Meeting called to order at 7pm October 12, 2010, minutes taken by Elaine Nelson, Secretary

Present: Elaine Nelson, Bev Kooi, Chad Akins, Jenni Fleming, Don LeMaster, Ruth Middlebrook

Announcements: Bev’s granddaughter was elected homecoming queen at OHS. The Lions Park grand opening will be October 14.

October potluck: seven candidates have responded.

2011 Potluck location – we have a commitment from the Light & Life Church through December. Discussion of future of that location as a potential community center. Motion: Don & Chad will speak with church staff, Chad will look into grant opportunities, Elaine will start a vision document, with a check-in on the 21st. Moved, seconded, approved.

2011 Picnic – Motion: reset annual date to second Saturday in August. Moved, seconded, approved. Elaine will send proposed planning schedule.

ENA publications: discussion of art calendar for 2012. Possible topics for future newsletters: scavenger hunt, how well do you know your neighborhood, history tidbits. Discussion of uses for trove of healthy lifestyles brochure. Three routes are in need of delivery people; Chad agreed to take one.

Legion Way trees – Motion: establish separate savings for donations received for trees. Moved, seconded, approved.

Marketing: Elaine will create starting list of outlets for promoting ENA activities. Discussion of focus for marketing and outreach efforts.

501c3 update – Mark Derricott will review liabilities and Chad will provide a report to the board by December 8 for review.

December 2010 meeting/potluck: decided against having a separate board meeting. If votes or discussion are necessary, we’ll pull aside during the potluck.

February 2011 board elections: Bev will be stepping down. All board members need to start recruiting new board members.