Thurston County Food Project

This is a food bank project that I believe some of our neighbors participate in. We have a new coordinator! Let us share her request:

Hi neighbors, my name is Jonnita Thompson and I’m a new Lead Neighborhood Coordinator for the Thurston County Food Project. There was a lot of energy at our recent ENA Annual Meeting when we heard from Chris Hyde, Souper Sunday and The Food Source Network founder and Berenice from the Thurston County Food Bank. The theme of addressing food insecurity of our neighbors and friends.

Bag of Food

I’d like to invite you to support the Thurston County Food Project. It’s a really easy way to donate to the food bank. I drop off a green bag, you fill it and put it on your porch the second Saturday of even months and I stop by and pick it up. It really couldn’t be easier to make a small but meaningful gesture to support our community. You can sign up to be a donor here;

The next pickup is scheduled for Saturday, February 8 and I’d love to add you to the route!

Habitat Stewardship Work Party

Join Stream Team and the City of Olympia’s Habitat Stewardship team in creating healthier natural areas surrounding Indian Creek in southeast Olympia. 

Join us Saturday, February 8 to remove invasive plants like English Ivy and Himalayan blackberry, followed by planting native trees and shrubs along the Karen Fraser Woodland Trail. 

No experience necessary. Gloves and tools will be provided. Please wear/bring layers to stay warm and wear sturdy footwear. Register here to participate, space is limited.

Date/Time:  Saturday, February 8, 10am to 1pm

Location:  1300 Frederick Street SE
Meet at the Karen Fraser Woodland Trail Parking lot (corner of Frederick St SE & Wheeler Ave SE). 

December 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes

ENA Board Meeting

December 11, 2024 7PM

1626 7th Avenue SE

Members Present

Sherry Chilcutt (President, on the phone), Jim Rioux (Treasurer), Jim Sweeney (Secretary), Karen Clemens (CNA Representative), Abigail Twombly, Cheryl Bayle

1) Approval of the minutes

The November 13th meeting minutes were approved unanimously as submitted.

2) Treasurer Report

Checking   $129.87

Savings   $2,942.88

Total      $3,072.75

Jim R. reported the ENA’s funds will increase when the City reimburses our RNA grant expenditures. We need to continue letting people know how their dues helps leverage grant projects.

3) Tree planting report

Jim R. reiterated that the ENA tree funds have been rolled into our savings account. Sherry mentioned a $300 donation which was earmarked for the tree fund. Tim Smythe used this money to buy a tree to plant at the Armory, but the City is not yet ready, so the tree went to Lions Park. Another tree will be purchased to replace a tree that died. This will exhaust the dedicated tree funds.

A motion was made to give $200 to Tim Smythe to use to replace a dead tree. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by voice vote.

Jim R. would like to see some recognition for the ENA at Lions Park.

4) January 7th Annual Meeting

After discussion, the Board agreed to the following:

Location – Swantown Inn

Time – 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Schedule – 6:00 to 7:00 social time; 7:00 to 8:00 program

Menu – Soup and bread

Speakers – 1. Chris Hyde, Souper Sunday 2. Bernice Hartt Plazas, Thurston County Food Bank 3. Possibly another such as Luke Burns, Olympia Community Gardens Program Specialist, or someone from the Thurston County Conservation District’s Healthy Gardens program

Leader – Jim R. will draft and circulate an agenda

Abigail – signs and social media announcements

Karen – will talk to Nathan about food service and logistics

A motion was made to reimburse up to $250 for food and other expenses related to the annual meeting. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by voice vote.

5) Snowstar event

Nathan reported by email there was some interest in making holiday snowflakes by about ten neighbors. We will need to start earlier next year.

6) CNA Report

Karen reported the CNA discussed the following topics at its December 9th meeting:

  • The RNA grant program
  • The Habitat for Humanity project, permits, fees, and possible grant funding
  • Potential utility fee increases
  • Sidewalk survey data

The Climate Action & Resilience Team did a presentation on its work which led to a discussion on the need for community and neighborhood emergency management planning. It was agreed the ENA needs to add this subject to its 2025 work plan.

7) Madison School fundraiser

Nathan provided the following update via email:

The Madison charity auction was a big success. Well attended (but could always have more) and well supported by downtown businesses for item donations. It raised $8900. It saved the PTO’s ability to put on other events this school year. 

8) Board Recruitment

Board member nominations will be on the agenda for the annual meeting. We can either vote on officers at the January Board meeting or via email.

We need to fill the vacant vice-president position, so everyone was asked to reach out to potential Board members before the meeting.

9) RNA Grant

The schedule for the 2025 grant program is on the City’s website. The application deadline is 5:00 PM on February 28, 2025. The Board suggested the following ideas for a grant application:

  • Support & expand the Fall Festival
  • Food for Block parties
  • Materials for snowflakes
  • Eastside neighborhood walking map
  • Newsletter printing & postage
  • Traffic calming at 10th & Fir, possibly a painted mandella

It was agreed we need to talk to Brittany Gillia, the new grants program manager, about grant ideas. Jim R. agreed to help Sherry with the final report to close out the 2024 grants. Jim S. and Abigail can provide pictures if needed.

10) Other

Jim S. provided an update on the CNA Sounding Board’s review of the Land Use and Urban Design chapter of the comprehensive plan update, and urged everyone to take a look at the information on the City website.

The City’s holiday light parade will be in the Eastside neighborhood on Thursday December 19th starting at 6:00 PM. Jim R. mentioned the parade is using GPS that can be tracked online.

The next Board meeting will be Tuesday January 14th. The agenda will include election of officers and the 2025 work plan calendar.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.