ENA postcard

Tomorrow evening is the neighborhood association general meeting.

The Agenda can be viewed here.

You may have received the postcard pictured above.

If you did not, it could mean a number of things;

  1. You gave us your email and we emailed you the meeting notice instead
  2. We do not have the correct address details for you. In that case please email us and let us know who and where to post to.
  3. You are a fan of the ENA yet do not live in our boundaries.

If you received and postcard and it was not addressed to the current occupier of your home;

  1. Contact us, and tell us your name, address and email (we prefer sending email as it is free!)

If you would like to save the ENA money;

  1. Contact us, and provide your name, address and email. Tell us you would rather get an email!

Notes about the Postcard Mailing:

  1. Eastside Big Toms was our postcard sponsor. They sponsored the entire thing!
  2. Our volunteer Board Members walked most of the neighborhood and verified addresses as best as possible.
  3. The Postcard was designed to get you to this web site. Hopefully you will opt-in for email and make future mailings cheaper.