Neighborhood Meeting Minutes March 2019

3/20/2019 Swantown Inn 7-8:30 pm


Board members – Sheena Pietzold, Brian Brannies, Jim Sweeney, Roger Horn, Nathan Allan

Others – Cheryl Bayle

1. Variety show update: Roger hasn’t heard back from Salvation Army about the date availability yet. Bigelow Highlands neighborhood wants to partner. We are looking at May 18th or June 1st but prefer June 1st. Roger will meet with Angie Warner-Rein from Bigelow Highlands to talk about getting performers, logistics, etc. We think partnering will help get more people, more performers, and more volunteers.

2. Sub-area update: Roger provided some background on what has happened so far. On the first survey (of four to get feedback on what’s been done so far), some of the comments were somewhat discouraging. There were 29 responses (the survey was 44 questions). We still think doing this kind of outreach is a good thing and the right thing to do. A tentative schedule for the rest of the planning process was discussed. We’ve gotten 11 responses so far on the second survey (the survey is 27 questions). The Core team is looking at the Vancouver subarea plans for examples and ideas. City staff have not been as helpful as we’d like, but no one person is currently devoted to helping with the subarea planning process right now. The next really big date for the subarea plan process is June 8th when we’ll hold a town hall. We’ll ask Paul Horton if he’ll facilitate and look at the Elks Lodge similar to the first town hall we had.

3. Mural update – Brad submitted the Neighborhood Matching Grant for the mural.

4. CNA report: Jim Sweeney – Dave Marty on the CNA suggested putting in a grant to the RNA (recognized neighborhood association) for facilitated training to make the CNA run more effectively/smoothly. There was an update/debrief on the snow storm from Public works and PSE. From what folks heard, positive take-a-way included people getting to know their neighbors, getting outside and walking around, etc. The more negative take-a-ways were mostly related access (like the kids couldn’t go to school because they couldn’t walk without going in the roads). There was also an update on the Homeless response plan (9-month timeline) that’s just getting started.

5. Picnic and block parties: Discussed dates for these events – picnic will be August 17th, 4-7pm, block parties will be July 12th, 5-7pm. Brian will work on securing the shelter and insurance for the picnic as well as donations from the Co-op and Ralph’s, Nathan will talk to Big Tom’s. Roger will coordinate with past block party hosts.

6. Treasurer report: Sherry unable to attend. Brian needs to get login info and can then fill in for Sherry.

7. Other business

– Any place we can archive past ENA-related docs? Example, past newsletters, etc. particularly hard copies. Perhaps a volunteer would be interested in helping scan and catalog these. Maybe we can check with city to see if we can use their facilities for scanning.

– Letter about armory – Jim S. will move on finalizing the letter, Brian as new president will sign.

– Plum Street village – we do have a seat on the advisory board, but things are moving a little slower than expected. The village is only about half-full right now and is taking a little longer than expected to fill the spots.

– Need to update the website with new board members and send the city the updated info, Sheena will be Secretary (voted in tonight). If we don’t get 2 more board members by next month, then we may need to update bylaws. Discussed doing a post on Nextdoor, website post, and email to the mail chimp account list to recruit more board members. It’s also a possibility to update the neighborhood boundaries to include the area from Eastside to Plum as well.

– County Courthouse Location special election is supposed to be in August, so if we wanted to host a forum, we would need to do it in July. City Council Candidate forum would need to be in late September or early October to be ready for the for the vote in November.

A chance to talk with Councilmembers Parshley and Bateman about houselessness

On Wednesday, September 12th, Olympia City Councilmembers Lisa Parshley and Jessica Bateman are holding a meeting with Eastside Neighborhood residents to hear your concerns and, very importantly, your suggestions regarding houselessness in Olympia. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. and will be held at the Olympia Veterinary Specialists Cancer Center at the corner of Eastside and State (115 Eastside St. NE). Please enter through the little house on the south end of the building.

The meeting is specifically for the Eastside Neighborhood. Meetings may be held for other neighborhoods in the future.

Come prepared to share your thoughts and ideas! Thank you.

Neighborhood Annual Picnic and Public Works Open House in the Park – Aug. 4th, 4 pm

The Eastside Neighborhood Annual Picnic will take place Saturday August 4, 2018 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at the Lions Park shelter.
Big Toms will generously provide burger fixings again! We’ll do hot dogs as well, with non-meat options available. Please feel free to bring a side dish to share with your neighbors, pot luck style.
In addition to getting together with your neighbors for fun stuff and great food, this year we are adding a special activity we’re calling:
Public Works Open House in the Park. 
Staff from the City of Olympia Public Works Department and Eastside Neighborhood Association Board members will be there to to listen to your concerns and ideas about streets, sidewalks, sewers, water, storm water, garbage and recycling. Do you have a favorite pothole you’d like to see filled or an idea for a bike route or walking path? Then bring it to the picnic. We want to hear from you. While we can’t guarantee the pothole will be filled, we will make sure your comments are considered in the Eastside Neighborhood Subarea Plan which is currently being drafted.

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes January 2018

Present: Sam, Roger, Nathan, Sheena, Jim, and Charlotte

Location: Elks Lodge
Minutes from December meeting approved with minor corrections.
Treasurers Report Approved
• Savings 1062.74
• Signs 1300.02
• Trees 151.99
• Community Beautification 507.00
• Checking 386.21

1. Sub-area plan – summary plan reviewed and milestones discussed. Talked about the missing middle and it’s relationship to the plan. Sub-area planning special topic #1 will be the missing middle. They will address it before the whole rest of the plan is done. The core team will discuss next steps at their next meeting. The city is pulling data for the beginning of the plan. Question about expanding the boundary of the neighborhood will also be addressed. It would be good to have a 4 by 6 size post card about the plan to out in the neighborhood. The City is willing to print them for free. Or it would be $75 to order them on line. During the general meeting we will provide an overview of the sub-area plan process. The Core Team meeting will be on 1/26th. The hope is to complete the sub area plan by the end of the year.
2. Missing Middle – If ENA is going to have a position on the missing middle it needs to be sent by the end of February to the planners at the city. On February 7th the City of Olympia will present information about the missing middle at our General Meeting. The board approved a request that we send a position letter on the missing middle to the City. The main topics will be our request that they slow down their process so we have time to work on our sub-area plan and for more citizen input about the missing middle. We will wait until after the general meeting on 2/7. Other issues of concern are about potential landlords that won’t live in our neighborhood and developers buy up run down homes and build multi-family apartments. Sheena will draft a letter for the board.
3. Neighborhood Mailing – It will include information about the meeting on the 7th at New Bridge. Sam read a draft letter which was approved by the board. Nathan will provide calendar information to be printed and added to the mailing. We have all the pieces for the letter now. Sam will send an e-mail invitation to board members about a time to meet to stuff the letters for mailing at Beer Work’s.
4. Kiosk and Grants – We got a time extension to build the kiosk we were granted funds to construct. We can have 2 years. The grants are available again. The board discussed the possibility of applying for funds to build another kiosk maybe at Madison Scenic Park or near the Swantown Inn. We need more funds for dog poop bags. The board also considered the possibility of applying for a gateway treatment. We could apply for funds to pay someone to plan for treatments at multiple entry points. Applications are due at 5 P.M. on March 1st. It was requested that members come to the next meeting of the board with concrete ideas. Next meeting will be February 21st.
5. Window Sticker and Dues – We have our Window stickers for people who pay their dues.
6. Winter Walk About – there were 9 windows decorated for the winter walkabout. About 20 people walked. There was a big loop all around the neighborhood as far down as 5th and Boulevard.
7. Caroling – It was great. About 35 people participated. Next year we need a list of people that want to be caroled to. And/or have a few/core people who practice and know the songs. We could create our own ENA caroling books, and modify the words specific to the neighborhood. Could put a list of songs and music posted on the Facebook page.
8. Map your neighborhood thing – Mapping places where vulnerable people live and were there are resources. Sandia is working on this. She sent out a message about it. There will be a training on March 21st on Tilly road about it. Could be done block by block. The board will encourage people to do it but not take it on. Sandia will have our support as a board.
9. Annual meeting – We may not have minutes from the 2017 General Mtg. but last year we talked about homeless population. Guests – Leonard or Joyce from the City of Olympia will attend the meeting and present about the Missing Middle. Agenda = review the subarea plan 10 minutes, Missing Middle 30 minutes, Elections 5-10 minutes. Question time 10 minutes. Sam will share events, we’ve done, the core sub-area team will talk about the sub-area plan. Board elections of volunteers will be done as a group, “all in favor”. Than approve a slate for the board later. We will announce the plans for the talent show in April. Refreshments, Sam will bring coffee, Jim and Charlotte will bring something. They will have coffee maker. They have a new 50ft TV screen if we want to display stuff. City could use it for their display. Roger will bring something to eat as wll.
10. Board Updates – We can have no fewer than 10 no greater than 20 members. All current board members are due to end their term this year. They are 2 year terms. We need to try to get ½ the board to come off in 2019. All officer positions are up for re-appointment every year.
11. Talent Show in April – Richard Peace, Salvation Army could host at no cost and they would cover the insurance. The building has a separate room for refreshments. Hank will be the MC and will play his guitar if people want accompaniment. There is a piano available. 200+ chairs Available and they have a low stage. There’s space available to do a sing along. The event will be from 2:30 to 4:30. Call it the Eastside Neighbortainment Show. Available on the 14th . Yes, the Salvation Army. Need a planning committee to work on it. Work with schools to get young people to come. Performers represent the neighborhood. Other neighborhoods can come. Everyone that performs does 5 minutes. One performance. Family appropriate only. Open to participation from other neighborhood associations?
12. Next meeting will be held on February 21 from 7-8p

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes December 2017

Present: Sam, Roger, Nathan, Sherry, Jim, Brian and Charlotte
Minutes from October meeting approved with minor corrections.
Treasurers Report Approved – funds from all accounts (savings, signs, trees, beautification, checking) $3528.45
• Savings $1062.66
• Signs $1299.93
• Trees $151.92
• Beautification $506.95
• Checking $506.94

1. Sub-area Planning – The Charter was shared with the CNA. They were very supportive. Stacy from the City of Olympia recommended that the core team get together in early January to discuss next steps. There is a recommended planning process available to follow. The Thurston Regional Planning Council and City of Olympia will work together to provide the demographics for the plan based on census data. There is a preference for our plan to provide information about the neighborhood profile that goes beyond the census. We may be able to get some additional information from the work being done on the Missing Middle.
a. Neighborhood Conversation Report – It was held on November 15th from 6:30 to 8:30p.m. at the Elks Lodge. There were about 48 people attending including the staff from the City of Olympia. Information from the meeting will be used to create the upcoming survey. The need for sidewalks was the biggest request. Also important to participants was neighborhood connections and events in the neighborhood. The meeting remained positive. There were very few negative statements. Attendees included a teenager who provided good input. The facilitator did a good job keeping the meeting on track. Questions asked included: Why do you live here? What matters most about your neighborhood? What concerns you? And What are your priorities? Participants were given a chance to vote for their priorities using sticky dots. There was a lot of input and it will take time to go through it all. The board approved re-paying Roger for the fee that he paid to the Elks Lodge. Names from the meetings sign in list will be added to the ENA mailing list. Handouts about upcoming events (caroling and winter window walkabout) were made available. Jim drafted a thank you note for Paul Horton for facilitating the Neighborhood Conversation meeting. The Board approved the letter. Jim took the ENA symbol and put it on the letter to Paul. The board liked it and discussed making it our official logo for future letters.
b. Sub-area Plan Survey – Board discussed using Survey Monkey for the survey and spending $34 a month for three months to pay for it. That pays for analysis of the data and graphics to help present the results. All board members voted in favor of paying the 3 month Survey Monkey membership to be able to use the tool. The board agreed that we should include another option for anyone that does not want to participate in the survey on-line. Sherry volunteered to help people who don’t want to go on-line to participate. Participants will not have to sign in to take the survey. Electronic messages about the survey will be posted/sent out. That will be followed by a mailing.
c. Mailing – Brian and Sheena are working to create a note card with information about the survey and a link to participate. They will provide it in a digital file which will be taken to the City of Olympia who will make 1,100 copies for us. Sam volunteered to create labels and process the card for the mailings. The goal is to mail out the post card by the end of the month. We will have to buy physical stamps for the mailing. We will make all labels out to “current resident”. A draft letter which would be included with the mailing was shared during the meeting. It will include information about the ENA dues which will be on a sliding scale. Luke will change the information about dues on line. Neighbors will be directed to go to the ENA website to pay or to put the payment into a drop box. We will add that “You’re support goes to …” to the letter. If you are a sustaining member you get a sticker with the visual image shared during our last meeting. Sam has already bought the stickers at $80. He’d like to be reimbursed if they help to increase membership/available funds. It was suggested that we add information about the neighborhood conversation in the letter. We should also include event calendar information that is on the website, printing it on the back side of the letter. This will include the February 7th meeting (at the New Bridge Church), and the Picnic on August 4th, at Lion’s Park. Nathan will draft something and send it to Sam. We may also include information about how to sign up for Nextdoor, the address for the ENA webpage and the ENA Facebook page. We can ask people to give us their e-mail address if they want to be on our mailing list and get a regular newsletter. There will be two pieces of paper in the mailing. Sam will organize an envelop stuffing event for the board at Beer Works.
2. Winter Window Walkabout – Nathan put stuff on the web about it. Roger put out a post. Jodi Sobier will also do a post. There is 1 person who’s signed up to do a window. The deadline for signing up to paint your window is December 27th. The event will start at the Swan Town Inn. Roger will send the locations to Brian who will make maps. We will put the map on Nextdoor and on our Facebook page. We will include Light-Straveganza as one of the spots on the map. Nathan will provide hot chocolate, and cookies. We can work on reimbursement later, but it will be no more than $50. Brian will bring cider. The notice needs to remind people to bring flashlights or head lamps.
3. Caroling – The Caroling will be held on December 15th (Friday night) at 6:00p.m. Tara Wickham has volunteered to lead it. It will start from her house at 902 Boundry. There are 29 copies of the Christmas music booklets/sheets. Only 2 people are signed up, but several members of the board are planning to attend who have not yet signed up. There may be others.
4. Missing Middle – This is a new housing initiative for Olympia being considered for all areas that are within 600 ft. of transit (almost all of the ENA). It will allow for new tri/four-plex apartments and more density in the neighborhood. It is expected that our neighborhood will be heavily impacted. The change will signal to developers that our neighborhood is where density will happen. There was concern that if new building in the neighborhood is mostly fourplexes than developers will be the only ones that will invest in our neighborhood. As this happens most of the new people that move into the neighborhood would live in rentals. The city is moving fast with the initiative. There is a public communication document that was drafted to help explain it. We talked about having a sub-group go through the plan to prepare formal feedback about the document from the ENA Board. Roger, Sherry, and Jim volunteered to go through the it and prepare specific comments. The letter to the City with our recommendations would also request a timeline that will allow for our sub-area plan work to be completed before the Missing Middle changes are finalized. All of the board were encouraged to take the cities missing middle survey. We will discuss this at the February ENA General Mtg. Leonard from the city has been invited to attend that meeting.
5. February General Meeting – Leonard Bauer will do a Missing Middle presentation and allow time for discussion. We will do an update on the sub-area plan at the meeting and may also want to have a sub-area plan event before the business part of the meeting. It would be good to have the survey results if possible. Or open the survey right before and use the meeting to advertise the survey again.
6. Kiosk Project – No progress has been made. The original design was drafted. It’s like the Garfield nature trail kiosk. It will have cedar shingles and a sliding or hinged window that will open. The site at Lions Park hasn’t been decided yet but a spot near the shelter is preferred. No power or lighting will be needed. Sam will finalize the plans for the 6 by 6 kiosk. He can do some of the work and will need help for other parts. There is an Iron Works person in the community that Jim knows and will ask to help. Sam will ask for an extension for the grant from the City.
7. New Neighborhood Grants – Applications will be out the first of January and due March 31st. Katie, City of Olympia, is running the grants program. We are not eligible if we are still working on an extension for a previous grant. Grants can be up to $5000 if they are a joint project between two Neighborhood Associations. A kiosk for Madison was suggested for the 2018 grant. Another option would be a grant to pay for training and other administration efforts. It was also suggested that we ask participants attending the General Meeting what they might want.
8. Round About – Our new plants died. It looks like one flat succulent now. Mulch will be put out in early 2018. We may want to re-plant and could ask Margaret for ideas or what to plant.
9. Talent Context Event – Suggested for the Spring maybe in March or April at the Elks Lodge or another community venue. Roger volunteered to help plan it.
10. January Meeting – The next meeting will be held on January 17th from 7-8p.m. at the Elk’s Lodge.