Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – July 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

July 15, 2020

Virtual Meeting

Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Jim Sweeney, Cheryle Bayle, Nathan Allan, Roger Horn, Amy Hill

  • Approval of June Minutes

June 15, draft minutes approved.

  • Annual Dinner at the Park

Jim R. has reserved the Lions Park Shelter for August 15. Give the rise in cases of COVID 19. We will re-schedule for some time late in September.

  • Fundraiser for Madison

Sherry spoke with the principal of Madison Elementary school. He runs a fundraiser every year to buy supplies for students. He felt the need would be great this year and normal outreach methods may not be effective. The board discuss how we could help get the word out to help with the School’s fundraising efforts.

  • Spray Park Update

Sherry contacted Sara with the City Parks Department. Design is moving forward. The City hopes to have more information available next

  • Housing Committee update

Sherry has been in contact Paul Horton with cottage house future plan. They are interested in working together to get a project in the Eastside Neighborhood. Sherry will continue working with them to see how we can help.

  • CNA Report

Jim R. reported that most neighborhood associations are struggling with event and communication with members given the constraints imposed by the pandemic.

There was a great deal of discussion around short-term rentals. Judy Bardin shared that a rental near her home has turned into a “party House” has become a nuisance due to noise and excessive cars,

City has approved funding for a web site, survey monkey and zoom account. Survey monkey may be useful if we want to get feedback on issues like sidewalk conditions.

Jim S and Roger provided CNA with a brief presentation on our plan. We decided to set up a meeting with ONNA to see how we can work together on implementation.

  • Subarea Planning Group Report

Jim Sweeney discuss our efforts to focus on sidewalks due to input received at the last annual meeting. We met with the City, but the conclusions were not encouraging. There really is no funding for local access streets.

We look forward to discussion with ONNA

Historical designation for the Armory is moving forward. Jim S and Cheryl with keep working with that group

  • Letter to Madison

Sherry mailed the letter to Domenico Spatola-Knoll.

  • Treasurer Report

Checking 419.47

Savings 1061.50

Signs 1304.61

Trees 152.88

Beautification 409.01

Total 3347.47

  • Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting

August 19, 2020

7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – June 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

June 17, 2020

Virtual Meeting

Attendees: Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Cindy Fulton, Jim Sweeney, Cheryle Bayle, Chris Knight, Nathan Allan, Roger Horn

  • Annual Picnic/ Block Parties/Variety Show

The Board discussed the proposed dates for block [parties. There was general concern that the level of control of the virus is not what we had hoped for.  The Board decided to wait until Labor Day and only if we are in phase 4.

  • Council of Neighborhood Associations

Jim R. provided a debrief from last CNA meeting.

Significant amount of discussion about the City moving to Phase 2. People sticking to the rules around masks and social distancing seem hit and miss. There is a great deal of caution, but the City is opening up some operations.

Larry led a review of the CNA charter documents.  There was some discussion about whether or not the CNA is meeting the intent of those that formed it,

Funding for a Zoom account, Survey Monkey and a website has been approved. More to come on how ENA can access these tools.

  • Lions Park Spray-ground

Jim reached out to Jake Lund with City Parks, Arts and Recreation Department (PAR).  Jake confirmed that the design process was delayed by the virus, but they were picking it up again. Sara Greenburg will take over public outreach and they are looking at using Engage Olympia for public comment.

Jim R. will send Sara’s contact information to Sherry so that Sherry can request a briefing from Sara.

  • First United Methodist Church

Some members of the congregation want to back to normal services. Church leadership does not think that it is time to do that yet.  They cannot guarantee that holding services would do no harm.  A church in Oregon opened and the result was 200 new cases.

The church is still not making home visit, but they are calling people to check in, see if assistance is needed or simply listening to people dealing with the virus and isolation.

Chris contacted Homes First and talked with Phil with Sidewalk. Sidewalk is operating, but with significantly scaled back operations.   There are a lot of people coming through and they are trying to help those with stimulus checks find housing.

Blood Works approached the church for a blood drive.   It ran for six weeks. Seemed like a success.

  • Food Bank

Sherry took part in the recent food drive. Donations were much lower than in previous years.

  • Armory

Jim S. provide an update of work to gain historical designation of the Armory. According to Marygrace with the City, it looks like stars are starting to line up. The City is sub-contracting with the military complete a doing study of the history of armories.

The City is looking at community center

Roger spoke with Stephanie Johnson. She is excited about potential arts center.

  • Sub-area Plan Implementation

The Core Team is meeting every other week. Work is focused on reviewing input from the neighborhood and determining areas to prioritize.

Walkability and sidewalks were the highest priority. The Core teem is considering a survey to find the highest priority small project. They are also reaching out to City transportation for assistance.

  • May 20 Meeting Notes

The Board approved the draft notes from the April 15 Board Meeting. 

  • Treasurer’s Report

Checking $419.47

Savings $1061.43

Signs $1304.52

Trees $152.86

Neighborhood Beautification $408.97

Grand Total $3347.25

  • Housing

Sherry is doing outreach. Whitney did not think an ENA committee would help. Sherry contacted Gail Sullivan with Fertile Ground.

Jim S. thought that Gail wanted to do a presentation about what they are doing with the Thurston County Land Trust.

Roger will help with housing.

  • Neighborhood Events

Roger does not think a virtual variety show will work. He is looking at a live show in September

The Candidate Forum is still under consideration.

  • Good of the Order

Chris – The church is planning another supply drive for school. Madison school. In the past they have been able to sponsor a class. This year we are doing a fund drive to purchase supplies for schools.  People can connect with the drive via Facebook.

Nathan – Madison is only school that every class has had a sponsor.

Nathan – Madison has lost its pre-school program This is a huge loss. The program has moved to Roosevelt. This will not serve our neighborhood effectively.  They haven’t given any reason for the changes. This was in process before the virus hit.

ENA should take a position.  Nathan agreed to send bullet points to the board. Jim will draft a letter for Sherry to sign. Recommendation is that it be sent to the Principal and copied to the School Board and City Council.

Cheryl – Do we a place for comments on the website?  No one at the meeting was sure

Cheryl – There was an article on Thurston Talk about the map that was recently created for the North East neighborhood.

  • Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting

July 15, 2020

7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes – May 2020

Eastside Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Notes

May 20, 2020

Virtual Meeting


Sherry Chilcutt, Jim Rioux, Cindy Fulton, Jim Sweeney, Cheryle Bayle, Nathan Allan, Roger Horn

  • April 15 Meeting Notes

The Board approved the draft notes from the April 15 Board Meeting. 

  • Treasurer’s Report

Sherry will send out this month’s Treasurer’ report via e-mail.

  • Annual Picnic

Jim R. reserved the Lions Park Shelter for August 15, 2020 from 3:00pm – 8:00 pm. We will advertise the Annual Picnic run from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

  • Block Parties

There is good interest in holding block parties. We will need to confirm who will be hosts.

Currently scheduled for Friday 17th. Roger is hoping to do a merged block party. Can we do Friday or Saturday? Last years’ time frame was 4-8 pm.

Not sure how this will work with social distancing

  • ENA Contact List

Jim asked about how to update ENA contact list. We had people sign up to be added at the Subarea plan meeting. Jim has that list pulled together but does not know how to update the contact list.

Nathan explained that the list is linked to our website.  We think Brian and Sheena have passwords and know how to make changes.

Jim R. will contact Brian and Sheena to find out how to access ENA contact list.

  • Variety Show

Roger contacted the Eastside Neighborhood Association. They discussed the idea of a virtual show but concluded that it would be better to postpone until a live show can be held.

  • Neighborhood Mapping

Sherry provide an update of her work on neighborhood mapping. She has gone through all of the videos and is excited about starting with her immediate neighbors.

Cindy contacted Patrick Knoff with OFD. He has put a old on all neighborhood mapping activities to stay focuses on the City’s COVID-19 response.

  • Eastside Crossing

Jim S. Provide an update on the process to select the artist for the Eastside Crossing Gateway Project. The jury has narrowed the list from 10 to 3. They will interview with same jury next week. Next step is connection with two neighborhood associations. A joint meeting is a possibility in August or September.  CRANA meets at the NOVA School.

  • Armory

Jim S. established a contact with Parks. There is a lot of enthusiasm about the idea with City staff. Not much to report but interest is high. The City agreed to designate the site on the on historic register. The City is taking the lead. Marygrace and Stephanie Johnson were on the call. Jim S. will continue to is gather information.

  • Fir Street Reservoir

The City’s proposal to complete seismic upgrades on the reservoir has receive a SEPA determination of no significance. This was not challenged. We had hoped the City would address landscaping and remove the ivy, however, the is no work outside of reservoir.

  • Sub-area Plan Implementation

The subarea plan core team is meeting every other week. Work is focused on establishing the framework for engaging volunteers and pursuing issues that are already in progress such as getting historic designation of the Armory.

One action was to set up a sub-committee to investigate housing issues. Jim S. found a contact fond for Thurston Housing Land Trust. They want to talk with us about us about acquiring property for low- and moderate-income housing.

Sherry expressed an interest. 

Nathan suggested contacting others not on the board and Homes First.

Cindy mentioned that 1524 5TH Ave, which has been vacant for decades is being worked on. The contactor renovating the home got a deal with the City to live in a camper while working on the house.

  • Lions Park Spray-ground

No update. Jim R. Is still on point to contact the City.

  • Affordable Housing

Sherry asked if anyone had any thoughts about the affordable housing issues that are currently swirling or information about the Planning Commission meetings.

Jim R. mentioned that this is a significant topic at the CNA meetings. Many are frustrated that this seems to be done deal and any objections about the substance or process are falling on deaf ears. Clark Gilman essentially confirmed that that is true.

There was some discussion about the choice of Renata Rollins to call for a rent strike.

Nathan met with Teal new homeless community coordinator. Teal is overwhelmed.

Plum St. Is still up and running.  Nathan has noticed more people casing houses in the area since the measures to address COVID-19 were put into place. Cheryl indicated that she was seeing similar activity.

Union Gospel Mission is planning a few new houses.

The mitigation site seems to be running better.

The groups had a general discussion about challenges of homeless problems and solutions not being taken advantage of.

  • Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting

June 17, 2020

7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting.