September 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Facilitated by ENA Board President Nathan Allan
Wednesday, September 18th, 2014
Meeting started at 6:30 pm at the Swantown Inn


  • Board Members Present:  Nathan Allan, Whitney Bowerman,  Brian Brannies,  Sandia Slaby, Sherry Chilcutt, Pat Bayle, Jim Longley
  • Board Members Absent: Kara Randall, Mitch Dennis, Sheena Pietzold, Katy Beattie
  • Other Attendees: Roger Horn

Dog waste stations update

  • Three installed so far. Six left to install.
  • Requires volunteers, along with a call to 811 as placement is in the city right of way.
  • Sites have all been vetted by the city.
  • Group of stewards and volunteers created on Nextdoor
  • Brian volunteered to help. Pat provide marking paint for before 811 is called.

Crime in the Neighborhood

  • Nextdoor – Crime seems to be a hot topic. Vehicle Break-ins. Petty theft from properties.
  • Members have noted that the “corridors” through the neighborhood have seen increases in unwanted behavior.
  • Do we want to push for more OPD presence in ENA? Question to ENA membership at general meeting.
  • Nathan has direct contact with Lieutenant Ray Holmes who is the Eastside coordinator.
  • Amy Stull has said that only shows crimes committed that are assigned a case number; “Yes, it shows everything that is assigned a case number and comes directly from our records system. The only thing I can think of is that officers may have decided against writing a case in some instances. That would be their discretion if there was nothing of value taken and no damage to the vehicle.”

Fall General Meeting

  • Trying for Wednesday November 5th from 6:30 to 8pm. Sandia is attempting to secure a location.
  • In light of current hot topics agenda would be; Crime (Invite OPD rep, Amy stull, mention Block Watch), Success of Dog Waste Station Project, Food Bank Project, Matching Grant Ideas (ie traffic circles).

CNA Meetings

  • Both Nathan and Whitney have been attending these.
  • CNA has had a recent change in leadership.
  • Nathan and Whitney agree that more needs to come from this group. That overall representation is from neighborhoods that are more HOA run than our eclectic neighborhood.
  • Nathan suggested we encourage the CNA to push for more community policing and code enforcement than currently offered.

New Business

  • Jim Longley formally resigned from the board due to outside commitments. Sandia, Katy, Pat and Whitney all indicated they will not continue with the board after their terms end in February.  All agree we must build on the good work the board is doing.
  • Whitney will investigate whether the Nextdoor name for our neighborhood can be altered. If so Sandia would like to have a discussion on whether this will clear the sometimes mistakenly blurred lines between the ENA and Nextdoor. Note: Nextdoor is independent from the ENA and simply a tool that the ENA uses to aid in getting our message out.
  • Brian would like to apply for the Community Matching Grant program. He will present and ask for ideas at the next General Meeting.
  • Whitney noted that the creation of the ENA Database for tracking membership is long overdue. Brian acknowledged that as the person who is trying to come up with a solution.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan, ENA President

September 2014 Board Meeting Agenda

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, July 16th, 2013, 6:30PM – 7:30PM

Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association.


  • Dog waste stations update (call for volunteers to help installations)
  • Fall General Meeting – do we need one?
  • CNA – Report from attending CNA meetings, feedback on what we want to share as an association
  • Nextdoor – Crime seems to be a hot topic. Do we want to push for more OPD presence in ENA?
  • New business.

Please note you do not need to be a board member to attend. We start promptly at 6:30pm. With a light agenda we will finish on time as well.

2014 Capital City Marathon, May 18th

Read on to see the Press Release with impact on the Eastside neighborhood.

Call for volunteers: Volunteer Poster 2014

MAY 18, 2014

Please factor the Capital City Marathon into your morning plans on Sunday May 18th. Our event is large enough that it could affect your mobility at times on Sunday morning. Depending on where you live on the race routes, it is conceivable that your ability to get somewhere or to return home that morning might be impacted.

The marathon run begins at 7:00 a.m., the half-marathon begins at 7:45 a.m. and the five-mile run begins at 8:00 a.m. You can go to the Capital City Marathon website to look at the course map to find out where your house is on the course.

The vast majority of marathon runners will finish between 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Most half-marathon runners will finish by 10:45 a.m. The five-mile race will be done by 9:30 a.m. Those attending churches located along the race courses may be delayed due to runners on the road depending on the time your service begins and ends.

We have volunteers and local law enforcement directing traffic to ensure runner safety and to keep vehicles moving safely. We try to minimize the inconvenience but be aware of the event and please be patient.

Thank you in advance for your tolerance and patience on race day.

Jim Lux, President and Course Safety Coordinator, Capital City Marathon Association