ENA Board Meeting

December 13, 2023, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Nathan Allan, Jim Rioux, Cheryl Bayle

Guest: Sara Finkle

1) Approval of the minutes

The November 8 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

Checking $748.66

Savings $964.75

Neighborhood Signs $1308.78

Trees $553.79

Neighborhood Beautification $410.79

Total $3,988.77

3) RNA Grant Wrap-up

Several things we thought we would do we weren’t able to do, but we were able to put the funding to good uses. We were also able to use a lot of donated materials and time rather than paying for it.

4) ENA Officer election

Sherry agreed to continue as President. It was so moved, seconded and approved unanimously.

Jim R. agreed to be the new Treasurer. It was so moved, seconded and approved unanimously.

Jim S. agreed to continue as Secretary. It was so moved, seconded and approved unanimously.

Roger agreed to continue as Vice President. It was so moved, seconded and approved unanimously.

Karen agreed to continue as the CNA representative. Jim R. agreed to be alternate CNA representative.

5) RNA Grant ideas

The Board discussed grant ideas for 2024, including:

  • Funds to cover mailing a newsletter to our updated mailing list
  • A neighborhood magazine modeled on the one produced by the South Capital Neighborhood
  • A neighborhood walking map to update or replace the 1996 Eastside Neighborhood Brochure & Historic Walking Tour map on the City’s website.

After discussion, the Board decided to pursue the following grants:

1. A mural on Eastside Street, possibly at 1306 Eastside

2. Funding to buy food for 2024 block parties

3. One or two reusable event banners

The City’s RNA grant schedule is:

  • Application deadline: January 15, 2024
  • Grant review team: February 2024
  • Council review & approval: March 2024
  • Contracts signed: March 2024
  • Project completion: December 31, 2024
  • Final reports: December 31, 2024

6) CNA Report 

Karen reported no council person attended the December 11 meeting.

The annual RNA renewal request was sent recently.

Mike Ruth, TESC, is working on the 2nd alpha version of the sidewalk condition survey app.

Tim Smith reported there are about 50 development projects in review.

After Council review the draft MOU was bumped back to the City Manager.

The Urban Farms program is proceeding. Seattle had a similar program associated with earthquake preparedness about 10 years ago.

7) Meeting Dates

The Board agreed to change meeting dates for the 1st quarter of the year due to a member’s conflict; the January, February and March meetings will be held at 7PM on the second Tuesday of the month.

8) Photo Storage

A past President dropped off ENA historic photos at Sherry’s house. She will bring them to the next meeting in hopes we can put names to faces.

Nathan suggested a number of options; we could:

  • Use a Google drive folder tied to the president’s gmail address.
  • Use WordPress and it’s media file storage
  • Use Facebook’s album/photo feature.

Whichever we do, it should be easy to access and use so people will use it.

9) Other

A resident at 429 Fredrickson Street SE reportedly has a lake in front of her house and asked for help contacting the City about maintenance. Neighbors are currently buying and spreading their own gravel, which pushes stormwater onto their neighbors’ property.

Jim R. recommended sending a letter to the City. He volunteered to draft a letter for Sherry to sign.

10) The Board considered planning a board work day in January to meet up and work on the website, map out media responsibilities, and anything else that routinely falls through the cracks. (tentatively 10AM, Saturday January 20, at Swantown)

11) By-laws

Updates will be posted on the website by Sherry and Roger.

(12) Abigail suggested drafting a 2024 calendar of events.

She, Cheryl & Sarah will work on it, and attempt to digitize a version so it can be shared on-line.

(13) Jim R. reported he has started work on the Fones Road project. He can do a presentation in the next couple of weeks.

(14) Jim S. reported he will be attending the first meeting of the Armory Partners selection committee tomorrow.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.