We recently received this communication from the City:
Submit your suggestions by email to tl*****@ci.us or mail to 222 NW Columbia St. NW, Olympia, WA 98501. Suggestions should include:
* Park name suggestion
* Why this is the best name for the park
* Your name and contact information
For complete information or to access the online form, visit our website at www.olympiawa.gov/parks . We will accept submittals until July 10, 2009.
Phase I development will begin this summer 2009 and will include shoreline enhancements, environmental clean-up, paved trails, interpretive signs, benches and hand-held boat launch.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will hold a public hearing on June 25 at 6 p.m. at The Olympia Center, 222 Columbia St. NW, Room 101/102. You are encouraged to attend and present your name recommendations to the committee. At their August 6 meeting, PRAC will decide on a name to recommend to the City Council. City Council will likely designate the new park name in late August 2009.