Another Community Garden possibility is brewing in our neighborhood. We need help to SPREAD THE WORD, so pls. read on, and reply to this inquiry, ASAP!
New Bridge Community Church initiated a conversation about their hosting a community garden on their property off Central Ave., between 8th & 10 Ave., including raised planter beds & irrigation water. A first meeting occurred on that property this fall with representatives from the church (Doug & Rhonda) & the ENA (Sandia & Meta) to scope out the best garden plot locations, and to imagine what such a garden would entail.
- Following that initial on-site meeting, both organizations (NBCC & ENA) are now in the process of ascertaining from our members what levels of interest & energy there actually are for the creation & use of such a Community Garden. NBCC is clearly interested in hosting this project, but they do not have the people-power to spearhead or manage it. NBCC is “committed to hosting a community garden for one season, following which [they] want to evaluate whether it is working” for them; the meaning thereof to be explored ahead of time, of course.
- On the church’s end, the current assessment is to include just where on the property is best for them & their deciding what financial commitment they can make (beyond their offer to cover the water fees) toward the set up of such a garden enterprise (i.e. lumber for beds, for fencing, a tool shed, etc.)
On our (ENA’s) part, this assessment is mostly of what actual interest exists in neighborhood residents for such gardening space; where water is available & community members would share some tools & some supply purchases – esp. bigger ones; would seasonally ‘rent’ their own growing bed(s), exchange expertise, etc. (The size & price of a ‘bed’ is still to be determined, but space would be approx. 8 – 12 x 4’ – the cost of one in similar projects in Olympia is ~$35/year).
In order for this project to get off the ground in time to be ready for the 2014 planting season, only a few months away now, we need PROMPT RESPONSES to the following questions. These responses will be the major basis for us deciding whether there is enough interest & energy within our neighborhood, at this time, to make this community garden happen. Let us know:
1) are you truly interested in having a gardening plot & gardening on such a site at least in the 2014 growing season?
2) which of the following would you commit to for this first year, at least:
a) helping with the registration (even recruiting) of interested gardeners;
b) assessing quantities of carpentry supplies needed to build planting beds;
c) ordering such supplies;
d) assessing & ordering needed soil mix;
e) coordinating volunteers at some time, sooner or later;
f) participating in at 1-2 work parties to help with the creation of the beds/plots.
g) committing to ½ -1 hour/week help throughout the growing season for upkeep of the whole project, via clean-up alone or within a work party, or a meeting.
Please RESPOND to THE ABOVE QUESTIONS – BY Jan 18th – if you want to be & would be committed to being involved for at least the first season- 2014. For starters, we figure we need at least 3-4 people who are committed to helping with the initial organizing, another 5+ who are committed to helping with the initial building of the garden beds & 10 households who want to garden at this site next season. So, TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS & FRIENDS SOON of this community opportunity!
BY Jan 18, 2014, we at least need a small core of people/gardeners to express a commitment of interest & willingness to help with above mentioned activities to get this baby off the ground & keep this Community Garden possibility alive for the 2014 season.
Cut & paste your answers to the questions & send to: sa****@fe***********.org.
You can address any questions YOU have to Sandia as well. AND, check back here for updates on the responses over the next 6 weeks.
Sandia Slaby, ENA Secretary