Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – May 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

May 20, 2020

Virtual Meeting


Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Cindy Fulton, Jim Sweeney, Cheryle Bayle, Nathan Allan, Roger Horn

  • April 15 Meeting Notes

The Board approved the draft notes from the April 15 Board Meeting. 

  • Treasurer’s Report

Sherry will send out this month’s Treasurer’ report via e-mail.

  • Annual Picnic

Jim R. reserved the Lions Park Shelter for August 15, 2020 from 3:00pm – 8:00 pm. We will advertise the Annual Picnic run from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

  • Block Parties

There is good interest in holding block parties. We will need to confirm who will be hosts.

Currently scheduled for Friday 17th. Roger is hoping to do a merged block party. Can we do Friday or Saturday? Last years’ time frame was 4-8 pm.

Not sure how this will work with social distancing

  • ENA Contact List

Jim asked about how to update ENA contact list. We had people sign up to be added at the Subarea plan meeting. Jim has that list pulled together but does not know how to update the contact list.

Nathan explained that the list is linked to our website.  We think Brian and Sheena have passwords and know how to make changes.

Jim R. will contact Brian and Sheena to find out how to access ENA contact list.

  • Variety Show

Roger contacted the Eastside Neighborhood Association. They discussed the idea of a virtual show but concluded that it would be better to postpone until a live show can be held.

  • Neighborhood Mapping

Sherry provide an update of her work on neighborhood mapping. She has gone through all of the videos and is excited about starting with her immediate neighbors.

Cindy contacted Patrick Knoff with OFD. He has put a old on all neighborhood mapping activities to stay focuses on the City’s COVID-19 response.

  • Eastside Crossing

Jim S. Provide an update on the process to select the artist for the Eastside Crossing Gateway Project. The jury has narrowed the list from 10 to 3. They will interview with same jury next week. Next step is connection with two neighborhood associations. A joint meeting is a possibility in August or September.  CRANA meets at the NOVA School.

  • Armory

Jim S. established a contact with Parks. There is a lot of enthusiasm about the idea with City staff. Not much to report but interest is high. The City agreed to designate the site on the on historic register. The City is taking the lead. Marygrace and Stephanie Johnson were on the call. Jim S. will continue to is gather information.

  • Fir Street Reservoir

The City’s proposal to complete seismic upgrades on the reservoir has receive a SEPA determination of no significance. This was not challenged. We had hoped the City would address landscaping and remove the ivy, however, the is no work outside of reservoir.

  • Sub-area Plan Implementation

The subarea plan core team is meeting every other week. Work is focused on establishing the framework for engaging volunteers and pursuing issues that are already in progress such as getting historic designation of the Armory.

One action was to set up a sub-committee to investigate housing issues. Jim S. found a contact fond for Thurston Housing Land Trust. They want to talk with us about us about acquiring property for low- and moderate-income housing.

Sherry expressed an interest. 

Nathan suggested contacting others not on the board and Homes First.

Cindy mentioned that 1524 5TH Ave, which has been vacant for decades is being worked on. The contactor renovating the home got a deal with the City to live in a camper while working on the house.

  • Lions Park Spray-ground

No update. Jim R. Is still on point to contact the City.

  • Affordable Housing

Sherry asked if anyone had any thoughts about the affordable housing issues that are currently swirling or information about the Planning Commission meetings.

Jim R. mentioned that this is a significant topic at the CNA meetings. Many are frustrated that this seems to be done deal and any objections about the substance or process are falling on deaf ears. Clark Gilman essentially confirmed that that is true.

There was some discussion about the choice of Renata Rollins to call for a rent strike.

Nathan met with Teal new homeless community coordinator. Teal is overwhelmed.

Plum St. Is still up and running.  Nathan has noticed more people casing houses in the area since the measures to address COVID-19 were put into place. Cheryl indicated that she was seeing similar activity.

Union Gospel Mission is planning a few new houses.

The mitigation site seems to be running better.

The groups had a general discussion about challenges of homeless problems and solutions not being taken advantage of.

  • Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting

June 17, 2020

7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – April 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Notes
Virtual Meeting
Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Chris Knight, Jim Sweeney, Roger Horn, Cheryle Bayles

  1. City Council Virtual Town Hall
    Sherry mentioned that Olympia’s Finance Committee will convene another Virtual Town Hall on
    Wednesday April 15 at 5:30 p.m. on “Financial Resources for Local Businesses.”
    Sherry listened to one of the virtual town hall meetings. Jill Barns from Washington Center
    discussed fiscal impacts of the virus outbreak.
  2. Board Member Issues
    Sherry asked if anyone had any burning issues.
     Roger mentioned the need to think about ways that we help people in the
    neighborhood. He suggested putting up our signs with contact information might help.
     Chris shared that FUMCO is doing a lot of personal reach outs to people. He added that
    he thought Roger’s idea sounded good.
     Jim S mentioned that he would like to see the Next Door map used more. Is there some
    way that we could connect more directly?
     Cheryl shared her brother-in-law needs to pick up meals on wheels. Maybe there is an
    opportunity to help in those cases?
     Sherry asked about the foodbank. Do people need help getting to the food bank. Roger
    stated that it is not very busy and that you just get a pre-packed bag now. The board
    discussed giving a about donation and need to for financial help?
     The board approved donating $200 to the foodbank.
  3. Eastside Arts Walk
    The Eastside Arts Walk is a happening on April 25th 2pm-11:30PM. A map is being developed
    and there is information about the event on Next Door.
    The Board discussed putting up signs to promote the event.
  4. Variety Show
     Roger asked what people thought about trying to organize a virtual show. Virtual?
    Scheduled for May 2 nd .
     Chris thought there may be some challenges to getting it organized and we need to be
    careful about zoom bombers.
     Sherry mentioned that Facebook is good platform and may be a better choice than
     The group agreed that the date should be moved to late May or early June.
     In general, the group thought we should try a virtual show.
     Roger will check in with Bigelow Highlands Neighborhood.
  5. Neighborhood picnic and block parties discussion
    Are these events possible with social distancing? Generally, people thought we should explore
    the idea.
    Jim R. will contact Parks to see what they are doing about reservations in July and August.
  6. Neighborhood Mapping
    Jim Sweeney asked what could we do now to get more neighborhood mapping accomplished?
    He pointed out that the renewed awareness created by the coronavirus may generate some
    enthusiasm in the neighborhood around this initiative.
    Roger agreed to touch base with Sandia to see how her efforts went and see is she know how
    to get in touch with the person that spoke at the Sub-are plan meeting.
  7. Thurston County Courthouse
    Sherry asked if Jim R. had gotten in touch with the county to get a presentation on the Regional
    Courthouse. Jim R said he did not because he heard the courthouse project was indefinitely
    placed on hold.
    Roger spoke with John Turnhiem – John willing to come to a meeting or brief the ENA. The
    group felt that we may want to find a way to include the Northeast and Downtown
  8. Bob Jacobs Letter.
    Jim R. explained that Bob Jacobs had created the document to share with all neighborhood
    associations. Bob ran the information through the CAN. Bob thought it was critical to inform
    people about the SEPA process and their opportunities to comment.
    All felt the information was somewhat one sided and that opinions in the neighborhood were
    mixed. The group decide to not take any action on the letter. Jim Described the process. ENA
    will not
  9. Treasurers Report
    Sherry had e-mailed the Treasurer’s Report prior to the meeting.
  10. Eastside Art Crossing
    Jim S. provide an update on the process for artist selection. A workshop was helped on April
    2 nd to explain the process to artists. There were seven solid responses. The jury will meet on
    May 5 th . Probably on-line, but City Hall may be open on May 4 th .
  11. March 18 Meeting Minutes
    The Board approved the draft minutes from the March 18 Board Meeting.
    Next Meeting
    May 20, 2020
    7:00 PM
    Virtual Meeting

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – March 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Notes
March 18, 2020
Virtual Meeting

Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Cindy Fulton, Chris Knight, Chilcutt, Jim Sweeney, Brian Brannies, Cheryle Bayles

  1. Debrief of Annual Meeting
    In general, all felt that there was a good turnout and that the level of engagement with discussions was very good.
    At least one table discussed the lack of clarity about the proposed legislation under consideration at the state legislature. Some thought the sub-area plan would specifically address that and have action items to provide more input to the City on implementation.
    People thought the sub-area plan was a vehicle for telling the city that we didn’t want missing middle.
    Brian and Jim R noted that the final bill was significantly watered-down.
    They were generally confused about the sub-area plan at the table that Brian worked with.
    Jim Sweeny and others commented that it is hard to see what more we could have done to better educate our members.
    Cheryl commented that it is unfortunate the people still don’t understand after all we did to
    reach out.
    Jim S pointed out that we did a lot of electronic outreach and it is always best to do more one
    on one communication. The kind that that we had at our public meetings.
    Cindy indicated that her table jumped right in and picked out areas they wanted to emphasize
    Sherry let every know that If ENA owes anyone money send her receipts.
    We made $300 at the meeting
  2. Art Project
    Jim Sweeny reviewed process that the City Parks department is conducting to select the artist.
    People interested in competing were invited to City Hall for the next step, but that has been
    delayed until April. If people are interested, the City web site is a good source of information.
    Jim S. described the basic project for those that may not be familiar and noted that the City has
    $50,000 budgeted for the installation.
  3. New Yard Signs
    What are next steps? We talked about larger signs in the past.
    Brian offered to assist, but now unknown if that makes sense.
    Gathering a work party might be difficult. FUMCO is completely closed for now.
  4. Talent Show
    Sherry suggested that we table this issue for now.
  5. Current State of COVID-19
    Brian: Is everybody on the call OK? things look bad. Things will get bad for the City of Olympia
    Sherry: Did a few things on Saturday.
    Cheryl: Still walking around the Lake. People doing a good job of keeping six feet apart.
    Jim R described what’s open and what’s closed. No idea of funding impacts or solutions.
    Chris: All reservations at FUMCO are cancelled.
    Brian: State patrol not stopping for discretionary items.
    Sherry: Saturday distance picnic at Madison Park was a nice break and seemed to work well.
    There was a brief discussion about what ENA should do to get the word out. The group felt that
    more notices didn’t seem necessary.
    Future discussions should focus on How to reach those in need?
    Brian: Isolation may be most difficult to handle.
    Sherry: We should use this group if one of us tests positive.
  6. Thurston County Court House Ballot Measure
    Sherry shared that she reviewed the County’s proposal. The proposal includes a 125-foot
    building, with 1100 parking spaces in the structure. One proposal moves Japanese Garden. The
    wetland is eliminated. The group concluded that ENA should provide input.
    Some board members were suspicious about timing and think it is being pushed through
    without an adequate public process
    Jim Rioux will reach out to the County’s PM to invite him to speak with ENA
    Jim S – Traffic will be an issue so other associations may want to participate.
  7. Meeting Adjourned