May 2014 ENA General Membership Meeting Minutes

Facilitated by ENA Board President Nathan Allan
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Meeting started at 6:00 pm at the New Bridge Community Church


  • Board Members Present: Sandia Slaby, Nathan Allan, Whitney Bowerman, Pat Bayle, Jim Longley, Kara Randall, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, and Mitch Dennis, Sherry Chilcutt
  • Board Members Absent: Pat Bayle
  • Other Attendees: 30-40 community members attended

Comprehensive Plan

City staff and a representative from the Planning Commission will talk about the revised Comprehensive Plan, set to be finalized in summer 2014. Learn about why the Comprehensive Plan is important and how the updates will affect our neighborhood directly and indirectly.

Presentation by Amy Buckler, Assistant Planner at the City of Olympia. Also present: Roger Horn (Olympia Planning Commission) and Michelle Sadlier (City of Olympia).

  • Required by Growth Management Act
  • Updated every 8 years, 20 year plan
  • There have been four phases: visioning and Scoping, community Focus Meetings, Planning Commission, council Review
  • Urban Corridor: red on map. Main arterial a in olympia, not very pedestrian friendly the way they have developed. It is in the plans to make these more of a mixed use area. Policy discussion on how wide these corridors should be. Make our community more walkable, less auto dependent. Concept of nodes: three areas where there should be focus of most growth, especially in downtown.
  • 1/4 mile from center line, along fourth and state and Harrison is gone. Will stay commercial zone.
  • Outlines of all the changes from 1994 (reference ‘change box’ in document to see how it has changed within the document)

Amy’s presentation can be found here. The City also has a video that summarizes some of the big topics in the plan.

Dog waste stations

The City will provide dog waste bag stations and/or signs indicating to people to stop and collect their pet’s waste. The ENA needs to submit an application specifying locations.

  • We need neighbors willing to host a location. Would you like to host a location? Ideally on private property. ENA would provide and put up a post, and the City would provide bags.
  • Locations with willing stewards: Legion & Fir or Legion & Fairview (Sandia); 10th & Central (Whitney); 11th & Central (Nathan).
  • Contact Whitney Bowerman if you are interested

Medela Update

Update on the Medela rezone application

  • Theresa presented on the updates
  • Wrote letter to washington state department of archaeology and historic preservation
  • Response from DAHP states the the area has the potential for archaeological resources

Thurston Food Bank Project

This will be on the agenda for June. We will have a guest speaker at that meeting.

Thurston Food Bank Project is based on a program that originated in Ashland, OR, that was brought to Olympia by a resident in the Cain Road Area Neighborhood. Neighborhoods have captains who collect food from the people in their group. Food is picked up every two months. Provides regular stream of food to Food Bank (vs. large donations during the holidays which then taper off during other times of the year). Jeanne offered to pay for bags (two re-usable bags needed for each program participant). Whitney will contact CRANA about presenting about the program at the June Board meeting. We need someone in the ENA to head this program up.

Disaster Preparedness

Contact Sandia Slaby if you are interested in becoming proactive in disaster preparedness.

Community Garden

  • There had not been enough interest
  • Notes have been archived,
  • We needed individuals to help build and maintain plots.
  • New Bridge Community Church had been wiling to host.
  • If you do have interest, please let ENA board member know.


  • Please sign up online, or by mail
  • Membership is on a sliding scale


Notes submitted by Katy Beattie, ENA Secretary

Proposed Land Use Zoning Changes

From the City of Olympia on May 12, 2014:


The City of Olympia is proposing four site-specific amendments to the zoning map.  Please see the attached letter and map for complete information.

Please forward questions and/or comments you may have regarding this to Todd Stamm, Principal Planner at [email protected] or 360.753.8597.

Janet Sanders|Planning Division
601 4th Avenue East|PO Box 1967, Olympia WA 98507-1967

May 2014 ENA General Membership Meeting

May 2014 ENA General Membership Meeting

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
New Bridge Community Church
812 Central St SE

Please bring a dessert item to share if you are able to.


  • City staff and a representative from the Planning Commission will talk about the revised Comprehensive Plan, set to be finalized in summer 2014. Learn about why the Comprehensive Plan is important and how the updates will affect our neighborhood directly and indirectly.
  • Dog waste stations
  • Update on the Medela rezone application
  • Thurston Food Bank Project

April 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Facilitated by ENA Board President Nathan Allan
Wednesday, April 17, 2014
Meeting started at 6:00 pm at the Swantown Inn


  • Board Members Present:  Sandia Slaby, Nathan Allan, Whitney Bowerman, Pat Bayle, Jim Longley, Kara Randall, Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, and Mitch Dennis
  • Board Members Absent: Katy Beattie
  • Other Attendees: Jeanne Koenings (ENA Resident), Roger Horn (ENA Resident), Teresa Goen-Burgman

ENA By-Laws and Rules of Order

Nathan distributed a “cheat sheet” of Robert’s Rules of order, which the By-laws specify the Board must follow for meetings. Nathan suggested the Board consider updating the By-laws, considering (at least) these areas:

  • A member is anyone who resides or owns property or a business within the neighborhood – should this be residents only or residents and business-owners only? To establish membership a person needs to provide ENA with their contact information – this should be updated to take advantage of available technology.
  • Annual meeting is to be in February – should this date to be more fluid?
  • At an annual meeting a quorum is 25 members – is this too large?
  • Number of members on the Board is 10 – 20 – should this be reduced?
  • Quorum is 30% of the Board – should this require a larger percentage?

Updating the By-laws would require voting at a General Meeting, a vote of 25 members (quorum). A committee was formed to review the By-laws (Sandia, Brian, Whitney, Sherry, Nathan, Jim). The plan is for the committee to propose amendments that the Board can then discuss, and later would be voted on at a General Meeting.

Dog Waste Stations

The City will provide dog waste bag stations and/or signs indicating to people to stop and collect their pet’s waste. The ENA needs to submit an application specifying locations.

  • What about Lions Park? This would fall under City Parks, not City Water Resources (which is providing the stations to homeowners). Brian will contact Parks re: getting a waste station at Lions Park and a second at Madison Scenic Park at the top of the hill.
  • Other locations with willing stewards: Legion & Fir or Legion & Fairview (Sandia); 10th & Central (Whitney); 11th & Central (Nathan).
  • Place stations in blocks that are more walkable.
  • City will potentially do a mailing to ENA residents telling them where stations are .
  • Whitney will post on NextDoor asking for volunteers to steward waste stations on their property.
  • What about asking the neighborhood churches if they would be willing to host a station? Sheena will contact churches directly.

Amazon Smile

  • Amazon will donate 1% of purchases made to a designated non-profit.
  • Sandia motioned to register the ENA for Amazon Smile. Sherry seconded. All those in favor? All aye.
  • Nathan will register the ENA.

May Quarterly Meeting

The meeting will be on May 14, 2014, at 6:00 pm at New Bridge Community Church. New Bridge has approved ENA to use their Adult Education Room. There will be no charge. 6:00 pm meeting, with set-up beginning at 5:00 pm. Meeting will last approximately 1.5 hours. Attendees are asked to bring a dessert item to share. Brian will contact New Bridge to see if they will have their coffee bar open. Brian motioned to donate $50 to New Bridge if the coffee store is open. Sherry seconded. Sandia abstained from voting, the rest aye.

  • Comprehensive Plan – issues of key interest/concern to the ENA (including urban corridors, neighborhood centers, upzoning potential).
  • Dog waste stations – update and whether or not we are still looking for volunteers.
  • Medela proposal.
  • Thurston Food Bank Project

ENA Signage & Advertising for Meetings

  • Discussion of allocating funds to print signs for advertising meetings and events. Brian motioned to approve funds to print 15 signs (~$200). Sandia seconded. All aye. Each Board member will steward one sign. Nathan will obtain and disperse the signs to Board members in the next couple of weeks.


Neighbors are responsible for repairing the sidewalks in front of their property, but the City owns them. The City has extremely limited funds to repair sidewalks. The Board would like to continue discussions about sidewalks.

Thurston Food Bank Project

Thurston Food Bank Project is based on a program that originated in Ashland, OR, that was brought to Olympia by a resident in the Cain Road Area Neighborhood. Neighborhoods have captains who collect food from the people in their group. Food is picked up every two months. Provides regular stream of food to Food Bank (vs. large donations during the holidays which then taper off during other times of the year).  Jeanne offered to pay for bags (two re-usable bags needed for each program participant). Whitney will contact CRANA about presenting about the program at the June Board meeting. We need someone in the ENA to head this program up.

ENA Database

We’d like to create a database of addresses for the neighborhood. This would allow the ENA to mail newsletters. Brian will work on improving the list of addresses we currently have. Further discussion needs to be had over how to structure obtaining and using this information.

Wireless Subcommittee

Kara informed that AT&T plans to put another cell tower on the water tower.

Treasurer’s Report

Checking account $609.25
Savings account $328.57
Neighborhood Signs $1296.16
Legion Way Trees $151.09
Community Beautification $504.77
Longterm Savings CD 1028.73

Sherry would like to be able to send out postcards to remind people when their dues should be paid again. Luke Bowerman would like to be removed from the checking account, someone else needs to be put back on (in addition to Sherry). Nathan will be put on the checking account.   Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm Minutes submitted by Whitney Bowerman, ENA Board Member

April 2014 Board Meeting Agenda

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, April 16th, 2013, 6:00PM – 7:00PM

Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association.


  • ENA By-laws and rules of order (All)
  • Dog waste stations (Whitney)
  • Amazon Smile for the ENA (Nathan)
  • May General Meeting – discussion topics and location (All, Brian)
  • ENA signage for meeting notification (Nathan)
  • Sidewalks (Nathan)
  • Thurston Food Bank Project (Whitney)
  • ENA address database (Brian)
  • Treasurer’s report (Sherry)