present: Josh, Kate, Elaine, Chad, Sam, Nathan, Ann, Luke (as outgoing president), Jenni
1) Board elections. Discussion of the role of the president. Elaine elected as secretary; Jenni as treasurer.
2) what’s our plans for the year? picnic, garden tours. The city is working on its plans for the parks in the neighborhood (Madison, Lions). Kate is interested in being involved with community gardening. We’ve been encouraged by the city to approach the Lions for funds.
3) back to discussion of presidency. Nathan would be willing to step up as “pro tem” president, in part to keep the conversation with David Hanna going. Should we volunteer Jessie as vice-president? No decision made.
4) Ann would be happy to stay for her full term, as long as she doesn’t have to hold an office. All agreed.
5) Hand-off of presidential materials: Nathan to take plates et al; Jenni to take key. Luke has updated the board list.
6) CNA representation. Usually the president has been, but any board member can be the representative. Luke talked about what CNA is/does. Side discussion of pesticide project being coordinated by the CNA, budget issues with the state.
7) Elaine on the garden tour: March 8, 2pm. Still looking for more gardens; Elaine will approach neighbors across the street.
8 ) Next meeting is May 14, so newsletter deadline will be early April.
8b) Luke was thanked for his service.
9) Elaine brought up the idea of committees: development, communications, events. Discussion of the block party idea. Side discussion about the St Mike’s parking issue. Recommendation of St Mike’s staff is to call the police on illegal parking. Should we create a flier to put on the windshields? Side discussion of issues around informal parking. Can we get something through the city? Quote the city ordinance. Discussion of trees planted by the city. Get the plant lady on 8th to be in a garden tour. Nathan will create the flier. Chad can get the information about the ordinance. “Use the lot first” and “Park safely.” Discussion of various development projects around town.
10) Vote on signatories on the account: Jenni & Nathan. They’ll go down to WSECU to get everything set.
11) Dinner at the meetings? Next meeting will be March 19 at Swantown Inn. We’ll plan for dinner at the next meeting.
12) VistaPrint does yard signs. Nathan will have a sample that they’ve ordered for the day spa, can bring to next meeting. SWNA got a grant to do something similar, but one-use! Name tags? Garden tour gardens? Button maker? Sam has one. Elaine can make a design.
13) Need to remember to approve past minutes at the next meeting.