greatly increase their current level of activity at the port and greatly increase the number of log trucks using Plum Street. He is representing the Citizens for Public Accountability and they are very concerned that no environmental impact statement was done before improving this change.  He asked for our support and will keep us informed on how things are progressing.

Jody is continuing to monitor any developments concerning the development on the corner of 11th and Central. She will continue to be in touch with the planners.

Old Madison school sale is still in the process Jean expressed some concern about amount of traffic that will be generated by the church development. She is also concerned about any payment arrangements the school district may be considering involving the church.

The entrance signs continue to be discussed and we are still looking for the best way to spend the money. There are many options for the posts, materials, and methods to put them up. We will pursue donations for materials, labor and the actual making of the signs. We will decide on the locations after we know the exact number of signs we can afford. We are hoping to be able to do at least 8 signs. Jessica agreed to contact business and see if they would sponsor a sign or make a contribution to the fund. She
will put together a flyer to hand out to businesses and offer them free advertising in the newsletter. Jessica will also put together a presentation for the general meeting to try to drum up some interest.

We were awarded the Active Lifestyle grant. We received $3000.00 Terry and Jody are working on a schedule of events. and other board members have offered to help or lead a walk or ride. Terry will have a presentation for the May general meeting. The kick off party will be June 3rd at Lions Park. Terry has sucessfully gotten some donations and offers of help from businesses. Anyone who volunteers to lead a walk can receive $50.00. The culmination of events will be at the neighborhood picnic on August 19th.

The general meeting is scheduled for Thurs May 11th. It will be at the usual church location and some board members have agreed to help with coffee and goodies.

Jody will ask a representative of the Parks department to come and talk about the Madison Scenic Park, the possibility of a Sonic basketball court, and any dog park plans More information will be given on the sale of old Madison and the Active Lifestyle program.

The schedule was discussed for distribution of the newsletter.

Mark reported that we need to generate some more income to cover the newsletter costs. We discussed charging $50.00 for a business card size ad, $100.00 for a bottom of the page ad (equivalent in size to 2 business cards) and $150.00 for 1/4 page ad. The possibility of classified ads from individuals is being considered.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Thurs June 15th at Carol’s house. There will be no board meeting in May.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:13.

Respectfully submitted

Carol Wilson, secretary