The Sub Area Plan Survey will be closing in a week or so. we have over 100 respondents, but more are always appreciated! It simply makes for better and more comprehensive data.
The next Thurston County Food Project pick-up is coming up on Saturday, February 10. Please place your green bag on your porch by 9:00 am and your neighborhood coordinator will pick it up.
Time crunch? Skip the explanation and TAKE THE SURVEY HERE.(otherwise read on!)
In August 2017, the Eastside Neighborhood Association (ENA) began working on sub-area planning for our neighborhood. Our goal with the plan is to lay the foundation for a neighborhood that is more inclusive, united, and cohesive, thus helping to achieve an improved quality of life for all people who are a part of our community.
The sub-area plan will further the goals, policies, and values of Olympia’s Comprehensive Plan at the neighborhood level. We strive to include broad and diverse neighborhood participation in order to improve our neighborhood. We’d like to hear from everyone interested in seeing the Eastside Neighborhood thrive.
We also want to focus on the topics most important to our neighborhood. To do that, we need your help to decide which topics to focus on in the sub-area plan for our neighborhood. We recently hosted a neighborhood conversation where we began this discussion. Now we want to expand the conversation.
We encourage you to come and share your ideas and insights by taking a quick (10 question) survey.
Based on the results, we will move forward developing a sub-area plan focusing on the neighborhood’s priorities. Look for information about topic-specific meetings where we can explore topics and ideas for improvement in more depth and detail.
We really want and value input from everyone! Thank you for participating.
The ENA Board of Directors and Planning Committee