August 9, 2023 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

August 9, 2023, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn, 1431 11th Avenue SE


Sherry Chilcutt (President & Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Jim Rioux, Nathan Allen, Cheryl Bayle


1) Approval of the minutes

The July meeting minutes were approved with changes submitted by Roger and Mark Foutch. Thank you to both.

2) Treasurer Report

$ 571.57 – Checking

$ 964.23 – Savings

$1308.12 – Neighborhood Signs

$ 153.60 – Trees

$ 410.51 – Neighborhood Beautification

$3,408.06 Total, including a recent $50 dues payment.

3) Doughnut Crawl Debrief

Board members agreed the event was a success and if we do it again more people are likely to attend. There were positive comments on the ENA Facebook page.

4) August Picnic planning 

The Board discussed the following assignments:

  • Hank will do music
  • Jim R. will do grilling
  • Roger will bring a second grill for vegetarian and hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, and games
  • Sherry will bring the ice cream maker
  • Nathan will pick up a box of 48 burgers from Big Tom’s
  • Karen will bring 6 table cloths, napkins, and veggies from Ralphs
  • We will have a sign-up table for new members and a donation jar
  • We need to announce the September 30 Fall Festival
  • We can start setting up at 3:00

5) RNA Grant purchasing Apple Press

After purchasing the grill and ice cream maker the grant will fall short of covering the cost of an apple press and a fruit grinder. It was decided to purchase the “Maximizer” press ($699±) and grinder ($299±) with various Board members agreeing to make up the difference.

6) CNA Report

The August meeting is next Monday. The MOU has been approved and the quarterly neighborhood meetings will be scheduled.

7) Fireworks

Sherry received an email response from OPD. Lisa Parshley is expected to bring it up with the City Council.

8) Possible music focused event at Swantown Inn cosponsored by ENA

Nathan said Bradford Loomis is scheduled Wednesday August 30 at 7 PM.

9) September Event

The Fall Festival will be held at Lions Park Saturday September 30 from 10:00 to 2:00.

We will not have an event at Beerwerks in September, but may hold the annual meeting there in November.

We have 10 signs plus Nathan’s bulletin board.

10) Other:

Sherry described the problem accessing Mail Chimp. Nathan will try to access our account using two-factor authenticator.

Roger is going to invite some additional performers. There was general discussion about the using the Armory for the October 14 Talent Show. Roger agreed to contact the Armory manager about the acoustics. He will also meet with Salvation Army Worship Center as a changed location for Talent Show.

Roger, Karen and Jim S. described this morning’s Lions Park sprayground dedication.

Tim Smyth, who lives on 10th Avenue across from the Halloween house, has indicated interest in closing the street to hold a block party. The Board discussed where it would be best to set up, how best to deal with the traffic, and the best time — early evening a few days before Halloween.

Sherry will not be here for September meeting, so Roger will be the acting President.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

July 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

July 12, 2023, 7:00 PM

Swantown Inn 1431 11th Avenue SE

Present: Sherry Chilcutt (President/Treasurer), Roger Horn (Vice President), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Jim Rioux, Nathan Allen

Guests: Catherine Dawdy, Casey Allen


1)  Fireworks

Sherry welcomed Catherine and asked what we can do? Catherine described being confronted by drunk belligerent people when she asked them to stop setting off fireworks near her house. Jim R. described an incident in which he was threatened in his own backyard, called 911 and got a poor response. He would like to know in writing the process for prioritizing emergency calls. It was suggested we contact Rebekah Ziesemer at OPD with a list of the locations which usually have the worst violations and request drive-by patrols, possibly before New Years’ eve. Some suggestions:

  • Lions Park
  • New Bridge Church parking lot
  • Sawyer Street near 9th Ave.
  • Town Tavern (or was it the Boulevard Tavern?)

Action items:

  • Reach out to neighborhood residents and ask about their experiences.
  • Contact Lisa Parshley to ask if Council members received complaints and their attitude toward the fireworks ban.
  • Contact Olympia Fire Department Interim Chief Todd Carson to ask about OFD’s experiences with fireworks-related calls and related costs.
  • Ask someone from the 911 call center how they prioritize calls and what to expect when we call in complaints. Wendy Hill is the Thurston County 911 Coordinator; Phone: (360) 704-2732

2) Approval of the minutes

The June minutes were approved as submitted.

3) Treasurer Report

Checking $571.57

Savings $964.10

Neighborhood Signs $1307.95

Trees $153.60

Neighborhood Beautification $410.44

Total $3,407.66

4) Block Party Success!

In total about 150 to 200 people attended one of the four block parties this year.

Individual estimates were:

  • Lybarger = 25
  • 5th Ave = 35 to 40
  • Lions Park = 50
  • McCormick &13th ?

Some individual Board members’ personal expenditures were substantial. It was suggested next year we put out voluntary donation baskets.

5) August Picnic planning

The Board discussed dates for the annual picnic and a fall harvest festival. The annual picnic is scheduled for August 12. A harvest festival would be held later, depending on availability of Board members and apples.

Note: Jim S. and Karen will discuss separately and bring a proposal to the Board for discussion at our August 9 meeting.

Sherry will look for a musical performer.

Nathan will reach out to Michael at Big Toms about a donation.

Roger will bring hamburgers and hot dogs left from the Block Party on 5th Avenue.

6) RNA Grant purchasing progress

Jim R. talked about using our new grill for the first time at the Lions Park block party. Sherry reported she has purchased an ice cream maker. Jim S. asked for clarification on the funds for a cider press and fruit crusher. The grant includes $469 for a cider press and $27 for a fruit grinder, with the ENA contributing $272 cash ($299 total cost).

7) CNA Report

The CNA met in person July 10 at Squaxin Park for the first time since the pandemic. Approximately 25 to 30 attended, including some new RNA representatives.

A teacher from Evergreen talked about neighborhood-level GIS data. Each neighborhood has a “digital thumbprint” including details from the census, and includes things like potholes and missing sidewalks.

An “extra” unbudgeted $6 million is available for things like fire equipment, sidewalks, election costs, homeless coordination, a federal lobbyist, and City-owned ambulance service.

Tim Smith reviewed projects; about 1500 new residential units are under review.

The new MOU has been approved.

The first “Quarterly Forum” is scheduled to happen later this fall; the topic will be sidewalks.

Clark Gilman talked about how positive the community has been about the Armory project.

The City has released a Community engagement & public opinion survey.

The CNA loved the idea of our donut crawl.

8) Possible music focused event at Swantown Inn

Nathan is planning a live music event with Bradford Loomis, possibly on August 30.

9) New Bridge church

The Board agreed to promote events at New Bridge through the ENA website.

10) Website changes

Jim and Abigail described a July 11 meeting of the communications subcommittee with Dan Rydholm, and some ideas for updating the ENA website. One idea is to devote a monthly Board meeting to a “visioning” process to determine our mission and purpose and what we want to accomplish. The website design and other communications strategies would come out of this process.

11) Other topics

  • Roger described his progress organizing the Talent Show. He wants to have ten performers.
  • Sherry will do postings for the July 29 Donut Crawl.
  • Roger will reach out to Parks & Rec about the Sprayground opening.

Picnic time! August 12th, from 4-7 p.m.

This year’s picnic is at Lion’s Park, Aug 12, from 4-7 p.m.

The Annual Summer Picnic has been held at Lion’s Park by the ENA for as long as any current board members can remember (so at least 20+ years, if you can confirm earlier please let us know!). It is sometimes a small affair, and other years larger with organized activities (We apply for Neighborhood Block Grants but do not always receive them).  It always includes a main dish (burgers or hotdogs) provided by the ENA, with neighbors bringing side dishes and desserts. Various local businesses, such as Eastside Big Tom’sRalphs Thriftway and the Eastside Olympia Food Co-op usually donate items as well.

If you are interested in supporting the neighborhood in this event, here are things we need;

VOLUNTEERS: help is needed both ahead of the date and at the event. We’re especially looking for cooks! Ideally, we have two people at any one time prepping, cooking and serving.

FOOD!: Bring a dish or some chips or whatever you can contribute. 🙂

Contact us if you’re interested in any of these opportunities!