Present: Chad, Elaine, Mark, Jessie, Casey, Nathan, Ann
Absent: Jody, Luke, Carol
Guests from New Bridge: [?], David, Don
Notes taken by Elaine in Carol’s absence

Chad passed information about CERT, shared a thank you card that came in the mail, and the new community rebate cards. Storman’s may be making a keychain-sized card.

Introductions: David Gaber, Don Stark, Eddie Willingham from New Bridge in addition to those present.

No minutes from February, suspended approval until next time.

1. Signs: Jody has a spreadsheet of all the things that need to be done. Nathan: signs are ready, need to notify the neighbors as a courtesy, get utility markings. Walt will provide a powered auger! Jody’s husband, Andy, is going to drill the holes. Nathan will take the signs to Jody. Jessica has the map, but not precise locations. Feed information to Chad. Want to get this set this month. Eddie has enthusiastic youth who may be able to help…but not with the auger! Joe Hyer mentioned some service opportunities at the parks.

2. Newsletter: I summarized, as best I could, the meeting that Luke, Jessie, and I had. [notes later] Chad asked if we advertise in any other venues. Jessie: update on New Bridge activities? Would work for Ann if we had copies to her around the 20th or 21st of April. Send out deadlines to everybody. Might be able to work out a deal with Don Stark on printing, if we provide paper. (previously cost $230) Would need to work out folding, or not. Treasurer’s Report, incl. thanking in-kind donors.
3. Online dues payment, need to finalize with PayPal. Chad: can also do some direct deposits from WSECU members to ENA acct.; very helpful people there.

4. Can we use UBI instead of EIN? Is it too much of a hoop to get that number, too scary dealing with IRS? Big step in terms of reporting sales tax.

5. Treasurer’s report: $150 of income this month. $330 in expenses. Newsletter continues to be our greatest expense. Sounds scary, but normal for this time of year. We started the year with $1000 with non-earmarked money, $1240 of earmarked money. Agreed to spend $40 on recognition for Jody.

Need to schedule meeting to talk about business number, or communicate by email.

6. New Bridge info. They want to be involved w/community, including more people in these kinds of meetings. He needs help from others in their group; David & Don will be part of that. Want to keep tabs on things they can do to be neighborly. Lots going on! Passed around drawing of architectural concepts. Priority 1 is moving in admin offices. Sprinkler systems right now. Multipurpose room, under carpet, was asphalt, not concrete. (Enclosed later, after building was built.) Hope to have staff in offices around April 1. Starting to dig ditches, related to stormwater? Looks like everything is connected correctly, not sewage to stormdrain! Parking lot will be big undertaking, moving lots of stuff out, bring materials in, and repaving. Keeping part of the field, the rest going to parking lot. Existing materials came from the bottom of the port, have to be dug out. Porous asphalt, will be retention from water coming down the hill, should perc down. Grounds and building are all one master plan. Hoping to have first service Oct. 8. HVAC coming along fine. Entrance will be off of 10th. Will bring laptop next time with 3D modeling. Will there people working there during the week? Yes, full-time staff. Ann can bring the next newsletter directly to them. Easter Egg Hunt…will be at Centennial, which is where they meet now. (More of an announcement to follow online.) Chad: interested in gathering memories from the old school, would like to have them involved. In comparison to his experience at Waller Road Elementary. Maybe could find out when the roof went over the multipurpose room! Think about an insert to the newsletter. Seem to have reduced graffiti. Chad: lots of interest at neighborhood association pres meetings in the hill back behind the park; in the redesign, is there any way for community members to put input re: parking lot? is already set. Is there landscaping that can be done on the slope that would help remediate? might be able to share parking lot with the park. some of the hill area is part of their property, will be cut back in parking lot process? rodent problems? no, not really; more across the street. might put other berries to replace blackberries out on the corner (10th & Central?).

Mark: joint picnic with New Bridge this year? do members live in the neighborhood? don’t know. seed #2: thank you ad in next newsletter in thanks for largest donation in ENA history? Chad: maybe get graphic of building plan for newsletter.

next: meeting with city council & neighborhood presidents, 4x/year, Peter G. is very active; help define for the council neighborhood goals. Peter & Chad talked about best practices for community marketing, Peter wants to redraft ordinance by which neighborhood assoc’s are charted. What are the flaws? Similar to the audit Joe Hyer did with nonprofits working with the city; make uniform for all associations. Some positives, some negatives. Chad will be participating in the workgroup, lots and lots of meetings. Will probably be on wifi committee with TCTV/City of Oly.

Don: questions about the association. Elaine mentioned that renters can be involved. $10 dues, optional. Nathan: some people inbetween us and DNA want to be “annexed” by our association.

Chad: conversation re: annexing? Includes Capitol Apartments. Pre-dawn invasion? Mandatory board membership? What does it take to actually redraw the lines? Might need to wait to put in signs…. Chad will look into it, work with Eric Fleming. That area doesn’t have a voice now. Send any tips to Chad.

[newsletter story on annexation?]

Next meeting is April 19, open to public.

Nathan: suggestion for summer board meeting, barbecue! June? July?

Goals for 2007? Chad suggested discussing online. Meeting is going on long, might continue to ride on agenda otherwise.

Nathan’s idea for the scenic park. One project like that for this group: plenty! We are now one of the groups that is predisposed to get the grant. Discussion of “pea patch” idea; losing the existing one. Would have a good role as a way to involve more people.

Sidewalk on 10th?

Chad will talk to CP&D about their plans & funds. Nathan will talk to Jody about the grant. Is it really a park?! Chad will look on assessor’s website. Transfer was supposed to be done 6 mos/1 year ago….

Meeting location for next month? TBD.