Picnic time! August 12th, from 4-7 p.m.

This year’s picnic is at Lion’s Park, Aug 12, from 4-7 p.m.

The Annual Summer Picnic has been held at Lion’s Park by the ENA for as long as any current board members can remember (so at least 20+ years, if you can confirm earlier please let us know!). It is sometimes a small affair, and other years larger with organized activities (We apply for Neighborhood Block Grants but do not always receive them).  It always includes a main dish (burgers or hotdogs) provided by the ENA, with neighbors bringing side dishes and desserts. Various local businesses, such as Eastside Big Tom’sRalphs Thriftway and the Eastside Olympia Food Co-op usually donate items as well.

If you are interested in supporting the neighborhood in this event, here are things we need;

VOLUNTEERS: help is needed both ahead of the date and at the event. We’re especially looking for cooks! Ideally, we have two people at any one time prepping, cooking and serving.

FOOD!: Bring a dish or some chips or whatever you can contribute. 🙂

Contact us if you’re interested in any of these opportunities!

Rise and Shine!!

Meet up at 9 a.m. July 29th to visit some great Eastside bakeries!

SECOND UP: Left Bank Pastry: 1941 4th Ave
We’ll walk together (some may prefer to drive or bike).

THIRD UP: Oly Malasadas: 100 4th Ave
TIP: The building used to be minty green; now it’s pink!

FINALLY: We’ll end up at the Swantown Inn: 1431 11th Ave
to cool down and share our faves.

Questions or more info? Call 515-537-6344