March 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th A15ve SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, March 16th, 2016, 7:00PM – 8:15PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association
Board Members in Attendance: Brian Brannies, Sheena Pietzold, Nathan Allan, Rita Sammons, , Susan Herring, Jim Sweeny, Sam Green, Charlotte Claybrook.

Others: Roger Horn, LouEllyn Jones

Absent (Excused): Sherry Cillicut, Melissa Bluestein


  • Master Calendar updates
    • Agreed to keep board meetings on third Wednesday at 7pm. Also to keep them to an hour if possible.
    • Annual Picnic set to 20th August (unless another major event is found to fall on that day)
    • Neighborhood Garage Sale to be held week after Lakefair, Susan Herring taking charge of organizing
  • Nuisance Houses
    • There is continued displeasure within the neighborhood about the Duplex on Central, and a home on Sawyer.
    • The Sawyer street property appears to be more of a code enforcement issue and efforts have been made with OPD and Code Enforcement to make the property a better neighbor.
    • The Central Street Duplex is more of an OPD issue. OPD and Code Enforcement are both well aware of the problems. Activity is being tracked by officers. It is highly recommended that neighbors call in all suspicious activity to 911.
    • It has been suggested by members of other neighborhood groups that some or all of the following actions be undertaken;
      • reaching out to landlords
      • calling in every single little disturbance or illegal activity to 911
      • the addition of signage that notes “Neighborhood Watch” is in effect in the area
      • legal action against landlords to seize or penalize the property if problems are not fixed.
    • A number of board members noted similar problems in past residences. Board embers also offered assistance in undertaking the before-mentioned actions.
  • CNA Update from Sam Green
  • Treasurers Report
    • A motion was made by Nathan and seconded by Susan, to remove Luke Bowerman from the ENA Bank Account and to add Brian Brannies. Vote was taken and passed unanimously.
    • ACTION ITEM: Sherry to provide Brian with necessary documentation to facilitate this.
    • Checking $339.26
    • Savings $1061.00
    • Neighborhood signs $1298.05
    • Legion way trees $151.53
    • Community beautification $505.86

Minutes submitted by Nathan Allan, Joint ENA Secretary

February 2016 Board Meeting

Swantown Inn Bed & Breakfast, 1431 11th Ave SE (corner of Central)
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016, 6:30PM – 7:30PM
Monthly Board meeting of the Eastside Neighborhood Association.


  • Welcome new board members
  • Election of Officers
  • Dog waste stations update
    • Can we afford to purchase more bags?
  • Traffic Circle Beautification
    • Nathan Reached out to Master Gardener, Penny Longwell, for suggestions on plantings. She needs to know the exact locations. 
    • Do we also want to be pollinator friendly? See what that means here.
  • Annual Summer Picnic
    • Neighborhood Match Grant. Do we apply again?
  • Annual Garage Sale
    • Shall we try to ramp this up again? Need a volunteer co-ordinator to do so.
  • CNA
    • Shall we try to represent here?
  • Treasurers Report
  • New business.

Please note you do not need to be a board member to attend. We start promptly at 6:30pm.

ENA Annual General Meeting Tomorrow

ENA postcard

Tomorrow evening is the neighborhood association general meeting.

The Agenda can be viewed here.

You may have received the postcard pictured above.

If you did not, it could mean a number of things;

  1. You gave us your email and we emailed you the meeting notice instead
  2. We do not have the correct address details for you. In that case please email us and let us know who and where to post to.
  3. You are a fan of the ENA yet do not live in our boundaries.

If you received and postcard and it was not addressed to the current occupier of your home;

  1. Contact us, and tell us your name, address and email (we prefer sending email as it is free!)

If you would like to save the ENA money;

  1. Contact us, and provide your name, address and email. Tell us you would rather get an email!

Notes about the Postcard Mailing:

  1. Eastside Big Toms was our postcard sponsor. They sponsored the entire thing!
  2. Our volunteer Board Members walked most of the neighborhood and verified addresses as best as possible.
  3. The Postcard was designed to get you to this web site. Hopefully you will opt-in for email and make future mailings cheaper.