Present: Nathan Allan, Bev Kooi, Elaine Nelson, Jenni Fleming, Ann M., Lou Mackelroy (?), Chad Akins, Tim Mcleod

Needing more volunteers. How many meetings in a row can people miss? Everyone busy, several with infants. Nathan, Ann, Jessica and Tim would like to step down. Minimal number of board members in our bylaws, Chad suggests reducing the number.

Lou came to talk to us with her concerns about Camp Quixote: experience has not been good. Has talked to the church on several occasions. This time they don’t look as neat as previous. She lives almost directly right across the street; on the prior occasion lost a tenant because of the smell (mold/mildew) and visual. Knew about a week and a half in advance because of increased traffic on alley off of 5th when she lives. (mother in law cottage) Camp is planned to be there three months. Chad asks if she’d be interested in going through mediation? Has talked to one of the ministers, Joanne. Bev belongs to the church. They put the fence higher on the church side, from her home they are looking directly down on it. Lives on fixed income plus rental income. One of her neighbors was complaining about an empty property, with people going to the bathroom. Nathan notes that’s not necessarily Quixote specifically. Worst corridor for crime in Olympia is 4th ave all the way from downtown to Lacey, people passing through. Wonders if some problems are people being rejected from the camp. Chad mentions the Panza group, they accept donations, etc. Other contact is Phil Owen, Chad says is very approachable. Elaine asked whether other neighbors would be willing to participate in a mediation process. Meeting 2 years ago were other neighbors, but they didn’t like how she was being treated. She had researched Portland camp. Tim’s experience was that actual camp leaders were really open, are there pieces that are specific that we as a board could take without her having to get involved. If there are a couple of things that are small, maybe can be much simpler. Perhaps bad outcome of previous meetings was lack of mediation. Feels like no one’s listening. Nathan mentions that we have had turnover, may not be able to be aware of past. Invited someone from both sides. Bev is on the church committee that comes over the camp, she will take the concerns to her committee, etc. Bev asked whether ENA has received any questions about Bread & Roses reopening, none so far. She said that they want to offer friday night potlucks. Tim notes that no-one should be sleeping around mold/mildew anyway, maybe that’s a signal for getting donations. Chad said he had spoken with Panza a while ago on doing targeted grantwriting for equipment. Current number is in the 20s. Bev noted that she had hired a camp resident last time around, and it was a positive experience. Elaine asked if there was something specific she would like us to do. Discussion of the “single family character” issue on the ENA website. If there are specific things perhaps we can assist. Will be there through end of October. Bev’s committee at church means sometime in the next 10 days. She doesn’t like the big blue tarp. She can’t promise, but can go to them and see if we can get some changes. Either send out to email list, add to newsletter, request specific items, work party, possibly even small donations from ENA directly. Chad can take a look at Harbor Freight and maybe Habitat, donations from their shop. Nathan notes that it’s looking more like permanent structures: a greenhouse in there. Nathan wrapped up by noting that we would try to do something, although we can’t promise anything. Bev noted that we would love to have Lou become a more active member, if there’s a particular interest, doesn’t have to be a monthly commitment to a board meeting.

Forming groups: Bev’s fab list. She & Jenni had a great meeting last night. Got into what would you have to do to make this thing work: trust has to be built. Develop a form to lay a groundwork for trust. An agreement directly between the two people sharing, with contact info, results, etc. Some things dependent on a paid membership. Understands there are mothers’ groups, also sign up for senior calls: people to call occasionally to check on one another. To move on these, need someone willing to be a coordinator. Elaine suggested advertising that particular project to find someone to volunteer-lead. Also suggested possibility of advertising garage sales, lost cats, etc. Ann suggested have an actual neighborhood yard sale. Redo Elaine’s note on the site/email into a newsletter. Chad brought up whether we have specified the exact duties of the president, is willing to take on some duties. Elaine suggested lunch with her, Chad, Nathan, Luke, & Jodi to talk about what those have been over the last few (5? 7?) years.  Chad suggested redoing bylaws to have fewer board members. Bev has more time, but doesn’t want to lead, has written grants, mentioned to Chad at picnic that she could for ENA.

Tool sharing: Jenni, idea for what borrower & lender would exchange. Has some materials from the north portland tool sharing agreement. Nathan asked if this is something that would be benefit of paid membership. Jenni now has database of current paid members! Chad offered to take draft agreement to Mark D for review. “What happens when you don’t get your mower back?” Chad suggested that there should be a balance of value. Avenue that they were going down is to accept responsibility for replacement cost. Equipment or items vs. tools. Todd Smith (volunteers in parks) probably has a form. ENA’s liability? Would include boilerplate, and that it’s a contract between two individuals. Lou noted that tenants have to note condition – Jenni wants to keep it more formal, we wouldn’t own the tools, and not go to that level of detail. As it grows, discover more peoples’ concerns. Jenni’s thought is to have a list of tools that are available for sharing, online, and provide the link. Elaine mentioned that the technical capabilities are there. Elaine, Jenni & Bev will work on that piece, set meeting. (CiviCRM)

Picnic follow-up: Alan Mountjoy-Venning was the neighbor. Chad’s suggestion that we connect ours with co-op. Mutually beneficial, but does it overwhelm our event? Chad suggestions going to community development office at evergreen for a volunteer coordinator. St Martins would also be a good place, Bev notes that they have a social outreach (?) master’s program, always need internship placements.

General meeting: candidates – can we limit/time them? Yes. Chad wants to see the whole lineup on stage at once. Jenni wants it at the end, esp Q&A. Volunteer discussion – focus of meeting. Open mic. Assessment of the last couple of years. Chad suggests a poll/form.

Newsletter: mirrors meeting. Nathan’s report will be about volunteering as president.

Bev would like to make ENA business cards: list of meetings on the back. Elaine will send her the logo.

Bev would like to be liaison to all the churches in the neighborhood. Discussion of the meeting locations, “muscle memory” issue — Jenni suggests putting the signs out in front of the churches to get the reminders. All agreed. Will try to meet with at least once a month.

Chad mentioned new NA maps, can also put in list of addresses, paid members, etc.

Treasurer’s 1553.73 in savings. 1286.44 sign savings. 423.24 checking.