From Meg Martin at the People’s House – please contact her if you did not receive the email below but want to be on one or both of her email lists.
Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know that you have been entered into our email group. Thanks so much for signing up. I made a separate list from our regular mailing list for those of you that are not interested in general updates. Please respond and let me know if you would like to be added to the general update list.
Otherwise, I will keep your emails separate and provide updates only about upcoming meetings, forums, public notices or process and send out the responses (that we are working diligently to get out to you ASAP) to the concerns raised at last Monday’s forum. I want to reiterate that we will not move forward with the permit application until we respond to your questions and concerns. Nothing is happening yet.
On another note, I entered everyone’s email as accurately as I could from the sheets but some of the handwriting was hard to read and I may have gotten some addresses wrong. If you hear of a neighbor that signed up and did not get this email, please have them email us here so that we can get them on the list. It only means that I entered it wrong or could not read the address.
I know it must have been frustrating for many of you to leave without answers last Monday. Please know that we are doing our best and without funding (not yet distributed) we all have other jobs, significant responsibilities and are volunteering much of our time to getting this program off the ground for the better of our community. Thanks so much for your patience and please know that we are listening.
Meg Martin