Eastside Food Project Pick-Up Saturday 10/11/14

The October pick-up for the Food Project is this Saturday, October 11. Please place your green bags on your front porch by 9:00 am, unless your Neighborhood Coordinator has specified otherwise.

If you’re wondering what the Food Project is, you can learn more on the ENA website.  We’d LOVE to have more Eastside neighbors participating! This is a super easy (promise!) way to get involved and contribute to the neighborhood and the community at large.

Greening Capitol Way – Public Involvement Meetings

From the City of Olympia:

Olympia is one of three capital cities to be selected for the EPA’s Greening America’s Capitols external link program. With technical design assistance from EPA, we will re-envision Capitol Way, from the Farmer’s Market to the State Capitol campus, as a greener and more vibrant streetscape.

Get Involved
The City of Olympia and the design team will be hosting an interactive public workshop/open house to give community members the opportunity to contribute to the project and collaborate on design ideas.

When? Monday, September 29, 6:30-8:30pm
Where? The Olympia Center, General Purpose Room A
The next day (September 30), the design team will hold focus group meetings with representatives from various community groups, like downtown residents and businesses, environmental and other non-profit organizations to further refine the design ideas.

Following the workshop and focus groups, the public is invited to attend a ‘wrap-up’ session in which the design team will present the final design concepts, resulting from the three days of work sessions and community input.

When? Wednesday, October 1, 6:30-8:30pm
Where? The Olympia Center, General Purpose Room A

More info on the City’s website.

Go Green! Natural Lawn Care 2015 Program Recruitment

Go Green! Natural Lawn Care 2015 Program Recruitment

Go Green – Get Green!
You can have a beautiful lawn, naturally – PLUS save time and money!

Do you use chemical quick-release fertilizers and/or “weed” and “feed” type products to maintain your lawn? If yes, we want you for a new FREE lawn care program!

What do you get?

  • Soil test and customized recommendation
  • Two visits with a lawn care professional
  • Lawn aeration rental
  • Lime and slow release fertilizer, based on the soil test
  • Hands-on “how-to” demonstrations for you and your neighbors

For details and to sign up, visit the City of Olympia’s website.

July 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Facilitated by ENA Board President Nathan Allan
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Meeting started at 6:30 pm at the Swantown Inn


  • Board Members Present:  Nathan Allan, Whitney Bowerman, Katy Beattie, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Sandia Slaby, Sherry Chilcutt
  • Board Members Absent: Pat Bayle, Jim Longley, Kara Randall, Mitch Dennis
  • Other Attendees: Lee Bickle

ENA By-Laws Review Committee Report

  • Tabled due to absences

Lions Park Speed Bumps

  • ENA President received email from resident about asking City for speed bumps around Lions Park
  • It takes awhile to get speed bumps from the City
  • Neighbors can pay to have speed bumps put in
  • Concern of speeding drivers around kids/families and others running stoplights
  • The Board encourages neighbors to group together and voice their concerns about traffic to the City; ENA will back the group’s voice if needed

Dog Waste Stations Update

Whitney submitted an application the City for dog waste stations throughout the ENA. There are 12-14 possible locations. Conversations are being had about whether or not we can put dog waste stations in the right of way, attached to already existing signs. Whitney will continue to update the Board. Once the locations will be okayed, then work out the installations of the posts. The ENA will ask Lew Rents to donate the rental of an auger for a few hours in order to efficiently dig postholes. Not everyone on the Board agrees with the idea of dog waste stations and think that it may only lead to bags of dog poop left throughout the neighborhood. Most members think this is a positive project for the ENA Board to accomplish.

Annual Garage Sale

  • Weekend of July 19th
  • 9 confirmed households participating
  • PSAs have aired on Mixx96, KAOS
  • 7th and Edison has a sign advertising sale
  • Will advertise on Facebook and Craigslist as well
  • Neighbors are encouraged to put up their own signs as well as the general neighborhood signs

Annual Picnic

  • August 16, 11 am – 2 pm, at Lions Park
  • Ralph’s Grocery donated $50 gift card for food
  • Waiting to hear back from the Co-op to see if they can donate
  • Brian and Sandia volunteered to do food prep for the BBQ
  • ENA will purchase: hamburgers, buns, vegetarian option, dessert, water cups
  • Motion approved for purchasing picnic items
  • Neighbors will be able to sign up for membership at the picnic
  • ENA will be collecting food for the Food Bank, please bring donations!

New Business

  • ENA is looking for ideas for the City’s Matching Grant Program
  • Sandia will look into what happened to the last matching grant that the ENA was given (estimated four years ago)
  • Create a flyer to have ready by the picnic. The flyer should include: Thurston County Food Bank Project, Nextdoor, ENA Membership, Matching Grant Program, NextDoor, Thriftway Thrift-E Card
  • Sherri hosted a Solar Information Evening at her house; 15 people attended.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes submitted by Katy Beattie, ENA Secretary

July 2014 Board Meeting Agenda

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, July 16th, 2013, 6:30PM – 7:30PM

Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association.


  • ENA By-laws committee – report from By-law review meeting
  • Lions Park Speedsters (request for speed bumps)
  • Dog waste stations update
  • Annual garage sale (weekend of July 19th)
  • Annual picnic