Minutes taken by Elaine Nelson, Secretary

Called to order 6:37, after potluck

Present: Don LeMaster, Elaine Nelson, Sam Schroeder, Chad Akins, Kerry Smith, Ruth Middlebrook, Bev Kooi

Absent: Yvonne Fish, Jenni Fleming (Nathan Allan submitted his resignation from the board by email earlier this month.)

Guests: Janine Gates, David Brune, Susan Haring, Heather Hansen


Janine asked if we could move the dinner later in the evening, and that was received well. [I don’t have written down what time: 6 or 6:30?]

Chipper coming to Ruth’s this Saturday.

Discussion of doing more advertising with potlucks, as well as email & Facebook generally.

A reminder article about graffiti on trash cans will be on Janine’s blog. Discussion of graffiti & other aesthetics issues re: trash bins.

Elaine is looking for someone to take on newsletter editing. Bev may be interested in assisting. Ruth may be able to help with distribution.

Chad brought up a project concept for redeveloping around 4th, State, Boulevard, that he is working on: “East end urban renewal project” Discussion.

Don brought up the issue of becoming a 501(c)3, to go to the next level, be available to receive grants. Big thing that came up at last meeting was desire for a meeting place, maybe even a building. How do we get more money? How do we get participation from the 1100 residents? Discussion of pros and cons. Chad and Don are willing to work on putting together the proposal to bring back to the board. Janine asked if any other NAs are 501c3s. Bev proposed having Chad and Don research and bring a proposal about nonprofit status back to the board. Moved, seconded, approved.

Slate of officers was nominated: Chad Akins for President, Don LeMaster for Vice President, Elaine for Secretary, Jenni for Treasurer. Moved, seconded, approved.

Discussion of publicity concerns.

Discussion of business cards. Chad will get the information to go on the cards and give it to Bev.

Garden walk. Heather will be planning the event, group decided on April 11, probably around 1:30 or 2pm. Suggestions for gardens were discussed, several individuals were mentioned. Elaine will post request for gardens on media.

Chad will get yard signs from Nathan.

We will have a meeting specifically for newsletter: Thursday April 1, Don’s house, 7pm. Elaine will bring all the materials that she has for both editing and distribution.

Adjourned 7:30pm