Facilitated by ENA Vice President Brad Archbold
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Meeting started at 6:30 at Brad Archbold’s home


  • Board Members: Nathan Alan, Whitney Bowerman,  Mitch Dennis, Pat Bayle, Brad Archbold
  • Neighborhood Residents: Domenico Spatola-Knoll, Lee Bickle, Eddy Rauser

Advertising for garage sale

Lee talked about Craig’s list, KAOS, TCTV, and KGY. Forms obtained for all and all have no charge. Suggested that we put time, etc, but also boundaries of ENA. Eastside to Boulevard, 4th Ave to Freeway.  Saturday, July 20, 9-4. Lee may look to contact Mix 96 and City Power and Light.

Senior news is not free.  We will not be advertising there.  Brad: most people use Craig’s list. Not many people advertise in the Olympian?  Group agreed to not pay to advertise in the Olympian.

Nathan: signage?  Whitney has sandwich board signs in garage.

Nathan: find out how many families. A large number would be a draw?  Whitney will put out a message to the Nextdoor site and let Lee know how many will participate.

Nathan: people could list their addresses.

For Craigslist the closer to the actual date, the higher up in the posting.  Nathan: it’s ok to post from different accounts.  Lee will post multiple times.

Summer Picnic update

Whitney: Nancy can’t do it this year as she has a family travel conflict, so we need to figure out who wants to do food? Do we reserve the shelter?

Lions park? Yes.

We will keep it simple.  Nathan will purchase hamburgers and hotdogs.  Lee will check to see if the shelter can be reserved and call public works to order additional garbage and recycling containers. Whitney will bring one barbecue, post on Nextdoor looking for a second barbecue.  Someone should talk to Nancy about supplies from last year.  Nathan has some items from the spring picnic.  We should locate another grill.

Folks bring other items potluck fashion.

Sidewalk Cleanup Planning

Luke asked for a volunteer coordinator at a past meeting with no takers.  Brad suggested making paper maps and having volunteers identify sticky areas.  Nathan suggested we pass on the project this year.  Whitney and Brad agreed.


Maybe set up a weeding day.  Why not mowing area around garden? Is it a union thing?  Gayle (current principal) once paid for someone to do work and got in trouble with district. Domenico will look into who can do what about mowing the grounds around the garden.

School will be painted over summer. No need to power wash.


The trail along 11th has been identified as wetland, so we cannot do trail without permitting hurdles.  The City has not been approving project with wetland impacts.  Brad may volunteer to do a wetland delineation if the project proceeds.  Also the neighbor at the west end is opposed because of past herbicide sprays by the City possibly effecting trail users, and she is also worried where the deer will go.  She was invited to the meeting but didn’t attend.  The project may be abandoned.

The other trail along 13th may still be possible.  Brad will meet with owner when area dry, but the proposed trail area near Eastside St. would need a boardwalk over a wetland and the City may not approve.

Whitney: we lost the money for the Fairview trail. Brad, we could put in for another request, if someone wants to do it. We could plant it and make it prettier.

Brad: we have few cut throughs in our neighborhood.  If anyone has a good idea for improving a neighborhood cut through they should bring it to the group.

Loose Dog Posts

Nathan: Can we have something where you can post a picture of your dog on Nextdoor so we can identify them.  Maybe the Nextdoor thing has allowed more posts about lost dogs and people have increased awareness of the issue.

Nathan will write something up about how to deal with a lost dog for posting on the website.  Maybe we can have a missing dog/cat section on the website.

Child Care for meetings

Sandia suggested.  Maybe a good idea for general meetings.  Timing of the meetings has been difficult for some parents in the past.  The NEW Bridge facility worked well and we could maybe pay a neighborhood teenager to watch children in one of the school rooms.

Nathan: the church has always been good. Lattes! They have always helped and offered.

Whitney: let’s have this on the next agenda item.


Katie Beatie has offed to host for next time. (Was sick today.)

Discussion about ENA website, Nextdoor, etc. Whitney has access to controls. Is Moderator.  It would be great if we could integrate both websites together.