Minutes taken February 10, 2011 by Elaine Nelson, Secretary. Chad Akins, President, presiding.

Present: Elaine Nelson, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Don LeMaster (note: no quorum)
Guest: Katya Miltimore

Called to order 7:18

President’s Report – Chad Akins – We need two new board members to meet bylaws requirements. Discussed board meeting format. Suggestion to go to a consent calendar for meetings by email, moved, seconded, approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jenni Fleming –

Account Balance
Checking $560
Savings $526.67
Signs fund $1129.11
Legion Way trees fund $350
Certificate of deposit $1015

The certificate matures on February 20. Motion to roll over, seconded, approved.

Playground project – Katya Miltimore – She is doing an internship from Evergreen at Madison Elementary. The school needs new playground equipment. Discussed fundraising issues and options, no action by the board at this time, but offered our support.

Secretary’s Report – Elaine Nelson – Discussed online membership form, motion to add to site, add processing cost to minimum due payment, seconded, approved. Discussed issue with discontinued Thriftway donation cards, will post information about ThriftECard to website.

Pathway Project – Elaine– Gave brief update on current status. Waiting for good weather to start clearing brambles and brush.

Adjourned 8:31pm