A few notes for the neighborhood:

== Stolen car ==
We received this by email:

Kelcy’s car was stolen last night, the 9th!! It was just parked in the road, doors locked no keys inside…. [On Legion Way] A silver, 1993 Subaru station wagon. The most distinguishing marks are the bumper stickers. One says ” I march to the beat of my own accordion” the other sticker says “I love my library.”

Contact the police if you have any information.

== Garden Walk organizing! ==
Heather Hansen has offered to organize an upcoming Garden Walk. She’s looking for 2 or 3 additional volunteers to assist. Leave a comment if you’re interested and we’ll put you in touch!

== Planning Commission Public Meeting ==
The Olympia Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday September 14 at 6:30 pm in the city council chambers on 900 Plum St. They’ll be considering proposed amendments to land use zoning standards.

== Artspace Public Meeting ==
From the city’s website:

Artspace is a national non-profit organization. Their mission is to create, foster and preserve affordable space for artist and arts organizations. They work with cities all over the country to build housing and then Artspace manages it.

Artspace is considering Olympia for an affordable artists’ live/work space project. City of Olympia and the Olympia Arts Commission are preparing for a visit from Artspace on September 16 and 17, when the organization will assess whether Olympia is a good match for a future Artspace project.

Artists and community members are invited to learn about the Artspace organization, its projects and processes at a community meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 6:00pm, at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts, 512 Washington St SE, Olympia. Artspace will make a presentation from 7:00 to 8:30pm and guests will have an opportunity to ask questions. While guests are gathering prior to the presentation, local artists will offer a variety of short performances on the Center’s main stage.

Visit http://www.ci.olympia.wa.us/en/city-services/parks/arts-resources/Artspace.aspx
for more info.

== Waste/Recycle Cart Graffiti ==
From Olympia Public Works:

Does your neighborhood have residential waste or recycle carts marred by graffiti? This is another problem we can tackle together.

Recently, WasteResources committed to help locate and submit work orders for damaged carts they see on their routes. Those will be collected and replaced. The damaged carts are cleaned at the Maintenance Center by the Probation Work Crew and reused.

We’re asking for your help to:

Encourage everyone to bring carts back off of the curb after collection day. Carts are more likely to be tagged if left out.

Spread the word that customers can ask for a replacement cart by calling 753-7368 or emailing Gateway Services (pw***************@ci.us).

Report graffiti on other carts in the neighborhood in the same manner. You will need to provide the address and cart color. It would also be helpful if the neighbor is informed of the request so they can leave the cart out for pick up.

Thanks to all of you who continue to help bust graffiti out of our neighborhoods!

(See http://eastside-olympia.org/vandalism/ for info about graffiti cleanup!)


If you have announcements to go out inbetween newsletters, just drop a line to se*******@ea**************.org and I’ll get it out by email and on the website as soon as I can!

We’re currently getting together the fall newsletter to be distributed prior to October’s general meeting. If you have ads or articles, contact se*******@ea**************.org by Thursday, September 17.