Present: Sam, Roger, Jim, and Charlotte

Location: Eagles Club
Minutes from August will be edited and approved by e-mail.
No Treasurers Report
1. CNA Report
• There was a joint planning committee meeting about nuisance houses and code enforcement issues. There was consideration for increasing fines. There was also a suggestion that the City use volunteer code enforcers. There was interest in addressing addiction and homelessness and investing more money in sidewalks. Currently homeowners are responsible for sidewalks. Developers can also put funds into a bucket that can go towards sidewalk projects at other locations. A sub-area plan will help direct city spending of those funds. The City is still accepting input on their Missing Middle website. The last town hall meeting about it will be in Oct/Nov. They are wrapping up that effort.
• Sub-area Plan – there was a meeting today. There is a need to get names added to the Google group. There were 5 new people at todays meeting. George’s wife may also join. That would bring the number to 14 people. The plan is to do a mailing in October and a “Town Hall” meeting the week of November 13th. Probably at the Elks Lodge. The board asked for a list of names of people on the sub-area plan group. Possible catch phrase for the mailing – We know you think globally now’s your chance to act locally.
• Development near San Francisco Bakery – There will be a meeting at the Bakery on Sunday about it. There is a proposed new building that will be constructed across from the San Francisco Bakery. It will have businesses on the bottom and apartments on the top. The intent is to create a neighborhood center. Mike Drexel will hold a facilitated vision exercise for the property when the hazardous materials issues are cleared up. There is concern that some citizens may not want the development. A sub-area plan would carry weight with the City for that type of development or any type of development that is in the plan.
• Candidate Forum – The Candidate Forum will be at the Elks Lodge. There will be 8 candidates there and there will be people to talk about the two issues on the ballot. There is a need for a moderator. There is a need for $50 donation for the event. It would be to pay the Elks or for a moderator. A motion was made for ENA to spend $50 in support of the Candidate Forum. The motion was approved. The forum will be held on October 4th, information about it will be posted on the web and on Next Door. They are not planning to put a notice about it in the Olympian. The steering committee which is made up of representatives from the participating neighborhood associations will find a moderator.
• ENA Annual Meeting – The meeting will be held on February 7th 2018, probably at New Bridge. New Bridge has agreed but they are remodeling and my not be finished with that work in time.
• Picnic – The 2018 Picnic will be held on August 4th. The park is being reserved with the city. The picnic was not as well attended this year as it was in 2016. We will hold the block parties 3 weeks before the picnic.
• Winter Night Lights – Nathan has offered to host at his place. We should advertise in November. Winter Night Lights will be held on January 5th, a Friday night. Nathan will provide food. Jody Fobare has offered to help. She lives up the hill from Sherry. We should advertise it in the mailing. Nathan is contacting the Volks-March people. We will need a theme.
• Caroling – Jeanne will be the organizer. We’ll hold it on December 8th. ENA will help advertise. May need to provide song booklets. Ask people if they want carolers to come to their houses. Tell Jeanne we can print stuff using the printers at City Hall if needed. Sam will put information about the caroling on the ENA website.
• Mailing – The mailing will provide information about upcoming events (winter night lights, caroling and annual meeting); it will include a survey and an ENA summary explaining that ENA is funded by donations (sustaining member = $25/year). We’ll need to include return envelops so they can send back the survey and money. We can offer that people who return the survey/money will get a window cling with the ENA logo. Sam will get 100 of the window clings. They will be smaller than 4 by 6 inches. Maybe in color. Other parts of the mailing will wait for the planning committee.
• Downtown Neighborhood Association is ceding Plum St, West to… ENA is exploring a transition that would include that area in the ENA. Sam will talk to the DNA by phone and then send them a formal letter about the transition. Sam shared a draft of the letter ENA would send to the DNA. Eastbay is not included. All agreed that Sam should send the letter and contact the DNA.