Meeting – Temporary Shelter at FUMCO

ZOOM Meeting: Informational Neighbor Meeting
November 4, 2020 5pm

First United Methodist Church of Olympia and Interfaith Works welcome you to save the date for an informational neighbor meeting to discuss the temporary relocation of the Interfaith Works shelter. This shelter has been housed at 2828 Martin Way since April 6, 2020. IW needs to relocate these shelter beds because construction on the new development of a 60 bed shelter and 65 apartments of permanent supportive housing is starting at 2828 Martin Way which precludes the shelter from continuing operations in the current space. You can learn more about that development here

FUMCO will provide a safe, warm home for up to 38 highly vulnerable people at high risk for COVID-19 between November 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021 or until IW’s next location is ready for occupancy, whichever comes first. This shelter will be staffed 24/7 by trained, experienced staff and is centered on safety and connection. The shelter is strictly adhering to state COVID-19 safety precautions and will not be allowing outside guests while at FUMCO.For more details and commonly asked questions, please follow this link

The neighbor meeting will happen on Zoom on November 4th, 5pm. The City of Olympia will be notifying all property owners within 500 feet with mailed letters next week, and we will update the website, post on social media sites, and will send out an email with the Zoom link for the meeting as soon as it is set. We look forward to meeting you, hearing from you, and learning about how we can be the best neighbors possible. Feel free to reach out to Interfaith Works for any questions ahead of the meeting by following this link.

Art Crossing Survey

If you were unable to attend the recent meeting with public artist Andrea Wilbur-Sigo (or you did and have more to contribute), you still have another chance to share your stories and experience about the place
where you live! We’ve been provided a brief survey that’s open for feedback until Sunday, October 25: 

Thanks for your input!

Special Meeting of the Membership Meeting Notes

Eastside Neighborhood Association

Special Meeting of the Membership Meeting Notes

October 14, 2020

Virtual Meeting


Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Jim Sweeney, Roger Horn, Cheryle Bayle. Jim Sweeny, Tim Smythe, Walt Jorgenson, Sandia Slaby, Stephanie Johnson (Olympia Parks)

  • Introduction

Sherry convened the meeting at 6:30 pm. 

Sherry welcomed the attendees and explained that the meeting was called primarily to consider two bylaw amendments. We would then adjourn and join the Indian Creek Neighborhoods Association for a discussion with the artist selected for the Art Crossing project. Planned for Eastside Street

  • Proposed Change to the Annual Meeting Date

Jim explained that the proposal to change the bylaws to move the month of our annual meeting from February to October.

Jim explained that the proposal came about after discussion with the City about the impact of COVID-19 restriction on various neighborhood association ability to hold annul a meetings and elect officers.

During that discussion the Board note the challenge we have every year getting our officers elected and meeting our deadlines to report to the City.

Jim asked for a motion. The motion was made by Sherry and seconded by Nathan.

The motion passed with the support all board members in attendance.

  • Proposed Change to the number of required Board members.

Jim explained the proposal to lower the minimum number of Board members from ten to six. The primary reason for the proposal was recognition that we are having challenges attracting new board members and the term of several current board members is expiring.

During discussion Nathan voiced opposition. In general, he felt that if we can’t attract ten Board members the viability of the Association was probably in question. He suggested that we should allow board members to focus on only limited issues.

and Walt recalled that this issue has come up in the past and we typically stick with at least 10 members.

  • Announcements  

Tim Smyth provided an update of efforts to remove and replant the infected choke cherries. A work party is ready to conduct tree removal on Saturday October 31. He has all the help he needs to cut to take down the trees. They will need help with clean up.

The wood will be offered for firewood. Any wood not taken will be delivered to the City’s drop off of firewood for the Kiwanis Club.

The adjacent property owners have been asked to look at the demonstration trees at the library. Those trees are suitable for planting under utility wires.

  • Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm