2019 Annual Meeting

Time: Wednesday, February 6th, 7pm

Location: First United Methodist Church, 1224 Legion Way SE, Olympia, WA 98501

Agenda for Annual Meeting:

  • Minutes of the last years meetings are available.
  • Plum Street Tiny House Village – John Brown, Plum Street Site Manager, Low Income Housing Institute.
  • New OPD, Eastside Community Policing Officer George Clark – Presenting his new role.
  • Guidance on Recycling and Yard Waste – Kim Johnson, City Waste Resources Utility.
  • Sub Area Plan Update – Roger Horn and Jim Sweeney.
  • Report of President.
    • What do you want the ENA to achieve in 2019?
  • Report of Treasurer.
  • Elections.
    • Nominations from the floor.
    • Then elections will take place of Board members.
    • Officer positions are voted on by the new board the following month. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.

Neighborhood Christmas Caroling

When?  Friday, December 21st, 6:00 pm

Starting Point: Swantown Inn & Spa, corner of 11th Ave SE and Central


Once again some of your neighbors are gathering to do an hour or so of Christmas caroling in our neighborhood. If you’d like to join us please do! Either by yourself or bring a group of friends. The more the merrier.

We can provide song sheets. However the song book is also available on the ENA web site. You can download to your phone or the like. It makes it easier to read the words in the dark.

Also it is suggested to bring a flashlight or headlamp for navigating our sidewalks.


We will gather until 6:30, and have a practice run at 3-4 songs. Feel free to bring some “jingle bells”

Hot chocolate will be provided to get you warmed up! Feel free to bring cookies or the like to share.


Here is the BIG CHANGE from last year. We will not be as random in our destinations. If you live in the lower part of the neighborhood, and would like us to call on you, please post with a comment, noting your address. We plan on visiting up to 10 homes (dependent on distances between).

It’s great fun for young and old. Last year we had everything from 3 year olds to 90 years olds.


Our song book is available here; Eastside Neighborhood Caroling Songs_2018, and we will have some printed copies (it is easier to read the songs in the dark on devices (or with a flashlight if using paper version).


Our song list is as follows:

  1. Jingle Bells
    2. Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
    3. Deck the Halls
    4. Here Comes Santa Claus
    5. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
    6. Let it Snow
    7. Frosty the Snowman
    8. O Come All Ye Faithful
    9. Winter Wonderland

DOWNLOAD SONG BOOK: Eastside Neighborhood Caroling Songs_2018

Eastside Neighbor-Tainment Variety Show

When: Saturday, April 14th, 2:30 to 4:30

Where: Salvation Army Worship Center on 4th & Central

What: A family-friendly variety show

Cost: FREE

Performances include: Poetry readings, Middle Eastern dance, drumming, piano-playing, guitar-playing, singing, story-telling, and maybe more. Variety for all ages.

Refreshments will be provided.

Doors open at 2 p.m.

Brought to you by the Eastside Neighborhood Association

Bringing neighbors together!