ENA Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Swantown Inn
Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt, Roger Horn, Cheryl Bayle, Nathan Allen, Jim Rioux
Treasurer Report
Checking $996.18
Savings $963.48
Signs $1307.26
Trees $153.42
Beautification $410.09
Total $3800.37
All grant requirements are done except narrative about the project.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes approved with edits from Roger.
CNA Report
None CNA representative was not in attendance.
Talent Show – Salvation Army
Roger shared latest version of banner. B&B Sign Company agreed to requested changes.
Roger shared questions for talent. The board agreed to send the questions.
Roger has seven acts. He would like three more. Nathan suggested reaching out to the City’s poet laureate. Roger asked about talent outside of neighborhood. All agreed that would be OK.
Roger’s dance group leader suggested SambaOlyWa.
Sherry and Cheryl will make snacks.
Roger asked if Hank would serve as MC. Sherry said yes.
Roger asked if Hank would know of others that could perform. Sherry will ask.
Roger shared a draft program. Roger asked for help with the brochure. Nathan offered to help after Monday.
Sherry asked about what kind of Covid precautions we should take? Roger suggested buying masks and making them available to attendees.
Address List
Jim showed a map of the neighborhood zones he created. Jim shred printed copies of the database broken out by zones.
Nathan asked that we come up with key so that people checking the homes know what to put into the database.
Jim will come up with a key based on what Sherry already started and then upload the database to google docs and share the file with everyone on the board
Membership Programs (Move to 3)
Nathan reviewed the recommendation from Jim R. The board agreed with the recommendation.
Nathan already paid for the license. $320 for two memberships. ENA portion would be $160.
Nathan will confirm cost and request approval for reimbursement at next meeting.
General Meeting – November 3, 5-8 pm.
Sherry location is at Armory. Charge $84.
There was discussion about speakers. It was decided to invite parks staff to discuss progress on the Armory and art installation near the neighborhood. Nathan explained Community Solar program and suggested we reach out to them to speak.
Jim will facilitate nomination of new board members.
Sherry will reach out to area churches to see if they have interest in participating as board members.
Sherry mentioned that Zoom has a transcription tool that we may want to use to capture meeting notes.