Giving Garden Plant Sale

Find perennial and annual flowers and annual veggie starts!
When: Saturday, May 7, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Madison Avanti Giving Garden, 1225 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA 98501
Benefits: Madison Avanti Giving Garden

Donations Needed!
Contact Katie Stoll ([email protected]) for plant sale donations.

Save the Date to Raise Funds for Madison Elementary!

Two neighborhood events will be held on Saturday, May 7, to benefit programs at Madison Elementary School.

Garage / Bake Sale
Join your Eastside neighbors for goodies and second-hand treasures!
When: Saturday, May 7, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: 1515 10th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501 (corner of 10th Ave & Central St)
Benefits: Madison Elementary Playground Equipment Fund

Plant Sale
Find perennial and annual flowers and annual veggie starts!
When: Saturday, May 7, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Madison Avanti Giving Garden, 1225 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA 98501
Benefits: Madison Avanti Giving Garden

Donations Needed!
Donations are gladly accepted for the garage sale, bake sale and plant sale.
Contact Whitney Bowerman ([email protected]) for garage sale and bake sale donations.
Contact Katie Stoll ([email protected]) for plant sale donations.

April 2011 Board Minutes

Called to order approx 7:30pm
Present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Ruth Middlebrook, Yvonne Fish, Nancy Thompson, Kate Wulf

13th Avenue Pea Patch: Chad spoke with TJ Johnson about the ENA having a plot in their garden this year. Cost would be approximately $15. Motion to get the plot at that cost, with Darleen leading the project and Kate assisting. Seconded, approved.

Picnic: group discussed holding a bicycle event, decided on a small kid-focused activity. Elaine, Ruth, and (tentatively) Karen Rogers will organize the activity. Nancy volunteered to lead organization of the picnic along with Kate.

Website: Elaine is interested in getting more people writing to the blog, which is now set up to automatically post to Facebook and email. She will get Yvonne and Darleen started.

Neighborhood block grant: Chad mentioned this opportunity, discussed applying for funds for the picnic. Elaine will be applying to get plants for the Fairview Pathway project. She will also send out an email when she’s ready to have volunteers for cleanup at the location.

Next potluck: date set for May 16 at the Light & Life Church building.

Newsletter: Elaine suggested a one-sheet newsletter to be put out ASAP, mostly to recruit picnic volunteers. The group agreed, and she will get a schedule out tomorrow. Ruth will contact delivery volunteers, and Jenni will send potential volunteer contact info to Ruth. Darleen volunteered to write something about the garden plot.

Adjourned approximately 8:15pm


Come to our next potluck! Bring a dish to share with your neighbors. If you can, please bring your own reusable dinnerware. We’ll be talking about gardening, the picnic, and projects. Or bring a board game or card game to enjoy with friends and family.

If you have a yard sign, download a sign insert (PDF).

Playground Fundraiser Raises $19K+

Parents at Madison are raising money to replace aging and dangerous playground equipment. On March 19, the playground was the beneficiary of the Junior League’s Fund a Need drive at their gala dinner and auction. Attendees raised $19,150! Together with the School District’s commitment they now have 70% of the funds needed to replace the old playground.

Donations are still needed. Send checks to Madison Elementary, Playground Project, 1225 Legion Way SE, Olympia WA 98501. Check out their Kaboom! project or visit the Madison-Avanti Giving Garden’s Facebook group for more info.

A playground design meeting will be held on April 13 at the Knox Building.